Mobile Device Management
29 TopicsPowerShell script to change font of office apps
Hi, We are using Microsoft 365 for Enterprise for delivery office apps to users via Microsoft Intune. Currently the default font for all office apps is Calibri and now users want that it should change to Arial, 11 font. Is there a way in Powershell to make that change. I have been suggested ways to do it with .net objects or Interop. Can someone please share a sample PowerShell script or a full script to make that change. Thanks, Ashish Arya33KViews0likes18CommentsCompare two csv files
Hello I am trying to get an idea of devices that have not enrolled in Intune, but are accessing exchange online. I am using two .csv files. The intune file contains all devices that have enrolled in intune and the Exchange file contains all devices that are currently found in Exchange online. I want to compare the two files and export the differences to another .csv file. The two files share a common attribute "deviceid" Thank you in advance for any guidance $Intune = import-csv .\intune.csv | Group-Object -AsHashTable -AsString -Property 'DeviceID' $Exchange = import-csv .\mobiledevicereport.csv | Group-Object -AsHashTable -AsString -Property 'DeviceID'Solved22KViews0likes2CommentsWith Graph API we are only getting 1000 devices
HI Team, We are using the below PowerShell script to change the Primary user of a device by checking the last logged in userid. Below is the github repo link which holds this PowerShell script and also the link of an article about the explanation of this script - The problem now is that we are only able to get 1000 devices in the $Devices variable in the above mentioned script and we have around 2000 devices so 1000 more devices are not getting fetched by this script. Also this script always get the device in the same pattern i.e.. if I run the script today and tomorrow then the devices will show the same pattern that is also the reason the rest 1000 devices are not getting fetched. Any solution to this issue will be a great help for me. Regards, Ashish AryaSolved9KViews0likes10Comments365 A3 for Faculty - cannot upgrade to Windows 10 edu (ent)
We recently purchased Microsoft 365 A3 for Faculty, we were assured that for educations users there was an upgrade path from home to Windows 10 Edu (comes with the 365 A3 for Faculty) . We have not been able to upgrade. Things we have tried: MDM, setting up MDM in intune, doesn't work with a rest on the home ed, or with a glpk on pro connecting user via azure (add work or school account) installing 10 pro and signing in with the domain account assigned the licence many command line product key tricks changing our domain and users to *** installing education and Enterprise editions installing the office apps setting up the education store to auto switch Contacting 365 support, activation support, support through our partner. Nothing we (or our partner) have done gets us closer (we have been working on this since Nov 30th). Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Brad6.7KViews0likes1CommentQuestion: Script to see if device is Azure AD joined
We often receive notebooks that are still joined to a Azure AD tenant. Is there a (simple) Powershell script that shows if a device is still joined to a tenant? Knowing which exact tenant the device is registered to is a nice-to-have but not required. FYI, we already tried the cmd command 'dsregcmd' but unfortunately the output was not reliable. We found multiple occasions where dsregcmd claimed the device was not Azure AD joined while it definitely was.4.5KViews0likes3CommentsNeed a PS Script to Search Registry and Delete Keys
Situation The organization configured laptops with an MDM that we no longer have access to. We are now enrolling all Windows computers into the Intune MDM. The laptops that are still enrolled in the previous MDM will not enroll in Intune. I have figured out how to remove the enrollment by deleting specific keys in the registry, but these key are not named the same so I can't just simply target and delete them. The key name used is consistent on the computer A but will be different on computer B. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\FE600696-F255-4BB9-AE5E-63CC2A35047D HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EnterpriseResourceManager\Tracked\FE600696-F255-4BB9-AE5E-63CC2A35047D HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\omadm\Accounts\FE600696-F255-4BB9-AE5E-63CC2A35047D Script Needed There appears to be only one key under the following paths: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EnterpriseResourceManager\Tracked\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Provisioning\omadm\Accounts\ Need a script that can read the name of the key under one of these two paths and then search for and delete the same key and any child keys under the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\Solved3.8KViews0likes4CommentsIntune, MDT, WDS, Autopilot, Config Mgr
