19 TopicsPowerApps: Using Buttons to Update Existing Records
Hello, I am trying to use buttons to populate my "ApprovalDecision" column instead of having the user type in "yes" or "no". I am new to PowerApps so I am unsure how to do this. This screenshot shows where I am currently at, and I have not been able to figure it out. Any help or suggestions are appreciated, thanks!Solved1.1KViews0likes3CommentsLaunch PowerApp (Canvas) from button in Sharepoint List
I am looking for some assistance on how to launch a PowerApp in Sharepoint online by clicking on a button in a Sharepoint List. The Powerapp is designed to edit a line item and upload an attachment. This will be line item specific. At the moment, I am struggling to write the JSON that will launch the PowerApp within the Sharepoint window after clicking the button. Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.10KViews0likes3CommentsAdd Button to SharePoint Form JSON
I maintain a SharePoint list at work, and I would like to create some buttons on the Edit and Display item forms for common quick actions which involve updating data in several fields / columns. I've tried a few approaches: I have a Power Automate flow for each quick action, and I can currently use these flows from the right-click menu when I'm looking at the SharePoint list, but I can't use them when I have the item open and am looking at the Edit/Display form. I was able to make a custom column on a test list that could set other values in the item, but it also wasn't actionable from the Edit/Display Form. I have the Edit/Display Form configured using the options described here: Configure the list form | Microsoft Docs. The idea is to add button elements to the header, with the customRowAction of "executeFlow" (or set Value-- tried this too but no luck). I created elements on the Edit Form that look like buttons, that show up where I want them to, the way I want them to, when I want them to. However, clicking them does nothing. Based on everything I've tried so far, I think the json & Flow setup is correct, but so far nothing has transferred to the list forms. I know Power Apps is an option for this, but I would prefer to avoid re-building the current JSON formatting for the list forms in a new place if I can, since the overhead there is much higher. Is there something specific I need to do differently to make buttons work on the list forms? Alternately, is there a way to pull the existing JSON-formatted list forms into PowerApps to start with as a base? Below is what I have in the header JSON to define one of the buttons (edited out work-specific info for obvious reasons). The button is conditionally visible to me & another user who was helping me troubleshoot, depending upon the status of the item, and the flow ID is just taken from the flow URL. The visibility works fine, but clicking the button doesn't do anything. { "$schema": "http://columnformatting.sharepointpnp.com/columnFormattingSchema.json", "elmType": "button", "customRowAction": { "action": "executeFlow", "actionParams": "{\"id\": \"<the flow ID>\"}" }, "style": { "border-width": "1px", "border-radius": "20px", "width": "225px", "margin": "2px", "box-shadow": "1px 1px SlateBlue", "border-style": "solid", "border-color": "SkyBlue", "background-color": "LightSkyBlue", "color": "MidnightBlue", "text-align": "center", "font-size": "16px", "cursor": "pointer", "visibility": { "operator": "?", "operands": [ { "operator": "&&", "operands": [ { "operator": "==", "operands": [ "[$Technical_x0020_Reviewer_x0020_D]", "" ] }, { "operator": "!=", "operands": [ "[$Status]", "Rejected" ] }, { "operator": "!=", "operands": [ "[$Status]", "Approved" ] }, { "operator": "!=", "operands": [ "[$Status]", "Approved, Won't Be Updated" ] }, { "operator": "!=", "operands": [ "[$Status]", "Abandoned" ] }, { "operator": "||", "operands": [ { "operator": "==", "operands": [ "@me", "<my email>" ] }, { "operator": "==", "operands": [ "@me", "<other work user>" ] } ] } ] }, "visible", "hidden" ] } }, "children": [ { "elmType": "span", "attributes": { "iconName": "SkypeCircleCheck" }, "style": { "padding-right": "6px", "color": "AliceBlue", "text-align": "left" } }, { "elmType": "span", "txtContent": "Mark Technical Approval", "style": { "padding-right": "6px" } } ] } I've also tried making it into a "set value" button instead, but no luck with that either.Solved17KViews0likes5CommentsNeed a 'Click to Call' button that doesn't force https://
This should be such a simple task, but there are Obsticles. Trying to add a "Click to Call" button in SharePoint. You would think that adding tel:0123456789 to the link field in a button Web Part would do the trick, but it doesn't. Our SPO site is forcing https:// at the beginning of the code and this takes us to a blocked page instead of making the phone call. Have also tried various types of html in the Embed Code Web Part, such as: <a href="tel:0123456789">Click to Call</a>with the same response. I've tried putting it in an iFrame too, still no joy. Does anyone know the solution please?765Views0likes0CommentsSS33: smart pip mode - better tiktok integration (or other video social/websites) picture-in-picture
