42369 TopicsAdding Data Points to a Table or Chart After Power Query Refresh
I have an Excel workbook that has a worksheet for calculating who doesn't have access to our system based on content on the site. These calculations use XLOOKUP to compare two other workbooks (1 CSV and 1 XLSX). I then have Power Query clean up that sheet to generate a report. The CSV and XLSX are also cleaned up with Power Query prior to the calculations taking place. The output of the final report looks like this: I would like to know the total count of people, the unique count of people, the number of people who are the sole owners, the number of people who are listed with other people who do have access. As you can see behind the blur under "Triggered Owner", there can sometimes be more than one. The tricky part here is that I would like to track these numbers in a new row in a table for each refresh, similar to the below, where the data doesn't completely erase each time. Run Date is when the refresh occurs. Is this possible?30Views0likes1CommentExcel VBA - Define Range of rows from known static range as start to flexible range address as end
Need help with an Excel VBA process. Below is a screenshot of the current logic with the intended goal noted in the red box. Can someone assist with helping me set criteria to define the range or rows between a static row (11 - aka RowStart) and one above a flexible end row, with the end row being determined by a cell match? Copy of file attached as well. Mod in question is "ModCreateNewUserTEST". All other Mods are working as intended and do not need changes.Solved655Views0likes9CommentsMultiple lookups from Data base information
looking for a method to lookup pallets, the data base has information entered by a form that includes shift and machine dataItemName values PL5 Shift 3rd PL4 Ending Partial Pallet / Paleta Parcial Final 9 PL4 Starting Partial Pallet / Primera Paleta Parcial PL5 Ending Partial Pallet / Paleta Parcial Final 0 PL5 Starting Partial Pallet / Primera Paleta Parcial 0 PL4 Finished Pallets / Paletas Totales 40 PL4 Shift 3rd my summary sheet is looking to match the date (easy) but need to include the lookup value of say PL5 shift value of 3rd, and provide the PL5 ending and starting partial pallets in different cells. I have been able to use xlookup to get all the other data needed but not the shift and pallet information. example xlookup(date&shift&line,table[date]& (this is where I run into an issue) any assistance is greatly appreciated.44Views0likes1CommentParsing Issue
Dear Experts, I have a Data like below:- From this I have a to create an Output file with the below logic, (sample of an entry in Output file is below):- HARQ ID, can range from 0 ~15, and Each HARQ can be re-transmitted(RV) in the Sequence 0->2->3->1->0->2->3->1...(create data with all the Harq IDs having the RVs in a full cycle and extended(0-2-3-1-0) System frame number have to be consecutive and after 1023 SystemFrameNumber(Column C) repeats it self. Thanks in Advance, Br, Anupam119Views0likes2CommentsCalculation of values based on the next occurrence of a criteria
I am looking to create a formula to sum an amount between 2 rows based on the next occurrence if a criteria. in the below example. the criteria will be to look for "apple". my values are located in a table. between the 1 occurrence and next there is no amount values, hence the sum value needs to be 0. then between 2nd and 3rd occurrence the formula needs to sum all amount values for a,b,c,d,e. then between 3rd and 4th occurrence the formula needs to sum all amounts for a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h this continues down for the last sum 'block' it needs to sum the values from the last occurrence of "apple' to the end of the table Amount sum value apple 0 apple 25 a 5 b 3 c 2 d 10 e 5 apple 53 a 2 b 1 c 4 d 5 PLUM e 10 f 6 g 15 h 10 Apple 25 a 2 b 4 c 7 d 9 e 2 f 1 apple 19 a 5 b 8 c 3 d 1 e 2 f 7Solved79Views0likes3CommentsNeed Help! I can't Sort
Hi. I'm having trouble by sorting data (A to Z and Smallest to Largest). When i select data like this and then i click on Sort it doesn't work: When i Click on sort a, Progress Bar with the name "Sort:" appears and it doesn't work: I need help because i use Excel on my job and this problem makes it a lot harder.45Views0likes2CommentsAlternate to SUMIFS array assistance
Hello, everyone. I apologize for asking yet another SUMIFS question, but I haven't been able to find a thread anywhere (so far) that offers a sample similar to what I'm trying to do. I have a spreadsheet with 3 tables located in separate sheets: SKU, Production, and Expected. In the SKU table I have a list of item codes that are part of a general Category. In the Production table, I pretty much have a manual log of the number of Units that I produced in different Dates for each Item Code that applies. In the final table I pretty much just have a table with the Dates. The file I uploaded has a total of 4 columns in this table, but in my actual document the last 3 columns are actually arrays. I just placed them inside the table for purposes of this example. Anyhow, columns B-D are the Categories each Item Code belongs to: Blue, Green, or Red. What I'm trying to do is as follows: I'm trying to do the equivalent of a SUMIFs formula for Blue, Green, and Red. It first checks that the date in the Expected sheet matches the date in the Production sheet. Next, it checks in the SKU table which Category the Item Code belongs to for the selected date. It then adds the total Units for each Category column. I've tried with variations found online of SUMIFs and SUMPRODUCT, but I haven't been able to make them work. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.57Views0likes2Commentschart / data range to variable ??
Hello, I draw a chart with specific data range C11:C20 like below. but I want to change data range of chart dynamically. I made data range text in cell E5 and it is B10:B100. How can I make E5 text as data range text of chart ? is it possible? I'd like to redraw chart dynamically when I change E5 cell text.Solved51Views0likes1CommentExcel Office Script "Performance API"?
I was working on an Office Script and trying to improve the performance. I typed "Performance" into the code editor, and I was suprised to see the Intellisene kick in. My question is how to find and understand the relevant documentation for Typescript applicable to Excel Office Scripts. I could not find this object/API in official MSFT Office Script documentation. Icing on the cake would be a suggestion for a more sophisticated way of measuring performance bottlenecks on an Office Script. I have attached a screenshot of the object and Intellisense. TIA!Solved89Views0likes3CommentsIndex Match broken after update
I am used to using Index Match to combine information from 2 tables into 1 table, matching based on a unique field, such as invoice number. Excel used to crash frequently, until IS upgraded my Excel to a more recent version. It now rarely crashes, but my formulas are broken. Here is some test data and the formula that USED to work. I am trying to pull the description from the 2nd table to the 1st, using the invoice # to match. I learned to add @ to get rid of the #SPILL! error, so here is the formula with @ added: You can see that it's copied the data for line 3 successfully, but the others don't work. I used this daily on sheets with 100s to 1000s of lines. Manually matching is not an option. I've spent several days troubleshooting and decided it's time to ask for help. I've tried various lookup (vlookup, xlookup) formulas as well, those didn't work. I saw "Index Match Match" but I can't figure it out. Also, why require matching twice when the old formula only required it once? Seems like a downgrade. Thank you in advance for any assistance.67Views1like3Comments