I am new to the community, hopefully asking in the correct general area. I am a one man IT shop at a small high school. We are a MS based school (365 A1; AD one-way sync to Azure; using WSUS/GP, and PDQ to deploy most everything. Though we are a BYOD school, I have several hundred school devices, Workstations, desktops, laptops, and tablets. These service both staff and students in labs, etc. Every summer I purchase/refresh a lab or two as well as staff machines. In the past, I have used FOG to image these PC's. I am looking for the Golden-Image scenario - model/drivers non-specific. Now with Windows 10, there seems to be many more options. I have been reading up on: Intune, MDT, ADK, WDS, Autopilot, and Configuration Manager. I am wondering if there is anyone out there in similar shoes (one man, low budget, etc.) , that use these Microsoft systems to manage their devices and could share what they use?2.5KViews0likes0CommentsUploading app icons for manage apps in intune using microsoft graph SDK Powershell
hi all, I am creating a script to add apps to intune and assign them. currently, all is working well apart from uploading the icon. Here is the portion of the body parameters $appBody = @{ '@odata.type' = "#microsoft.graph.winGetApp" description = $appInfo.ShortDescription developer = $appInfo.Publisher displayName = "$($appInfo.packageName) ($($runAsScope))" informationUrl = $appInfo.PublisherSupportUrl largeIcon = @{ "@odata.type"= "#microsoft.graph.mimeContent" "type" = "image/jpeg" "value" = $base64string } installExperience = @{ runAsAccount = $runAsScope } isFeatured = $True packageIdentifier = $appId privacyInformationUrl = $appInfo.PrivacyUrl publisher = $appInfo.publisher repositoryType = "microsoftStore" roleScopeTagIds = @() } There are no errors i have tried type "image/png" as well, but again no errors. I am using the New-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementMobileApp command. I will try to manually use graph explorer to see if I can do it post app creation. Any pointers and examples welcomed2.2KViews0likes6CommentsWindows Phone
Considering getting a Windows Phone. Is anyone using a windows phone for education. Would like something with a stylus like a Samsung Note. or should I stick with Android? Please let me know what phone you use or if there is recommendation for a new phone. thx.Solved1.6KViews0likes2CommentsQuery regarding MDM Unenrollment initiated by the User.
Hi, We are facing one Issue regarding MDM Unrenrollment process initiated by User, In which when MDM server is receiving Unenrollment the request, it does not contain Meta value for Alert(1226) in the SyncBody. Please find following logs for the same behavior : [Windows MDM Sync request for device guid <> <SyncML xmlns="SYNCML:SYNCML1.2"> <SyncBody> <Alert> <CmdID>2</CmdID> <Data>1201</Data> </Alert> <Alert> <CmdID>3</CmdID> <Data>1224</Data> <Item> <Meta/> <Data>user</Data> </Item> </Alert> <Alert> <CmdID>4</CmdID> <Data>1226</Data> <Item> <Meta/> <Data>1</Data> </Item> </Alert> <!-- other device information --> <SyncBody> Earlier, Under this Alert tag we had a Meta tag which contained string : "" as part of User Initiated disconnection, on basis of which MDM Server proceeds with further action. <Alert> <CmdID>4</CmdID> <Data>1226</Data> <Item> <Meta> <ns2:Type></ns2:Type> </Meta> <Data>1</Data> </Item> </Alert> But now the above <Meta> that MDM Server receives is Empty tag without any String (<Meta/>). This behavior can be seen on various windows versions like : 1803, 1809, 1903, 1909 and 2004 that has been tested and getting the same result. In the document : , nothing is updated or mentioned regarding change in unenrollment process initiated by the User. Can we use the alert value 1226 without the "" value be used to trigger unenrollment for the device. Any reason why the type has been removed from these versions. Please clarify on same so that we can proceed on this. Thanks.1.5KViews1like3Comments