29 TopicsSharePoint Admin Center redirecting to SPFx Single Sign On Redirect Page
Hello, I've got an issue currently open with Microsoft Support however they're so far have been unable to resolve why I am being redirected to the SPFx Single Sign On Redirect Page when trying to access https://mytenant-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/online/AdminHome.aspx#/home or https://admin.microsoft.com/sharepoint I am automatically taken to this page: https://mytenant-admin.sharepoint.com/_forms/spfxsinglesignon.aspx#code=0.AS8AW0bSmouaik6V_eHePuABYHaI4Qh3YX5IuLXPlQweWYwvABo.AgABAAIAAAAmoFfGtYxvRrNriQdPKIZ-AgDs_wUA9P_WluBbcSJB8cYbx71lqqyGHXDLsQVhhZcLagG1nJVuzJmvdXqmMvfZLcR57oq4kV22VhbPOWpKyp9ABUF4tm7Pxs5I5_B3BPsDOD4QiS0VqO6gwAwQYNUc9pOjEloq0Bz1B1ZHnQMm-hG4V_82qj9O8Hx6rJ8JSpA9fBzhz51tsPClPQOBVpBU1fns_9bkraWscTBJnOlDTJv5hBrN1q6Fg7wqj5B2C9xdYCFBvb-VtaDifKLGrfvMUcnQ65q4QdOUogXsMT-jRVEQiLtMlqRb577n2BH0AQNrgAAOx2O4mlaICP0zryw6Gq3gZwnn8nCieusQ_zUqDUENaF9EDovxLvq-VDkNy7FUKU3lOlXqOE-j89oez7Wxpe-811wJUKVwv4nyeymNTqs4K7e1BHR-15iECb40bI65TvjzKSS-Zz9qBLu2c8vDxq18snuqpyhO_JxUIC7ya4qysOl1kexTqBjINizSrb7s94PXXJAzVBT_XuCZDPK2YaOewowrpPPzcV5d7M_HgezHDGI6_8YPZOI4SfKDWAQ4hN02LiexG71z3OtzUt1pPMErBVjzDMC1NGdNspu4f9JPAIjdBlYRbHRB0mt1HsbmJiVmbUpSDgoqz0VIBPeh_zVfhFp8Yv8qGBut6mbOCgG9IYppfX3K5j9hsEUYhKDpdSPSxcGuW2JfoOI6kD222eZ9WRyVip9WyAndCzO0yKp48op3z_5_NnqfVEWZEW4vNOkB3TZF3n8SI2OEu6eYODGjyZBKikhnMQ6o72PpO9V8lFQKejK_3-ll-Znh4nDpjkjoix8FCzAsLRydrV0I-4Zb2U4aTRDc7Z4ZkAUKyHHFjO_cIeMrw_mYmRmzF6SOsTX5cbwLcyukQiT-a9WLBg0UVQNkuQB0gruCANYYlP4d-aElOvODltEP&client_info=eyJ1aWQiOiI0MTljN2FhNS1hMzlmLTQwZGEtODQxZi02MDQ4OTA1YzliYzYiLCJ1dGlkIjoiOWFkMjQ2NWItOWE4Yi00ZThhLTk1ZmQtZTFkZTNlZTAwMTYwIn0&state=eyJpZCI6IjhhNjM0ZGQwLWYxYTgtNGE4NC1iNGQwLTcwNzAwYWQ1ODE4YyIsIm1ldGEiOnsiaW50ZXJhY3Rpb25UeXBlIjoicmVkaXJlY3QifX0%3d%7chttps%3a%2f%2fmytenant-admin.sharepoint.com%2f_layouts%2f15%2fonline%2fAdminHome.aspx%23%2fhome&session_state=3eeb8686-6f12-44cd-8159-1bb6ccf45bdb&correlation_id=5318a330-f909-411b-b997-a203bf473edb Any clue on what could be causing this as it only appears to be happening with my admin account. All other admins who have the SharePoint Admin role are able to traverse to the SharePoint Admin Center correctly. and Yes, I've tried this on 4 different browsers and several different computers - all resulting in the same issue.8.6KViews1like9CommentsSharePoint 2019 - Embed.aspx page
Hello, I've implemented an SPFX solution that displays document files retrieved from document library , once clicked, it should open the document in sharepoint's embed.aspx page from the field "ServerRedirectedEmbedUrl". But this field is always empty for the documents. Also, when i try to access the embed page through the browser like "http://servername/_layouts/15/embed.aspx" i see the error bellow: how can i fix this? knowing that this functionality is working normally for SharePoint Online, but iam struggling trying to implement the same for sharepoint 2019 server.520Views0likes0CommentsError - [tsc] src/extensions/topBarNavigation/TopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizer.ts(66,111): erro
Hi i'm new to sharepoint development and I'm compiling the build using gulp build for solution but getting error on second last line of code (const elem: React.ReactElement<IReactHeaderProps> = React.createElement(ContextualMenuSubmenuExample, this);).. don't know what the problem.. i installed the type sscript version 3.7.7 the code is: import { override } from '@microsoft/decorators'; import { Log } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library'; import { BaseApplicationCustomizer, PlaceholderContent, PlaceholderName } from '@microsoft/sp-application-base'; export interface IHelloWorldApplicationCustomizerProperties { Top: string; Bottom: string; } import * as strings from 'TopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizerStrings'; import * as React from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import {IReactHeaderProps, ContextualMenuSubmenuExample} from './ContextualMenuSubmenuExample'; const LOG_SOURCE: string = 'TopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizer'; /** * If your command set uses the Client SideComponentProperties JSON input, * it will be deserialized into the BaseExtension.properties object. * You can define an interface to describe it. */ export interface ITopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizerProperties { Top: string; Bottom: string; } /** A Custom Action which can be run during execution of a Client Side Application */ export default class TopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizer extends BaseApplicationCustomizer<ITopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizerProperties> { private _topPlaceholder: PlaceholderContent | undefined; private _bottomPlaceholder: PlaceholderContent | undefined; @override public onInit(): Promise<void> { Log.info(LOG_SOURCE, `Initialized ${strings.Title}`); // Wait for the placeholders to be created (or