31 TopicsStable version of Edge insider browser
Looks like another Stable version of the new Edge browser resurfaced on Microsoft Servers. this is Not a coincidence, bug nor a mistake, it's intentional. I just don't know why not put it on the front page. Anyway, this so called stable version can't be uninstalled. it neither lists it in Control Panel’s Programs and Features nor allows to uninstall from Apps & Features in the Settings App. Previously when we installed Edge stable version we were able to uninstall it like any application by visiting Programs and Features in Control Panel or by visiting Settings > Apps & Features, where for Microsoft Edge, Settings app displays Modify and Uninstall options, this is not the case in Windows 10 version 1903 running build 18362.418. The Hunter mode button of Revo Uninstaller also fails to find and display Microsoft Edge for advanced uninstall. at the moment the only solution seems possible is using the system restore.Solved50KViews10likes35CommentsMake the change log for Edge stable easier to find
Edge stable change log is here: can you put that link somewhere in the main download page for Edge? like here: or here: it will be way easier to find and usually on the download page it's good to see what's changed and what the new features are in the current available version of Edge.2.2KViews7likes2CommentsHow to refresh all tabs or some tabs at the same time and do other bulk actions
How to refresh all tabs or some tabs at the same time how to select multiple tabs or all tabs and do bulk actions on them (refresh, add to group, add to favorites, mute, duplicate etc) watch this video: (recorded in 1080p, 60FPS, MKV): you can select multiple tabs by holding CTRL and click on tabs to select them individually. another easier way is this: for example you have 10 tabs open and you want to select all of them at once, move your mouse pointer to the right most tab, hold CTRL + SHIFT and then click on it, you will see all of the tabs, from left to right, are selected. last example: you have 10 tabs open, you want to only select tabs from #3 to #8. you move your mouse cursor to tab #3, hold CTRL and then click on it, next you move your mouse cursor to tab #8, hold CTRL + SHIFT and click on it, you'll see now you've selected only tabs from #3 to #8 (i.e tabs #1, #2, #9, #10 are Not selected).38KViews5likes3CommentsLet's discuss Microsoft decision for choosing version 79 as first stable release
I think I know why Microsoft has decided to stay behind Google Chrome's release cycle and it is actually pretty smart and good. Let's discuss this everyone, I do hope that developer team or Microsoft employees correct me if I'm being wrong. So I think Microsoft decided to release version 79 as the first stable channel for the new Edge insider browser, and to be intentionally behind Google Chrome's release cycle, so that Microsoft browser will be more stable than Google Chrome stable. In case you're not aware, Microsoft marked version 79 to be the first release of stable channel for the new Edge insider browser due to release in 15 January 2020. while Google Chrome stable version 79 was released December 10 2019. This gives Microsoft a 35 days gap where they can hold on and wait for more bug fixes to be released for each version of Chromium from Google before they include it in their own browser. Because when Google releases their stable builds, they always release some other minor updates for it later, mostly minor bug fixes and such. Microsoft can wait for all of them to be released and include then in their version before stable release. Because Microsoft is dealing with lots of companies and enterprises so their Browser is more important and mission critical than others. Another good thing and advantage that I can think of about this 35 days gap is that Microsoft is not exactly following Google's features and road map. Microsoft has a different road map for their exclusive features that we, the users, ask through feedbacks, so it doesn't really mean that Microsoft is behind Google Chrome in terms of available features and abilities.2.3KViews5likes4CommentsJanuary 15th 2020 is the date for Stable release of Edge insider
So I assume History and Extension syncing are not going to be included because according to this post they are just going to come into Canary at that time and given how time consuming implementing and solidifying Sync features are, it's gonna take at least a couple of months after that. I personally think Microsoft Edge could use some more time being in the beta phase, at least until it gets all of the features that the current classic Edge has, to be a proper replacement for it. is Edge 87 Stable channel running experiments and Controlled Feature Rollouts !?
the element that is a controlled feature rollout is the new favorites experience on toolbar and sidebar in the Edge stable change log, there is no mention of this new feature at all, no word about favorites. the reason I can tell it's controlled feature rollout is because I can switch between old and new favorite experience by connecting to different VPNs and thus having different IP locations. something that I've read shouldn't be happening in Edge stable channel, since it's not insider. it's annoying to see this because the stable channel is no longer stable if a simple IP change can make features come and go.1.6KViews4likes5CommentsSTATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION after Edge 84 Update
Hi, I'm receiving the error STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION when browsing after update to Edge 84. I'm trying to repro the issue, but it seems to happen randomly. If I hit "Refresh", the web returns to work without any problem. I'm not using any third party antivirus software, just Windows Security.61KViews4likes32CommentsTutorial: How to run Legacy and Chromium-based Edge simultaneously side by side Without Group Policy
1. Uninstall Chromium Edge either from Control panel or from Windows 10 settings => Apps 2. Go to Registry Editor by typing "regedit" in Windows 10 search 3. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft OR paste this in the address bar area of Registry editor Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft 4. Right-click on "Microsoft" and create a new key And name it "EdgeUpdate" (without quotes) 5. Then right-click on "EdgeUpdate", go to New and create a new DWord 32-bit and call it "Allowsxs" (without quotes) Allowsxs 6. Set its value to 1 7. Exit Registry Editor 8. now go to to download Edge stable again. install it and after that you will be able to access both Legacy and new Edge from start menu or Windows 10 search. Source: This tutorial is for using only Registry editor, there is also another method to do this which is through Group Policy for that you also will need the policy files which you can get from here: Developers, why do you run experiments in Edge Stable channel?
I need an Edge channel that is Free from all the experiments and is stable. but Edge stable channel is not stable anymore. I read the Official change log in Microsoft Docs, it says there is vertical tabs, okay, then i open up my Edge, check everywhere, there is no sign of these features. after that I turn on a VPN, then I get vertical tabs after a browser restart. did you mention in the change log that user need to use flags? nope, it says these features are added to Edge, mentions no flags, mentions no group policy. mentions no need for special VPN. these are activated based on user location and region, easily proved by simple VPNs. but why do you do this? it's really not acceptable to run experiments in Edge stable. there are 3 insider channels for experiments already. I need a channel that is stable and the experience of all users on it, regardless of their location, is the same, that's the actual meaning of stable. I've sent lots of feedbacks through browser and other places, but this is still going on. there is also no mention of the new favorites flyout menu that was added to Edge stable. it was a controlled feature rollout too.4.5KViews3likes29CommentsThis old issue with Global Media Controls button hasn't been fixed yet
me and other people sent feedback about it, even posts made in this forum around 10 months, but it's still the same. problem: as you can see in the gif above, when you press the pause/play button, its state doesn't change until you move the mouse cursor away from it. expected result: pause/play button's state should change whether or not mouse cursor is over it. this is the normal behavior of UI, but Edge is not doing it correctly. Global media controls also exist in Chrome browser and they work correctly. i.e. the button's state changes no matter the mouse cursor is still over it or not.1.2KViews3likes1Comment