387 TopicsAdding Proxy Addresses in AD Before Tenant-to-Tenant Migration Cutover
We're in the process of migrating users from another M365 tenant into our own, which is synced with on-prem AD. Before the cutover, we'd like to add the proxy addresses from the source tenant to our AD and have them sync to the cloud once the domain is added to our M365 tenant. Would this work as expected, or are there any potential issues to be aware of?56Views0likes2CommentsExchange Online - Seeing all aliases of dist list
Hello all, We are preparing to sync our on prem AD distro groups and mail enabled security groups to O365, with a migration of email to EO to follow. (We already have user accounts synced via Azure AD Connect.) One gotcha, is that we have old email addresses (with unused domains) on these groups and I'm not sure if thats going to be a problem if I sync then before stripping those out. I was able to script removing those from the user accounts before we synced those, though doing it for the groups hasn't been successful so far. I went ahead and synced a couple of DG's to O365 just as a trial run, and when I view the groups in Exchange Admin Center / Groups/ Dist List, it shows the primary email email address and two of the alias addresses. Then it shows '+3 more'. I can't figure out how to view those '3 more' aliases. I'm wanting to see if those additional addresses are good addresses (with our domains that do exist in O365). If so, then I would seem that the sync leaves out the 'bad' addresses, if that makes sense. Thanks for any pointers!Solved93Views0likes2CommentsMigrating G suite to Office 365
Dears, Good day, I working on a company which hosted their email on G suite, and I want to migrate all mailboxes, calendar, tasks, files, all things to Office 365. kindly let me know the steps for Migration, we have 69 users needed to be completely migrated. Kindly advise4.1KViews0likes4CommentsAdministrative Units - are they a possible solution in this case?
Hi, I'm looking at a situation where a company has two divisions, which we will call Corporate and Operations. They are geographically distinct as well as having significantly different requirements in terms of security, data access, mobile device control, applications requirements and other factors. At the current time, for mostly historical reasons, all IT is run from Operations, primarily based on a Microsoft 365 Tenancy. This isn't working well, and for a variety of reasons it seems it would be significantly preferable if the current Admins dealt with, and could only access, things related to Operations while new admins deal with Corporate. If any admin is going to have access to everything it needs to be Corporate (e.g. Operations admins should not be able to see Corporate emails, the reverse is less of an issue) A solution they are seriously considering is simply starting a new Microsoft 365 Tenancy for Corporate and then linking between them as required, possibly using a Multi Tenant Organization. The divisions appear to be distinct enough this could function quite well. They own several domains and apparently, email addresses are currently split divisionally to two of those domains. However, I have just come across Administrative units and wonder if an alternative might be to use those? I'm still on the learning curve for 365 so despite having a look at the documentation it's currently unclear to me what the powers and restrictions that can be assigned to the administrator of a given unit.62Views0likes1CommentAuthenticator app not working on new phone - old phone with app is gone
Hello Tech Community, I have trouble with my email (hotmail) account. About 12 months ago I downloaded and activated the authenticator app after having hackers trying to enter my hotmail account. A few months ago I changed my phone and I have never been asked for second factor authentication until today (so I did not pay much attention to it as I could see it. The phone number attached is old and have no access to it and that device is long gone too). BIG PROBLEM! I have the app on my new phone but it is not linked to my account (and cannot do a Cloud Recovery). If I try to do anything with my account (forward emails or change anything) it asks me for the authenticator approval/code (that I do not have access to). I am scared about doing something that will log me out of my email (which I still have access to) but cannot make any changes nor log out. Please help. Can I deactivate the authenticator app somehow? or re-set it-up to work again? Can I migrate all my emails to a new account so I do not lose years of information if I get logged out? Can I set the forwarding emails option without having to pass by second facto authentication? Looking forward to hearing from you wise community, Thank you23KViews0likes7CommentsYour organization doesn't allow you to download, print or sync using this device.
We have started to roll out and migrate our users content to SharePoint and OneDrive and starting to notice more and more users getting the following: "Your organization doesn't allow you to download, print or sync using this device. To use other actions, use a device that's joined to a domain or marked compliant by Intune. For help, contact your IT department." This seems to be happening on a mix of desktop and laptops. We have a Hybrid environment at the moment with everything being done in AD and being synced back to AAD. So far we have tried re-joining the device to the domain, the Windows 10 Accounts Edge plug TNA. dsrecmd is not the same for all devices with this issue also! Can anyone offer any advice or suggestion?Solved101KViews0likes14CommentsMigrating to 365 with 2 domains
I have a client that has two different domains (old and new). Example: Old email: email address removed for privacy reasons new email email address removed for privacy reasons. It looks like their provider created alias's for the new domain. Problem is they still get email going to the old email that get's forwarded(?) to the new email. I want to migrate over to 365. I'm pretty sure the migration will work to transfer over their email history using the new email, but I'm not sure how the forwarding will work. Can I create alias's for the old email in 365 to do the same?224Views0likes1CommentRecommendations to set up complex permissions site and library
We have a process in SP2016 where one collection has about 200 subsites and another similar collection about 50 subsites. Each subsite is for 1 user, some profile data, and their documents. A couple times a year a group of subsites need to have read access for three other employees (3 different per subsite, not 3 for the group of subsites). After about a month, these permissions are removed. This is a very manual process. This system needs to be converted to SPO, but subsites are not permitted and since the subsite template may change, does not seem appropriate. My process has been to create a record per user, linked to a folder per user and accessed via a PowerApp. I have some workflows to help manage permissions, but it's not comprehensive yet. I'm interested in finding out how someone else would tackle this migration, keeping in mind that ultimately it is managed by non-tech HR staff. Thank You!268Views0likes2CommentsGoogle workspace migration - Automatic doesn't download the JSON while creating the migration endpoi
I recently came across an issue where the google workspace migration wasn't downloading the Json file. After a lot of struggle, I figured out that google by default blocks service account key creation. To resolve this, follow the below mentioned steps 1) login to https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin and select the root org 2) Add Organisation Policy Administrator role 3) Click on Organization policies and then search for "Disable service account key creation" and set the enforcement to OFF. 4) Now you should be able to download the JSON.2.4KViews3likes0Comments