3 TopicsProject Timesheet Submission via Smart Phone hitting issues
Hi All, I have rolled out MSPS 2019 onto a project. Due to client access issues, the only option for some users is to submit their time via their smart phone. It seems that for iOS this is OK but Android not so much. Users are saying that the scroll functionality is not working etc and they can submit. Has anyone experienced the same issue and if so, how did you resolve this please? Is anyone aware of any Apps that can be downloaded to resolve this. At present, users are just copying the URL into the web browser. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Kind Regards Kurran718Views0likes0CommentsHyperlink to a news post should open the news post directly in Viva Connections Mobile
Hello, I am presenting to end users a news post (published in SharePoint Online) teaser via channel message in Teams Mobile. Is there any way to provide the hyperlink to the news post, that this news post will open in the Viva Connections Mobile App instead opens a mobile browser on the device? Thanks in advance, André311Views0likes0CommentsIphone Contacts GAL
Hello, we're migrating users from exchange onPrem to exchange online and we're looking into an issue reported. Users using Outlook on Iphone reported that they don't see all the contacts they are seeing on the outlook on PC. They only see the contacts's subset named to their users. Is there a way to have the outlook on Iphone to see the entire "all Contacts" address list ? thanks SCSolved62Views0likes2Comments