Suggestion (SS): 33 Classification: TIKTOK + PIP / picture-in-picture + audio control PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4-6 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) EDIT: i just found this picture in picture https://link.ws/pipdiscussion1 discussion in the feed too. 1) i don't see this directly is annoying i need to activate it via flags 2) pip doesn't work, even if i activate it goal like 360 chrome (or even better, see 3) or https://link.ws/vivopepip with better video control (sugg.17.) and pip buttons (sugg.18.), but avoid to put it over the downloader... (like the picture) 3) smart player with zoomed features like this on the right 4) remember tiktok specific size 5) keep always on top over all mac apps (i haven't tested this with edge, because i don't see pip) 6) please go to next tiktok automatically 7) allow extension in pip mode, so i can download tiktok videos in pip mode with the overlay button PS: about 6) i already told to them inside my 50+ suggestions to tiktok too, but maybe edge is able to fix it too. i hope auto for both pip mode and normal web browsing. 😎add possibility to add multiple url inside a list of pip mode, so a sort of playlist pip mode. 9) maybe like 8 with collections or bookmarks folders, so you pip mode randomly url 10) add to bookmarks inside pip mode directly, especially if you implement 6) 11) same like 10 for collections 12) maybe a separate history for pipmode visited urls (if 6. is implemented) EDIT: sorry i can activate it via 1 ... there is no button over the video for pip (or below, near the video). if i do that, i see there is no mute option too. 13) we cannot change the size, we can only change position. yes pip is over all mac apps (i see it now after enabling with 1. ) 14) remember to add even the option "keep behind mac app too". so both option should be available. 15) loop mode support for other website here the max size possible 16) better audio control panel, where we see all tabs with audio active and we can choose where to keep audio on or off. for example if 300 tabs are opened, but 20 with audio, in this panel we see only the 20 tabs. 17,18) see above 19) ability to quick copy url link or share the video (in pip mode) 20) screenshot feature integrated in pip mode. 21) loop from x to y https://www.tiktok.com/@buketalican11.12.16/video/6682465643712744709 example from 0 to 0.22 in this video, by skipping the rest 22) continue to loop, even if i launch another website, in this case you have 2 audios, 1 with pip, 1 without. would be cool the loop function for normal browsing too (is possible via extension...) 23) remember the dual mode suggestion: pip and full mode at the same time https://link.ws/edgess25 about 24) it depends how you implement all that. if you do like 360chrome, where each video has separate pip then allow both option "deactivate audio in dock mode" or "keep audio in dock mode" (not available in 360). what i like is that i can pip my videos in the dock. so if you use a player, maybe a way to pip the player in the dock is cool too, with both option "audio on" "audio off". 25) if there is no idea for 23) then a way to switch from pip to full faster, and from full to pip too about 26) i know this get against tiktok policy, but maybe useful for other websites**. a download button. **at the end is not possible to download it at all, since it doesn't work. plus the fact that tiktok download is not directly a feature a browser need to support and extension can do it perfectly. so the point is to add it for other websites, that allow you to download videos without copyright problem... 27) spotify player should be different from video player. so we can have spotify and pip at the same time. 28) 2x click switch size for example with opera max size is then with a 2x click we go to so a small size, which is not related to the full size video - pip mode switch suggestion that i wrote before. in this case the max size could be 1/2 of display, full mode is 1/1 29) right click options would be cool to see suggestions or skip ads or stop auto suggestions with right click3KViews0likes3CommentsNew icon for the Web Widget floating button
Previously looked like this. Microsoft Edge Version 91.0.844.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) So what do you think? I personally would prefer it without the white background, only the Edge icon itself and preferably bigger when the white background is no longer there. I also think it makes more sense now, the previous one wasn't really relatable.1.6KViews1like4CommentsNew floating button for the Web Widget in Edge
you can drag and drop it you can put it anywhere on the screen but it's sticky, so it automatically sticks to sides. if you drag and drop it on the center of your screen, it automatically sticks to one of the 3 sides, (Top, Right, Left), also got smooth animation when it sticks. it stays always on top of other windows (except for full screen games which I just tested) can be turned on and off using the option shown in the screenshot below How do you launch Web Widget? it launches automatically on Windows startup (unless you disable it from Edge settings or Windows settings) you can launch it by right-clicking on Edge canary shortcut on Start menu and selecting "Launch Web Widget" you can launch it from Edge settings page: edge://settings/newTabPage you can launch it by pressing Edge's (...) menu button => More tools => Launch Web Widget Microsoft Edge Version 90.0.816.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) This might be a Controlled feature rollout6.9KViews2likes2Comments