80 TopicsMicrosoft Planner Tips for Checklist Items and Complete but Open Status - HLS Show Me How
In this HLS Show Me How per customer questions I demonstrate how to indicate a person is assigned to a Task Checklist Item. I also demonstrate how to visually mark a task completed but keep it actively open for review and re-use.HLS Show Me How Office 365 Slide Library
In this Show Me How video I walk through how to set up a centralized Slide Library that could have approval/workflow and be accessed/integrated in to multiple Teams. By taking this approach There is a single authoritative source of truth around the slides with updates dynamically showing up across the many Microsoft Teams instances where it may be shared.HLS Show Me How - Pulling Website RSS Feeds In To Microsoft Teams
In this Show Me How video I walk through the setup and configure the RSS connecter for Microsoft Teams in order to pull important information you and your team may deed to stay current. The example I use leverages the RSS feed from this blog but can be leveraged from many other sources. For your convenience I have listed some sources that may be of interest to you and your colleagues that you can implement in Team Channels of your own. (Simply right click on the link and select copy Hyperlink). This is by no means an exhaustive list.Fixing File and Folder Locations in Microsoft Teams - HLS Show Me How
In this HLS Show Me How I demonstrate how to easily re-parent files and folders that may have been created directly in the underlying SharePoint Document Library within Microsoft Teams to ensure proper visibility as well as relocate them from other SharePoint sites.Getting Started with Microsoft Teams Guest Access - Answers to Top 3 Questions
Guest access in Microsoft Teams is something that many business users are interested in and often request of IT. They want to get off the email file sharing train and move into a modern collaboration environment for conversing and sharing files with their partners, vendors, researchers, medical experts, etc. Over the last two business days this topic has been front and center for me in conversation with two separate hospitals and is likely a topic of conversation for your org as well irrespective of the nature of business.Provide Integrated Training and Knowledge Check within Microsoft Teams and More - Step by Step
On July 22 nd , at 12 noon eastern (9am pacific) Microsoft’s Healthcare and Life Sciences group will present “Provide Integrated Training and Knowledge Check within Microsoft Teams and More - Step by Step.” This webcast will provide Step by Step guidance in setting up several scenarios for integrating Microsoft Stream Videos (both on demand and Live Events) with Microsoft Forms for knowledge check quizzes and surveys. Additionally, attendees will learn how to further leverage these integrated assets within the previously covered Integrated User Training and Support Solution (based on Learning Pathways) as well as integrating directly into Microsoft Teams!