116 TopicsWindows Virtual Desktop learning and readiness resources
Would you like to learn more about Windows Virtual Desktop? Consider watching these Ignite sessions: Scott Manchester's Mechanics Live (20 minutes) Windows Virtual Desktop Overview (43 minutes) Windows Virtual Desktop Deep Dive (56 minutes) A tour of Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop (20 minutes) Office in Virtual Desktop environments (53 minutes) New multi-session virtualization capabilities in Windows (32 minutes) Register via http://aka.ms/wvdpreview to be notified for the public preview which will launch later this year.7KViews16likes1CommentMSIX app attach Azure portal integration public preview
MSIX app attach is an application layering solution that allows you to dynamically attach an application (that is an MSIX package) to a user session. Separating the application from the operating system makes it easier to create a golden virtual machine image, and you get more control with providing the right application for the right user. Previously, you had to use PowerShell scripts to enable MSIX app attach. MSIX app attach capability is now available in public preview in the Azure portal and is integrated with Azure Resource Manager. This eliminates the need for custom scripts and makes it possible to publish your packaged applications to application groups with a few clicks. Draft troubleshooting guide for MSIX app attach is available here. Overview and requirements Before you get started, make sure to fill out and submit this form to enable MSIX app attach in your subscription. If you don't have an approved request, MSIX app attach won't work. Approval of requests can take up to 24 hours during business days. You'll get an email when your request has been accepted and completed. The following are the requirements to setup MSIX app attach in a Windows Virtual Desktop environment: Host pool in Windows Virtual Desktop with at least one active session host Host pool in the validation environment MSIX packaged application expanded into an MSIX image MSIX image is uploaded to file share The file share is accessible for all session hosts in the host pool When using a digital certificate that is not sourced from a CA please follow instructions here on each VM in the host pool This video walks through the MSIX app attach UI. Deploy WVD (Windows Virtual Desktop) host pool The steps for deploying a WVD host pool are outlined here. It is mandatory to provision the session host pool in the validation environment. MSIX application MSIX app attach requires an application packaged as MSIX. If you do not have an MSIX application you can use the MSIX Packaging tool to repackage a Win32 application to MISX application. Instructions are available here. Prepare MSIX image MSIX app attach needs MSIX application to be stored in a VHD(x). Steps on how to perform the expansion are available here. If you do not have access to an MSIX application and MSIX images feel free to use these. They are provided without any guarantees and should not be used in production environments: Application name URL Chrome as MSIX image https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOVMWy-sU8aiaStuxQ?e=AqwZ0D Chrome in an MSIX package https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOVLPExhghP4iM8LRQ?e=wJHd9P Microsoft Edge Dev v89 as MSIX image https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOVddlHiIoei4RdROQ?e=kwdvDq Microsoft Edge Dev v89 as MSIX package https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOVczWWmEiUhv2IC3A?e=eBGL8B Microsoft Edge Dev v87 as MSIX image https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOVbdz4gmTb7rqHoeg?e=6dEhj5 Microsoft Edge Dev v87 as MSIX image https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOVaArIPkiAg5XzusQ?e=ZthNbz PowerBI as MSIX image https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOVkUdswoKXTk9dfUw?e=fGTHy5 Note: this has dependencies that need to be delivered in the master image Links available here https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOQth1hkT-SRdP2__g?e=YHbice PowerBI as MSIX package https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOVi5SXqDxAr6MBAKw?e=pm1c2q WVDMigration as MSIX image (test different cert type) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOIEPLX6PYOzx96nrg?e=9qEpJc WVDMigrationBAD as MSIX image (bad packaging format) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOF6izJaA6rMxih_fQ?e=VU6Wbp Microsoft Edge Dev v87 as MSIX image (expired cert) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOJamDr-mrs3rOoeCg?e=43JT7E Notepad++ as MSIX image (missing cert test) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amut9BnVnw7mkOF-o-E-bhp_btLgJw?e=6DO9ea If you are using your own application, you will need to install the certificate used to sign the MSIX package. Install certificates If you are using the provided MSIX applications, there are two certs: For Chome, Edge, and Power Bi: WVDContosoAppAttach. For WVDMigration*, WVDMigrationFabrikam Configure a file share All session hosts need access to the file share with MSIX app attach packages. This Tech Community blog covers the process. Configure MSIX app attach via Azure portal Open a browser, preferably in incognito mode, and load the following link: https://preview.portal.azure.com/?feature.msixapplications=true#home In the search bar type Windows Virtual Desktop and click on the service. Select a host pool where MSIX applications are to be delivered. Select MSIX packages. This will open the data grid with all MSIX packages currently added to the host pool. Click + Add. This will open the Add MSIX package blade. MSIX image path – this is UNC path pointing to the MSIX image on the file share. For example, \\storageaccount.file.core.windows.net\msixshare\appfolder\MSIXimage.vhd. MSIX package – if a valid, resolvable, and accessible path is provided this drop-down will be populated by all the MSIX packages in the MSIX image. Package applications – list of MSIX applications available in an MSIX package. Display name – Optional display name to be presented in the interface. Version – MSIX package version automatically delivered from parsing the package. Registration type On-demand – this is the recommended