1 TopicYet Another Conditional Formatting Query
Hey folks, I have an SP list with 3 relevant columns - IssueDate, ReviewFrequency, and NextReview. IssueDate is for manual date entry, ReviewFrequency is a choice of N/A, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36. NextReview is a calculated column that adds number value in ReviewFrequency to IssueDate. I have applied JSON formatting in Format View to format rows where NextReview is less than today (@now) in sp-field-severity--severeWarning, rows where next review is due within 30 days (2592000000ms) in sp-field-severity--Warning, and all other rows in alternating sp-css-backgroundColor-BgLightGray30 and sp-css-backgroundColor-noFill (giving zebra alternate banding). All works well apart from an issue with dates being read by conditional formatting as MM-dd-yyyy not dd-MM-yyyy as illustrated here: How do i ensure dates in the columns are seen / interpreted as dd-MM-yyyy in the conditional formatting rules? Thanks in advance,1.1KViews0likes4Comments