6 TopicsEmbedded Quiz/Form Interactivity Intermittent and Buggy
The Stream video interactivity feature that allows you to embed a quiz or form into the time line of a video does not always work or is very intermittent at best. Our students we have a video hosted on streams that they're to watch, only about 5% of our students actually had the quiz pop up while watching the video with the rest having it pop up with 'loading' and then disappearing or not having anything show up at all, despite having the time stamp indicators on the time line as to when the quizzes are scheduled to show up. Even for myself as admin when I watch the videos in streams, regardless of where I am or the internet connection, sometimes the quiz will pop up, most of the time it won't.Audit Script for Migration with Modern Auth
Hi, seems that preparation script for migration from Video to Stream does not support state when Modern Auth is enforced for GA account who run the script. In the case the Azure AD Conditional Access Baselines are in place to disable all legacy auth and enable only modern ones.Video to Stream Portal Non-English Locale
Hi, seems that the upgrade experience is somehow broken if user using Edge and not Google Chrome with preferred locale different from English. For example, the migration was completed, but the date cannot be set, because "Edit the date below to go live sooner or any time before Invalid date at Invalid date(UTC)" and like "NaN days you can review...". If you switch to English language in browser, magic happens and it correctly show the dates for go live.Stream transcription and people
First questions does the 'people' tab in a stream video only work for a recorded meeting when the attendees are using their video? seems like it knows when people are speaking so why wouldn't it just when its an audio meeting with a screen share? Second, why is Microsoft's transcription SO BAD ?!?! its bad for skype voicemail too. I've used cisco, Vonage, and googles transcription and they are all way better. Does MS realize how bad it is and what are they doing to fix it?Highest video quality poorer than source
I uploaded an 88MB MP4 meeting recording from Skype for Business to Stream and noticed a loss of video quality (blurrier picture). Max quality for this video on Stream is 720p-294Kbps quality (by comparison the source video bitrate is higher 398kbps). I see original video is stored as I can download it (it seems this option is only for the uploader, not viewer, too bad) and confirm the file are identical so something is going on during the upload with highest quality not equal to that of original file. It may be a blocker for us in our company as we are considering moving to Stream to share training videos/meeting recordings instead of using our network file share but we need to be able to get the original quality. This is particularly important when doing screen sharing of our applications in a training video where the user needs to clearly see all the details on the screen.