type of registration. It postpones the full registration of the MSIX application until and the user starts the application. Log on blocking – this type of registration is executing during session logon hence adding time to session logon completion. State – MSIX package has two states (Active and Inactive). When a package is active users can interact with it. Inactive packages are ignored by WVD and not delivered to users. Click Save. Publish MSIX application to an application group In the WVD resource provider navigate to the Application groups blade. Select an application group. Note: During MSIX app attach preview MSIX app attach remote apps may disappear from the user feed. The remote MSIX apps can disappear from the user feed because host pools in the evaluation environment may get served by an RD Broker in a production environment (this happens when the RD broker optimizes to improve the end-user experience). Because the RD Broker in the production environment doesn't understand the date of the MSIX app attach remote apps, it won't display them. Select the Applications blade. The Applications grid will display all currently added applications. Click + Add to open the Add application blade. Application source For desktop app groups the only source for applications is an MSIX package. For remote app group, there are three sources of applications. Start menu App path MSIX package MSIX package – display list of packages added to the host pool. Display name – Optional display name to be presented in the Applications interface. Description – Short description. Note the options below are only applicable to remote application groups. Icon path Icon index Show in web feed Click Save. Assign users to app group Select app group. Select Assignments To assign individual users or user groups to the app group, select +Add Azure AD users or user groups. Select the users you want to have access to the apps. You can select single or multiple users and user groups. Select Save. It will take five minutes before the user can access the application. Change MSIX package state Via the Applications grid Select MSIX packages. This will open the data grid with all MSIX packages currently added to the host pool. Select one or multiple that need to have their state change and click the Change state button. Via update package Select MSIX packages. This will open the data grid with all MSIX packages currently added to the host pool. Click on Package name in the MSIX packages grid this will open the blade to update the package. Toggle the State via the Inactive/Active button as desired and click Save. Change MSIX package registration type Select MSIX packages. This will open the data grid with all MSIX packages currently added to the host pool. Click on Package name in the MSIX packages grid this will open the blade to update the package. Toggle the Registration type via the On-demand/Log on blocking button as desired and click Save. Remove MSIX package Select MSIX packages. This will open the data grid with all MSIX packages currently added to the host pool. Select one or multiple that need to be removed click the Remove button. Removing MSIX application Navigate to the host pool and select Application groups. Select the application group from which the MSIX application is to be removed. From the application group blade select Applications. Select the desired application and click Remove.99KViews9likes240CommentsNow available! Azure Architecture Center - Windows Virtual Desktop at enterprise scale
Azure Architecture Center - Windows Virtual Desktop at enterprise scale Hi WVD Community! I’m very pleased to announce that our first Azure Architecture Center contribution on Windows Virtual Desktop at Enterprise Scale - has been released. This is definitely one resource you want to bookmark. This article helps Desktop Architects, Cloud Architects, Desktop admins and more folks to design proactively at Enterprise scale. Enterprise-scale solutions generally cover 1,000 virtual desktops and above. Windows Virtual Desktop is a desktop and application virtualization service that runs in the Azure cloud. This article helps Desktop Infrastructure Architects, Cloud Architects, Desktop Administrators, or System Administrators explore Windows Virtual Desktop and build virtualized desktop infrastructure (VDI) solutions at enterprise scale. Enterprise-scale solutions generally cover 1,000 virtual desktops and above. The following topics are being covered. Relevant use cases Architecture components Cost considerations Enterprise architectural considerations Servicing session hosts Windows servicing Azure subscription limitations Azure Virtual Machines – session hosts Sizing recommendations per session host Read the complete article here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/example-scenario/wvd/windows-virtual-desktop3.5KViews9likes0Comments[ NEW ] Windows IT Pro: Getting started: Windows Virtual Desktop ARM-based Azure portal
Getting started: Windows Virtual Desktop ARM-based Azure portal Windows Virtual Desktop can be a good fit for organizations seeking to enable remote work scenarios. As a result, the new Windows Virtual Desktop Azure Resource Manager (ARM)-based model is now available as a public preview and available to all customers. In this article, I'd like to cover the deeper technical points that explain how to enroll Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, including Office 365 ProPlus, via the new Windows Virtual Desktop ARM-based Azure portal—and outline some important things you should know before getting started. New Azure portal dashboard The new landing page for Windows Virtual Desktop in the Azure portal (shown below) is clean and simple, and streamlines deployment and management steps. For example, you can now immediately start with the creation of your host pools. Previous steps such as consent and PowerShell creation of the tenant are gone! (I'll talk about this in more detail later in this article.) Read the complete article here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/getting-started-windows-virtual-desktop-arm-based-azure-portal/ba-p/13744669.6KViews8likes11CommentsMicrosoft Learn modules for Windows Virtual Desktop ARM-based now available!
