1 TopicFormat QuickPart as Currency
Hi, I am currently passing a currency value from Sharepoint to a word document through quick parts. The value is a currency everywhere except for on the document. I found this on web https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/de2272f1-0c03-43a4-8bc9-78917cc5992d/format-quick-part-document-property-received-from-sharepoint but its from 12 years ago. I used ctrl-F9 to insert a pair of field code braces { } and then { QUOTE "[QuickPart]" \#$,0.00 }. Does anyone have any suggestions? I really don't want to store the number as text in sharepoint for analytics reasons but the user I'm building it for really needs it displayed correctly on the document.949Views0likes5Comments