12 TopicsFuture of AI for Nonprofits AMA with Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
We're excited to announce a Future of AI for Nonprofits AMA on Thursday, March 14th at 9:00 AM Pacific Time with guests from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation. Vilas Dhar, President of the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, AI ethicist, and global policy expert, spoke with Kate Behncken, CVP of Microsoft Philanthropies, at the Global Nonprofits Leaders Summit. His insights into the future of AI and the potential for impact to nonprofits were an invaluable part of the Summit - and now we're making the session available to everyone. We'll release the video here for the first time on March 14. Watch the Fireside Chat session from the summit and join us for a live Q&A with guests from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation and Microsoft Philanthropies. What questions do you have about AI and how it might impact your nonprofit organization? Post your questions now and share your insights from the session below. This AMA will be a live text-based online event similar to an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit, but it will have pre-recorded video. This is a great opportunity for you to connect with Microsoft product experts who will be on hand to answer your questions and listen to feedback. Feel free to start posting your questions now in the comments below. However, please note that questions will not be answered until the live event.5.1KViews3likes35CommentsAI for Community Impact
Harness the power of AI for community impact. Microsoft Philanthropies' mission is to empower non-profits, charities and communities with digital and AI capabilities to expand opportunity. Building on the momentum of this AI moment and the success of the very first Microsoft Global Nonprofit Leaders Summit this past January, we invite you to join us at the Microsoft Canada headquarters to keep the AI adoption conversation going of how we ensure the non-profit sector seize this transformational moment. The day will bring together fellow non-profit and community leaders, sector experts with hands on workshops to learn, inspire and most importantly, tangible takeaways for consideration of your organization embarks on their digital and AI journey. Connect. Learn. Innovate. Together. Venue Microsoft Canada Headquarters 81 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5K 1E7 81 Bay Street, Suite 4400, CIBC Square, Toronto, Ontario, Canada When: Tuesday, June 04, 2024, 9:00 AM –4:00 PM EDT Where: 81 Bay Street, Suite 4400, CIBC Square, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Register for this in-person event here: AI for Community Impact1.8KViews1like0CommentsAI for Changemakers - Brazil
Junte-se à Microsoft e a ONGs de todo o país no evento AI for ChangeMakers! Se você faz parte de uma organização sem fins lucrativos e está entusiasmado com o potencial de impacto social da Inteligência Artificial, este evento é para você. O Terceiro Setor é fundamental para expandir as oportunidades que a tecnologia traz de forma democrática, ética e justa. A IA tem o poder de alavancar estratégias incríveis de resolução de problemas e parcerias com a comunidade, e as ONGs têm protagonismo neste processo. Hoje, com a IA, as organizações sem fins lucrativos têm o potencial de transformar diversos aspectos de seu trabalho, de pequenas tarefas do dia a dia ao aumento do impacto de programas em larga escala. Neste evento híbrido, a Microsoft Brasil convida representantes de organizações do Terceiro Setor para participarem dessa experiêncIA seja em nossa sede em São Paulo ou virtualmente. O evento está sendo organizado pela área de Filantropia da Microsoft Brasil com o objetivo de levar conhecimento sobre o potencial da tecnologia para o impacto social e ambiental e fomentar a criação de uma comunidade tech de Changemakers. Venha se capacitar para liderar a mudança na era da IA. Para se inscrever para a versão online do evento, acesse: for Nonprofits AMA on Tech Community
We're excited to announce an AI for Nonprofits AMA on Thursday, February 22nd, at 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time! AI for nonprofits is transforming how organizations improve mission impact. Want help turning your ideas into action? Ask us anything! We’re hosting a webinar with Zoe Amar and Beth Kanter on LinkedIn sharing some of the inspiration and ideas from the Global Nonprofit Leaders Summit and what they are hearing from nonprofits in the US and the UK. Register for the LinkedIn webinar here, then join us in the Nonprofit Community on this event page for a live Q&A session to get help and ideas for your organization’s questions and use cases. Beth, Zoe, and our product experts will be available to solve challenges with you. Register for the LinkedIn webinar here RSVP to this AMA here and add it to your calendar This AMA will be a live text-based online event with no audio or video component similar to an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit. This is a great opportunity for you to connect with Microsoft product experts who will be on hand to answer your questions and listen to feedback. Feel free to start posting your questions now in the comments below. However, please note that questions will not be answered until the live event.2KViews1like24Comments