Microsoft Learn modules for Windows Virtual Desktop ARM-based now available! Good Day WVD Community! I'm happy to share that the new Microsoft Learn modules for Windows Virtual Desktop ARM-based are now available! Created by the Microsoft field and Engineering teams. If you receive any feedback, please let me/us know. Modules: Introduction to Windows Virtual Desktop in Microsoft Azure Prepare for Windows Virtual Desktop in Microsoft Azure Deploy Windows Virtual Desktop in Microsoft Azure Optimize Windows Virtual Desktop in Microsoft Azure The content also includes some new technical drawings on WVD in general and with FSLogix and (future) app attach.2.3KViews7likes4CommentsAzure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop is generally available!
Today, we are thrilled to announce that Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop is now generally available! Building on top of Azure Monitor, Windows Virtual Desktop Insights provides IT administrators with a 360° view of their environment’s health. With Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop, you can find and troubleshoot problems in the deployment, view the status and health of host pools, diagnose user feedback and understand resource utilization. General availability comes with many improvements, including the following: Improved data collection and new guidance to help you optimize for cost Updated setup experience with easier UI, expanded support for VM set-up, automated Windows Event Log setup, and more Relocated Windows Virtual Desktop agent warnings and errors at the top of the Host Diagnostics page to help you prioritize issues with the highest impact Accessibility enhancements Workbook versioning: GA release is Version 1.0.0 For our existing users- if you used Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop in public preview, we have made some updates to our guidance and default configuration to help reduce your Azure Monitor Log Analytics cost in GA. If you haven’t already, you must take action to implement these revised recommendations. See our blog post for instructions. We are incredibly excited about this major milestone and are looking forward to continuing to provide updates and expand scenario support in our monitoring journey. As always, we welcome your comments and feedback below! Best, Logan Silliman Learn more about Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop: Get started with Using Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop Estimate and manage your Log Analytics storage costs with Estimate Azure Monitor costs Review terms and concepts in our glossary If you encounter a problem, check out our troubleshooting guide for help27KViews6likes0CommentsAnnouncements at Windows Virtual Desktop Master Class
Windows Virtual Desktop Master Class is a virtual event where Windows Virtual Desktop experts from Microsoft as well as members of our community come together to share tips and best practices for deploying and scaling virtual desktops and remote applications on Azure. We are making several exciting announcements at the event: Promotion for new customers through March 31, 2021 - New customers save 30% on Windows Virtual Desktop computing costs for D-series and Bs-series virtual machines for up to 90 days. You can learn more about the offer here. Skilling - We are announcing a new Windows Virtual Desktop Specialty certification for professionals planning, delivering, and managing virtual desktop experiences and remote apps on Azure. The related Exam AZ-140: Configuring and operating Windows Virtual Desktop on Microsoft Azure will be available soon in beta version. If you are looking for a certified partner to help with you deployment, you can continue to leverage the advanced specialization program which complements the Azure MSP program. Product announcements – The features that we had pre-announced at Microsoft Ignite in September are now in public preview: Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop -Provides a centralized view with all the monitoring telemetry and visualizations you need to debug and troubleshoot issues. Learn More MSIX app attach in the Azure portal - MSIX app attach is an application delivery solution that allows you to dynamically attach an application in MSIX format to a user session. Previously, you had to use PowerShell scripts, but now the MSIX app attach capability is available in public preview in the Azure portal and is integrated with Azure Resource Manager. Learn More. Screen capture protection – Disables screen capture for your remote apps and desktop on all the supported Windows Virtual Desktop clients RDP short path – Establishes a direct peer-to-peer UDP connection to the session host rather than over the internal Windows Virtual Desktop gateways taking into account the type of network from which you are connecting. This provides a secure experience with less connection latency and better performance. Learn More Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration (Generally Available) – With this integration, you get the full investigation experience you have with Windows 10 machines, now for Windows Virtual Desktop VMs. If you are using Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint will support up to 50 concurrent user connections – so you get the cost savings of Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session and the confidence of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Learn More For a deep dive into these announcements and to learn more about security, cost optimization, and other topics, tune into the Windows Virtual Desktop Master Class!5.5KViews6likes4CommentsIntroducing the Windows Virtual Desktop QuickStart
