567 TopicsExcel Community: Simplifying Spaces and Labels
Hi all, As you may have noticed already, we as the Excel Team have done a bit of "spring/summer cleaning" for the community. We have received feedback that the number of "spaces" was simply too many at nine, so we have pared things down. Now, there are three community spaces: Excel: this will be the primary place for posting content, as many of the old spaces have been migrated as labels will find a good home here BI and Data Analysis: this will be a good place for posting about tasks and questions that cut across Excel, Power BI, and other topics in this realm Resources and Community: this will increasingly become a place for folks to share sample files and templates with each other Q: What happened to the other spaces that used to exist? A: They have since been rolled up as "Labels", which you can find in the "More Resources" sidebar under "Labels" of any of the three spaces mentioned above. Look for these on the right side: Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks for reading!3.9KViews5likes25CommentsNeed to allocate stock
Hi, here attached my file which i need to allocate my stock. in 1st table i have order number / delivery date / items and required qty . 2nd table i have mentioned closing stock . i need to allocate that closing stock to 1st table items on available qty column based on delivery date ( with delivery date priority- 1st qty for 1st delivery)Solved4.4KViews1like13CommentsImbed File as text
Hi, I would like to know if there is a possibility to imbed a file into Excel in text like URL link but instead link it to the path the text itself contains the file I know the object option but it looks ugly and its to big to stay pretty like an Attach file to cell text :)30Views1like2CommentsDisable "save as" defaulting to OneDrive, but do not disable OneDrive - possible?
Today I had hundreds of users, including me being admin, being furious beyond imagination for following change which the last "slow ring" office brought along: You open a document from a network drive, my documents or desktop. You click "save as", and instead of defaulting to the path where the original document came from it defaults to onedrive. Every time. The amount of tickets from users missing their files they just saved is enormous. Since Winword 2.0 and Excel 3.0, both from 1991 where I used them the first time, the default of "save as" was always where the original file opened came from. How can we restore this original behaviour? We do NOT want to be Save-AS defaulting to a fixed place, like "my documents", we want the original behaviour, which we had over 30 years now, back. Can this be achieved? If you know please tell. We have to keep OneDrive, as optional save to place, just not as the default for any document. To us this is the single worst most expensive and time consuming change ever Microsoft has done to Office. On top it is a data protection law issue.Solved11KViews1like11CommentsAuto populating multiple sheets from a master sheet based on a category drop down
hello. We are a start up and are currently using a master list to track all external meetings until we determine the best CRM system. This master contains 14 columns of data, hundreds of rows of contacts. I'm hoping that everytime someone enters a new meeting, it could auto populate a secondary sheet based on the category/industry of the client (ie all auto meeting are copied to an Auto sheet in the same workbook). I want to the whole row of info to copy over so at the end we have the master and then ten or so industry sheets. Is there a way to do this automatically or am I stuck copying and pasting constantly? Thanks2.3KViews1like1CommentSOLVED - Split data in dynamic/spill array by delimiter
Greetings everyone, I have a calculation tool for Minecraft items that lists data from and does various things with that data. I cannot get the queried data to spill properly because I don't know how. I have a query to (to name one) that excludes the "Crafting recipe" column and the "Description column" (in Power Query Editor), on a sheet called Crafting & Ingredients Query. The data's listings sometimes show a choice of materials in the game by using an " or ". The cells display this with character 10 from the website. I need a spill formula to separate and then continue the spill down for each occurrence of the " or ". I also need to show the same "Ingredient" on the right of those separations. On a test sheet in range $B$4, I have a spill formula that simply references and filters the blanks of the Name column from the query on the Crafting & Ingredients Query sheet ('Crafting & Ingredients Query'!$B$5:$B$2000). In in range $D$4 of the test sheet, I am attempting to make a spill formula that will 1), remove all instances of " or " (CHAR(160)&"or"&CHAR(10)) then 2), display each item after the cell's delimiter ("or") sequentially underneath in the spill, and then 3) display the same Ingredient next to each item of the items that are transposed down. Spill Formula so far (separates each item by the delimiter of Character 160, up to 10 delimiters for now): Current Formula (spill from range $D$4 - incomplete) =MID(SUBSTITUTE($B4:$B2000,CHAR(160),REPT(" ",LEN($B4:$B2000))),(TRANSPOSE(SEQUENCE(10,1)-1))*LEN($B4:$B2000)+1,LEN($B4:$B2000)) (Original formula credit: Notes: • The =SEQUENCE() function is not dynamic (is just 10) and is temporary. Once each cell that has a delimiter is displayed underneath, the spill should be only 1 column wide. • I want the number of delimiters a cell can have to be dynamic (no limit - infinite, 1 or 7 or 100 or whatever). • Attached is the file with the relevant data. I would be very grateful for any solution to make this spill formula happen. Thank you!Solved6.8KViews1like14CommentsHelp summarising data based on date
Hi All, I have a spreadsheet which includes large sets of data, showing an account and the person responsible (managers) for it across many months. We wish to show some reporting on the number of accounts and managers. For each month i need to count the number of accounts/managers which have a value greater than $0.00, and show those which are added. Whilst my spreadsheet is very large and doing this manually is very time consuming, i am hoping to use a formula to work this out for me. Once an account is new, it will have a positive balance, and have not previously had an account value. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, it would be very much appreciated. I have included some sample data and workings. Many thanks,Solved1.9KViews1like6Comments