Forum Discussion

stedmana's avatar
Brass Contributor
Dec 05, 2019

Embedded Quiz/Form Interactivity Intermittent and Buggy

The Stream video interactivity feature that allows you to embed a quiz or form into the time line of a video does not always work or is very intermittent at best.

Our students we have a video hosted on streams that they're to watch, only about 5% of our students actually had the quiz pop up while watching the video with the rest having it pop up with 'loading' and then disappearing or not having anything show up at all, despite having the time stamp indicators on the time line as to when the quizzes are scheduled to show up.

Even for myself as admin when I watch the videos in streams, regardless of where I am or the internet connection, sometimes the quiz will pop up, most of the time it won't.

  • snonnenmann's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    stedmana franshap JamesTheGrayOne 


    Hi, I experienced this issue within the last week and see this thread has not been updated in over 10 days. Has there been any resolution to the loading wheel error for embedded quizzes? I have tried the solutions in the thread to no avail.


    Thanks in advance for your time!

    • summertime76's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      stedmana  JamesTheGrayOne  snonnenmann franshap 


      I have been through this thread and am experiencing the same problem with no resolution that allows me to consistently use the interactive quiz feature in Stream with the settings that "only people in my org can respond" and "record name." I have two quizzes in one video with the same settings: one quiz will not load; the other will load. 


      I changed the quiz that will not load to "anyone with the link can respond" and that seems to allow it to load. However, then I do not have a record of who responds.


      Are there any updates re: a resolution?



  • plawrence's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    stedmana I'm having the same issue with users here. Embedding "forms" seems to work fine, but embedding "quizes" causes the never ending loading screen in all browsers. I've tested this with multiple forms, quizes and videos.

    • plawrence's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      CC: franshap

      I also noticed if I change the quiz to "Anyone with the link can respond" it then works fine in Stream.
      • JamesTheGrayOne's avatar
        Copper Contributor



        Changing this seems to have doe the trick, so far everyone who has tried, is able to access.


  • SLustgarten's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Following this thread as my organization is also experiencing the same issue. Videos run fine. When the pop-up quiz is launched it is stuck in an endless loading loop. Everyone has access to the quiz as a stand-alone, but not through Stream video.
    • franshap's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft


      Would you be able to share a "session ID" (? -> About Microsoft Stream -> "Client Session ID") from the session where you are seeing this issue, so we can investigate further? Also, what OS and browser version are you using?

      • SLustgarten's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Version 1.0.2230.7
        Client Session ID {0} 31f30280-224f-4d2f-bffa-ffd6b9ffb4be
        Your data is stored in United States
        Using Chrome Thank you!

  • schesna's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    stedmana I'm having the same issue. 1 out of 5 people got access. No settings are preventing access, but just not working. 


    Any solution?

  • stedmana Sorry to hear that you are seeing issues with Interactive Forms. Would you be able to share a "session ID" (? -> About Microsoft Stream -> "Client Session ID") from the session where you are seeing this issue, so we can investigate further? Also, what OS and browser version are you/your students using?

    • srmendez's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      ArchanaNI´m having the same problem when my students tries to open the embedded interactive form in Google Chrome browser or Opera GX. I can use this function without apparent problems in Microsoft Edge only. What may be happening in these cases ?


      I find the tool very useful, but these errors are unfortunate.

    • MinervaP's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi ArchanaN 

      I'm experiencing the same issue, but in my case forms stopped working after a while. Now I can't see the forms load into the video and none of my students can either. All forms are still available and open, links are fine. Once you start the video and reach a forms point, it just keeps loading forever. 