handle them being changed) and then // render. this.context.placeholderProvider.changedEvent.add(this, this._renderPlaceHolders); return Promise.resolve(); } private _onDispose(): void { console.log('[TopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizer._onDispose] Disposed custom top and bottom placeholders.'); } private _renderPlaceHolders(): void { // Handling the top placeholder if (!this._topPlaceholder) { this._topPlaceholder = this.context.placeholderProvider.tryCreateContent( PlaceholderName.Top, { onDispose: this._onDispose } ); // The extension should not assume that the expected placeholder is available. if (!this._topPlaceholder) { console.error("The expected placeholder (Top) was not found."); return; } const elem: React.ReactElement<IReactHeaderProps> = React.createElement(ContextualMenuSubmenuExample, this); ReactDOM.render(elem, this._topPlaceholder.domElement); } } } error: [11:42:27] Finished subtask 'sass' after 9.47 s [11:42:27] Starting subtask 'tslint'... [11:42:28] [tslint] tslint version: 5.12.1 [11:42:28] Starting subtask 'tsc'... [11:42:28] [tsc] typescript version: 3.7.7 [11:42:40] Error - [tsc] src/extensions/topBarNavigation/TopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizer.ts(66,111): error TS2769: No overload matches this call. [11:42:40] [tsc] The last overload gave the following error. [11:42:40] [tsc] Argument of type 'this' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Attributes'. [11:42:40] [tsc] Type 'TopBarNavigationApplicationCustomizer' has no properties in common with type 'Attributes'. [11:42:40] Error - 'tsc' sub task errored after 12 s exited with code 21.2KViews0likes1CommentField Name "_LikeCount and _CommentCount" is not recognize in Graph Explorer
Hi I'm trying to query most liked and commented news in SharePoint Site Pages however when trying to order descending using _LikeCount and _CommentCount i received this error: A provided field name is not recognized I don't have any issue with other fields except these two. https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{ID}/lists/Site Pages/items?$filter=fields/PromotedState eq 2&expand=fields($select=createdDateTime,BannerImageUrl,PromotedState,FileLeafRef,AuthorLookupId,Modified,_CommentCount,_LikeCount,Title,Description,LinkTitle)&$top=5&$orderby=fields/_LikeCount desc Any help is appreciated. Thanks!1KViews0likes0CommentsFull Width no longer working on custom web parts
Good morning, Just seeing if anyone has experienced web parts not displaying full width any longer in the last few months. We have a couple custom web parts built in SPFx, both of which have "SupportsFullBleed" enabled. They rendered correctly for a year or so but recently stopped rendering full screen. Odd enough, when editing the SharePoint page, they display full width. When the page is published and live, they no render narrow. Appreciate any insight or "yeah we're experiencing that too". Thanks!885Views0likes1CommentNavigate to new url from SPFX in Sharepoint online
I have a dropdown in SPFX webpart in sharepoint online. In that dropdown, onchange, I am constructing a url with # tag. E.x. https://sharepointonine/default.aspx#2349-234234-23434 I need to navigate to this new url. I am not sure how to accomplish things. I have tried: window.location = url //Gives error that string is not assignable to Location window.location.href= url//does not reload the page window.open(url, "_self")//does not reload the page window.location.assign(url);//does not reload the page window.location.replace(url);//does not reload the page Any help?2.4KViews0likes1CommentHow can we connect listwebpart present on modern page to SPFX?
How can we connect listwebpart present on modern page to SPFX? On SharePoint modern page, i have list view of list X and a SPFX webpart. How can i pass data from list view to SPFX?. In on prim, connectable webpart property present but in online how can achieve same?758Views0likes0CommentsSPFx solution with 2 pages and web parts communicating
I am replacing a server side solution that allowed a master application page to fire headless window that talk to the originating page. Now I am doing it in SPO with SPFx and so far I just used one page and web part with a big dialog that can't get out of the sending page. My users want to be able to put the dialog on the second monitor so I think I have to do it in a different window / web part. I am planning a version 2.0 and collection ideas how to do it. So far I think I will use "broadcast-channel" for communicating between the parent page/web part and the child page/web part. I still need to figure out the following: How to create a sharepoint page containing just a SPFx web part without all the side and top bla bla. (safe to hide by CSS?) How to pass the spfxContext from parent to child how to debug 2 separate SPFx projects at the same time while building the solution. Any suggestion is welcomed. Samples even more 😘 Thank you in advance.861Views0likes0Comments