Project Server
145 TopicsIssue with EntityLinks in Project Online API
Hello everyone, I'm working with Project Online and trying to retrieve task data via the API. While reviewing the metadata, I noticed that PublishedTasks have a navigation property called EntityLinks, but I couldn't find clear documentation on its purpose or usage. What I Tried I attempted the following API requests: Retrieve EntityLinks for a task: GET https://{sitename}'{validProjectId}')/Tasks('{validTaskId}')/EntityLinks Expand EntityLinks within tasks GET https://{sitename}'{validProjectId}')/Tasks?$expand=EntityLinks Observations When the project has tasks, the request fails with: { "odata.error": { "code": "42, Microsoft.ProjectServer.PJClientCallableException", "message": { "lang": "en-US", "value": "PJClientCallableException: GeneralUnhandledException\r\nGeneralUnhandledException\r\nException = System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.\r\n at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.EntityLinks.ThrowIfEntityLinksNotSupported()\r\n at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.EntityLinks.ReadEntityLinksForEntities(Guid[] entityUids)\r\n at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.CSOMImpl.<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<ReadEntityLinksForEntities>b__1()\r\n at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessObjectMethodInvocation.InvokeBusinessObjectMethod(String methodName, IEnumerable`1 actions)" } } } If the project has no tasks, the request returns an empty response without errors { "odata.metadata": "https://{sitename}$metadata#SP.ApiData.PublishedTasks", "value": [ ] } Other navigation properties (e.g., Predecessors) work fine with a similar request. Questions What are EntityLinks, and what do they refer to? How can they be created via the UI in Project Online? Is there a way to retrieve them successfully through the API? I couldn't find references for this error or EntityLinks. Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!26Views0likes0CommentsIssue with EntityLinks in Project Online API
Hello everyone, I'm working with Project Online and trying to retrieve task data via the API. While reviewing the metadata, I noticed that PublishedTasks have a navigation property called EntityLinks, but I couldn't find clear documentation on its purpose or usage. What I Tried I attempted the following API requests: Retrieve EntityLinks for a task: GET https://{sitename}'{validProjectId}')/Tasks('{validTaskId}')/EntityLinks Expand EntityLinks within tasks: GET https://{sitename}'{validProjectId}')/Tasks?$expand=EntityLinks Observations When the project has tasks, the request fails with: { "odata.error": { "code": "42, Microsoft.ProjectServer.PJClientCallableException", "message": { "lang": "en-US", "value": "PJClientCallableException: GeneralUnhandledException\r\nGeneralUnhandledException\r\nException = System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.\r\n at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.EntityLinks.ThrowIfEntityLinksNotSupported()\r\n at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.EntityLinks.ReadEntityLinksForEntities(Guid[] entityUids)\r\n at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.CSOMImpl.<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<ReadEntityLinksForEntities>b__1()\r\n at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessObjectMethodInvocation.InvokeBusinessObjectMethod(String methodName, IEnumerable`1 actions)" } } } If the project has no tasks, the request returns an empty response without errors: { "odata.metadata": "https://{sitename}$metadata#SP.ApiData.PublishedTasks", "value": [ ] } Other navigation properties (e.g., Predecessors) work fine with a similar request. Questions What are EntityLinks, and what do they refer to? How can they be created via the UI in Project Online? Is there a way to retrieve them successfully through the API? I couldn't find references for this error or EntityLinks. Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!12Views0likes0CommentsProject Online - My Tasks not displaying calculated Task custom field?