Introducing the Windows Virtual Desktop QuickStart Note: The WVD QuickStart is a free community tool with no implied support from Microsoft. It is not and should not be treated as an official product from the Windows Virtual Desktop team. Hi WVD Community! We are pleased to announce the WVD QuickStart! The WVD QuickStart solution simplifies and automates the WVD deployment process leveraging the power of Azure DevOps. It can deploy a full WVD environment for you with the click of a button. Microsoft takes care of managing part of the WVD solution with customers responsible for their own Azure Subscription and the compute and storage elements (VMs and Profile Storage). Each element of your environment comes with its own challenges and complexity, sometimes leading to deployment issues or a higher barrier to entry for some. Through this WVD QuickStart solution, we have taken much of the complexity away, simplifying and automating the deployment process leveraging the power of Azure DevOps. making the platform more accessible to all skill levels. As a WVD-centric end-to-end solution, the QuickStart addresses potential blockers or pain points, empowering IT professionals to get started with WVD in a matter of clicks. This makes it the perfect solution to set up demo or proof-of-concept environments that showcase the power of WVD. For customers new to WVD, it’s a great way to get an initial experience of what WVD has to offer. To learn more, please visit the QuickStart website at https://www.wvdquickstart.com. How does it work? To understand how the WVD QuickStart works, let’s walk through a conceptual overview. As stated above, the WVD QuickStart takes much of the WVD deployment complexity away, simplifying and automating the process, making the platform more accessible to non-expert users. How exactly does the QuickStart achieve that? The diagram below shows a high-level conceptual overview of the deployment process: In short, the QuickStart requires you to have some prerequisites - From which it will, in a fully automated way using Azure DevOps, deploy a functional WVD environment with two virtual machines running Windows 10 Enterprise Multi-Session, build 2004, with Office 365 and Microsoft Teams installed. Additionally, the virtual machines will be configured with FSLogix for user profile management. Upon completion, a test user can login to the environment and experience the best of what WVD has to offer. Resources In short, the deployment with the WVD QuickStart consists of two main parts: An Azure Resource Manager (ARM) portal deployment that deploys several supporting resources and creates an Azure DevOps (ADO) automation pipeline An Azure DevOps pipeline, created by the above deployment, that will automatically deploy a WVD environment for you After clicking the "Deploy to Azure" button on the QuickStart website, the first of the two can be kicked off after providing some limited user input. Following the completion of that deployment, the DevOps pipeline will automatically start and deploy a WVD environment for you. The diagram below gives a good overview of all components of the QuickStart, as well as all the resources that are deployed in the process. As can be seen in the image, the DevOps automation will deploy a host pool, a desktop application group, a workspace and virtual machines, that upon completion of the pipeline will be ready for use through either the web client or from the native client on your device with the test user account that gets created in the automation. Getting Started with the WVD QuickStart The WVD QuickStart can be used with both a new, empty Azure subscription or an already existing native AD or Azure AD DS setup. To get started, you can deploy the QuickStart here!15KViews6likes5CommentsMicrosoft Defender ATP now in preview on Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session
We are happy to announce on Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (MDATP) support on Windows Virtual Desktop enabling both single and multi-session scenarios. The support for Multi-user session scenarios is currently in Preview and limited up to 25 concurrent sessions per host/VM while the single session scenarios are fully supported. The support applies to the following operating systems: Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, version 1809 or later Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1809 or later Windows 7 Enterprise Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2 Onboarding WVD devices to MDATP is done via the existing device onboarding process, follow the relevant onboarding instructions per the platform you are using: Follow these instructions for Windows 10 based VMs Follow these instructions for Windows Server-based VMs Follow these instructions for previous Windows client versions Regards, Pieter20KViews6likes17Comments