132 TopicsStop emailing random people in my name!
I went into the "book with me" feature to attempt to fix its broken behavior (allowing meetings outside my normal work time -- another stupid bug that I'm not even talking about now). I updated my meeting profiles with explicit work hours and hit save. I have no idea what would cause this, but some step in this process caused TEN random people I correspond with to be sent a "Book time with me without back-and-forth discussions" email in my name. This is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE. No feature in any product should silently sent emails in my name to anyone, let alone ten randomly chosen people I work with! I am apopleptic right now! This insane piece of garbage "feature" emailed the head of my department as well as the facilities department service account, so now I have a facilities ticket and a stack of confused people asking why I want to meet. I had to find these in my sent folder and reply to each apologizing and asking them to disregard. I hope the product manager or developer of this feature reads this: Your idea is bad and a complete embarrassment. Stop work immediately and find someone who actually knows how professionals in a business environment operate. They will inform you that nothing and no-one should send a message in person's name without clear and explicit authorization, and even with that authorization, never to randomly chosen people. I've never posted here before, because none of the myriad Microsoft bugs I've dealt with have ever screwed me over so stupidly and so publically. I will certainly never trust a new Outlook feature again.2.7KViews7likes12CommentsMS Bookings bugs make it worse than useless
This is now the third time that a Microsoft Bookings page has spontaneously decided not to show available time slots anymore. The first two times, I created new pages and this fixed it, but not this time. The time zone is correct. I have put in the correct hours in 4 places. 1) The main booking availability, 2) my personal staff availability, 3) the service availability for the service I created, 4) the business hours. Despite all of this, the booking page shows so available time slots. The fact that it fails spontaneously when I change nothing is especially infuriating and makes me look unprofessional, so thanks for that. I have spent hours on the forums and tried everything, but this just keeps getting worse. I also just spend an hour with the IT department of my company going through all of the troubleshooting steps, and nothing worked. You must now provide detailed a step by step video walk-through of how to start with a new page that is guaranteed to get everything working correctly. I have already wasted too much of my life on this, so it is now your responsibility to make this right. This is the one and only thing this software is supposed to do, so unless this chronic bug (which many people have reported) is fixed, MS Bookings will remain tangibly worse than useless.3.2KViews5likes5CommentsIntegration of MS Forms and Bookings
I am struggling to find a way to make a customer request work. They wish to have a student book a service at a specific date and time. They also want the student to complete a questionnaire simultaneously. The answer to these questions should populate a spreadsheet for the staff to review alongside the booking date/time. We want all this to happen at once, with one form or booking page. The only way I can figure out to do it is to add a Form to a Booking, but it doesn't include the form on the booking page or even as a follow up after it is booked. A staff member has to assign the form to the booking, which can easily be overlooked by the client. Adding the questionnaire as custom fields on the Booking page will also not auto-populate a spreadsheet. I'm stuck in a place where I can almost achieve a goal, but entirely. I'm always missing one important item. I'm at my wit's end.15KViews3likes4CommentsAllow "customers" to set their own appointment time length
I am setting up a booking calendar for students to book time on instruments. I want them to book the instruments for as long as they need them, so let them set the "appointment" length. No staff member needs to be present, so the time booked is only limited to that instrument being available. How do I do this in bookings? They would just need the option to set appointment start and an appointment end times. This does not seem to be currently available. Can this be added or is there another app that allows this?3.3KViews3likes4CommentsProblem with Time Zones
I use bookings to arrange meetings with students. Often, students schedule a meeting and it appears to them in a different time zone, even though we are geographically in the same place. Perhaps they have a different time zone set somewhere in a Microsoft app, or perhaps the default when signing up for a meeting as a guest is somehow set to a different time zone--what ever the case, there seems to be a problem with default time zones for students. My time zones are all set to Eastern time across Bookings and Outlook. This issue is causing me (and my 12 colleagues) significant scheduling problems as we need to schedule hundreds of meetings with students. When I search for solutions in community postings, it seems like selecting "Always show time slots in business time zone" would solve our problem. But this option does not appear in my Bookings setting anywhere that I can find. I have tried to follow step by step processes from Microsoft help pages, but the settings menus in the tutorials do not look like mine. If it is helpful to know, I use an Apple MacBook Air M3; I access my Bookings page through Teams and my Firefox browser; and I use Outlook through the app.169Views2likes1CommentZoom meeting option in Bookings?
Hi All, Our University uses both MS Teams and Zoom to book meetings. It's nice that Bookings has a toggle for MS Teams, does anyone know if a toggle for a Zoom meeting is in the works? We currently use a workaround but would love it to be incorporated into Bookings much like Calendly. TIA Che1.4KViews2likes0CommentsBookings not sending calendar invites to staff
Hello, When a customer books an appointment, staff gets the email about the booking but no calendar invites are sent. This is leading to no event showing up on staff's calendar. About 2 weeks ago, this used to work where Bookings used to send two emails, one about appointment confirmation and a second about the calendar invite for the appointment. But the calendar invite is not coming anymore.2.4KViews2likes7CommentsBooking multiple services at same time
I have a client that wants to use Bookings to book a space on our university campus. They'd like to be able to book multiple services for one space at the same time, i.e. one student can book the space for service 1 at 3pm, and another student can book the same space for service 2 at 3pm. However, once the first service is booked, no other services are allowed for that time because it is associated with the account's user. This makes sense because Bookings is designed to book time with a person, not a space, but my client is hoping to adapt Bookings for this use. Is there a work around that I'm not aware of? Unchecking "Events on Office calendar affect availability" from the staff page does not solve the issue.7.4KViews2likes2CommentsHow to allow customers to book one or more timeslots at once?
I really need the ability for my customers to be able to either set the timeslot themself. ie: 09.00 to 09:45 or atleast let the customers book several times at once. how can i do this? now my customers can only book one times. sometimes they need to book 30min, sometimes they need to book 120min. sometimes they need to book 10min and sometimes they need to book a full day. how?8.1KViews2likes8Comments