Hello, we have defined a calculated Task custom fields that displays an indicator about the Task Status: The field works perfect on all Plans, displaying task by task the indicator correctly. We have added this custom field in the My Tasks page as one more column: Even tho the Project has been published, and therefore the custom field has been recalculated and it has an indicator in the Project Plan, here in the My Tasks page it is not working. We cannot see any value (indicator or text). Is there something we are missing? Thanks!45Views0likes0CommentsGetting Project Server data using REST APIs in ADF
Hello, I have created a pipeline that copies Project Server data from REST APIs to a JSON Datalake and then to my SQL Server database (SSMS). I was inspired by the following blog: I built the pipeline like in the blog and it looks like this: The first 5 activities retrieve login information necessary to access Project Server. All that information is brought together with a concat in the next step. I also have a access token (bearer token). Next, I have three different copy steps, one for each table of Project Server data that I want to copy (Projects, Resources & Assignments). Each table has its own REST API. The Projects REST API look like this: The other two are the same only with ‘Assignments’ and ‘Resources’ at the end. The Copy activity looks like this: The Sink is a JSON Datalake. For the mapping part, I only put the ProjectId column for testing purposes. My main issue is the amount of rows that the API’s copy. Firstly, the Projects API copies only copies exactly 300 rows, meanwhile it should be 626. The Resources API copies way more rows: 838, which is the right amount. The Assignments API copies exactly 1000 rows. The Assignments are a large Fact table of more than 40 000 rows. Another issue is the rest of the output I receive from the Copy activity. The output does not give any info about ‘offset’ or ‘pages’, so I also cannot use pagination. I tried to work around this with adding "?top=1000" to the API URL and by using relative URL’s, an Until loop, but nothing really seems to work. Does someone have experience in this niche issue? I haven’t found much documentation (the blog also did not mention anything about the count of rows) and I am new to ADF so any help is more than welcome! Thank you in advance!80Views0likes2CommentsProject web app- No up to date data via OData feed
Hi all, we are working with the project web app. The Data stored in the project web app is pulled via the OData feed connector into a PowerBI report. The project web app is hosted on, the data is pulled from The connection and data refresh was working for months without an issue, last week I have added two enterprise custom fields in the PWA and made some changes to the Enterprise Global. When opening the enterprise global a cache limit error appeared in Project Desktop, which was resolved by deleting the cache. I had to do a forced check in of the enterprise global in the PWA settings. I also got an error when loading the "Tasks" table in Power BI, an issue with one of the newly added enterprise custom fields was reported. This issue just appeared once, seems now to be resolved. Since then, I have not gotten any up to data from the PWA via the OData feed into PowerBI. When looking directly in the PWA the data gets updated, but gets not submitted via the OData feed anymore, some "old" versoin of the data gets submitted, I can run the data refresh against the OData feed without any issue but returns only "old" data. I also have 2 "Project Save from Project Professional" jobs under "Manage queue jobs" with job type "Cancelled" which I cannot remove / cancel from the list. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance151Views0likes14CommentsHow to extract the value of RBS in Enterprise Resource in Project Server 2019?
I try to retrieve the value of RBS in Enterprise Resource in Project Server by using C#/ CSOM. Unfortunately, I just got the Resource Name, as for the value of RBS, I always cannot extract any value from this field. Sometimes, the value of RBS is wrong or the same. I shared the code for you to look at and hope the seasoned people can help me to address it or sharing some idea in this. I appreciate your help. Thanks. Explanation: The Enterprise Resources will be extracted by ID. "projectContext" will load specificRes with all Custom Fields. I'm going to retrieve the value of a specific field (RBS) Finally, When I specify to retrieve the value of "RBS", no matter how I change the Resource Id, the value of RBS is the same Is there any idea on this issue? Thanks for everyone's help. var specificRes = projectContext.EnterpriseResources.GetById(new Guid("46914ae8-3c55-488d-a045-4d1a5aaf1e74").ToString()); projectContext.Load(specificRes, r => r.Name, r => r.CustomFields, r => r.CustomFields.IncludeWithDefaultProperties( lu => lu.LookupTable, lu => lu.LookupEntries)); projectContext.ExecuteQuery(); var cusField = specificRes.CustomFields.FirstOrDefault(cf => cf.InternalName == "Custom_000039b78bbe4ceb82c4fa8c0c400284"); projectContext.Load(cusField); projectContext.ExecuteQuery(); Console.WriteLine(cusField.LookupEntries.First().FullValue);71Views0likes7CommentsTask Delete
Hi, We are using Project Server 2019. We came across an issue wherein a task got automatically deleted after the Actual Work was updated. We are not able to figure it out, how as tasks cannot be deleted if actuals are booked on it. How can i find the root cause of this issue. can i check it in the Project Server Queue or in the ULS Logs. Regards, Amit Wairkar104Views0likes0CommentsConnect MS Project Server 2016 to SharePoint Online
Hello! I have an instance of MS Project Server 2016 on-premise and I want the documents for each project and the site to be based on an online SharePoint. Basically an hybrid solution where the documents are on sharePoint online. Once I create a project, the site would automatically be created on SharePoint online. Is this possible? And if so, how can this be done?Solved236Views0likes1Comment