25 TopicsCan't drag title bar icon for OneDrive files
Something happened with Mac OS, or OneDrive, or my computer.... Can anyone confirm or replicate? I often have a doc open in word and I want to send to someone, so I save it and drag the title bar icon, maybe called the proxy icon, to an Outlook email or into Teams. There are other ways to do it, but i like that one. At some point in time that stopped working for OneDrive hosted files. Files not in OneDrive it works fine including files in DropBox. Can anyone confirm or deny it works that way for them? Rob.3.4KViews1like9CommentsExcel Windows Client co-authoring
Hey everyone - I have read a few other posts on this topic, but none of them seem to be a smoking gun for me. I am trying to co-author an excel document with other members of my team. We are all running version 16.0.8431.2242. Here is how we are attempting: 1. We have an excel document that is part of an Office 365 Group. 2. The O365 group is synced to our machine using OneDrive for Business. 3. The excel file has been shared with the members of the team. 4. Whenever we attempt to get more than 1 person in the file, the additional authors receive a message that the file is locked for editing. According to what I have been reading, the version we are running should support co-authoring in the windows client app, correct? I haven't seen many mentions of attempting this via groups / OFB - but if that is what is causing the issue - how should we be doing this? Thanks Steve2.4KViews0likes6CommentsCoauthoring (autosaving) with a WebDav Network Drive
Hi, In the recent insider build of Office 365 for Apps (2306) we seem to have lost the ability to auto save in our webdav network drives, this feature works fine in 2305 and below, our customers are starting to get this upgrade and notice now the coauthoring/autosave isn't working anymore. Can anyone give me the actual release notes instead of Microsoft website just says "bug fixes released" I could do with knowing what was released between 2305 > 2306 so we can have a proper idea of what we are looking at from a code point of view. Or - has a bug been introduced in 2306 and Microsoft are unaware of this in the 2306 version? Any help appreciated. ThanksNetwork Test to support Real-Time Co-Authoring in Office
Hi, are there some network planning considerations for best performance of Real-Time Co-Authoring in Office suite? We had a customer with really terrible and slow performance of coauthoring in Word on LAN connection. A lot of "keep server version" errors came out for users. But after switch to public internet connection or even local Wi-Fi everything working fine and fast. We examine network and run classic connection and quality tests for other Office 365 services, but they seems be fine.2.1KViews1like2CommentsSorry, another account from your organization is already signed in on this computer
Hi Team, I am using Microsoft 365 for work. I have two PC, one is a notebook, one is a desktop in the office. I tried to open a file from One Drive from my desktop PC. The system will ask me to log in MS 365 which I did but returned this error message, "Sorry, another account from your organization is already signed in on this computer". The same is not happening on my notebook PC. I think this is a serious MS bug which is so annoying. I don't know how to fix this. Could you please look into this? Please note that I have two One Drive accounts under the same email address. One is for my personal One Drive and the other is for my work One Drive. I am not sure if this causes the error/bug. Many thanks, Amy1.7KViews0likes3Commentsonenote
Hey, I have used OneNote for more than 4 years, though this time I have lost lots of my notebooks, and in frustration went forth and back between OneNote and pen and paper. OneNote is a great tool, but I don’t feel secure using it, I would like to get that feeling of security. Right now, my notebooks are shattered over different notebook versions and different accounts due to OneNote's shift from OneNote 2016 to OneNote 10 and back and the natural shift from primary school to high school. I need a way to combine all my OneNote, so they are synchronized and saved both on my OneNote desktop and on my OneNote profile on the internet. I need to be able to make a backup of my OneNote as a PDF or word file that is readable, and I can save on my computer, so I will always have my notes even If problems, deletion of a version, or changes of a version happens to OneNote. I also need the ability to give a copy of my notes away, in such a way that when the receiver gets the notes the copy of the note will be theirs and they can change the notes as much as they want without affecting my version of the note. The receiver should still have the notebook even If my version expires or I lose access. I really hope you can help me achieve these things so I Can have use of the powerful tools of OneNote in the future without stress or fear of losing my notes. I hope I can help others in my generation with this problem when I have learned how to deal with it from you.1.5KViews0likes1CommentOnenote with Onedrive - Security & other
Hi- I searched long and hard on here but couldnt find authoritative responses. I'm sure similar question are on many minds. I'm using Onenote 2016 desktop on windows 10 now and onenote app on android. my 2 notebooks are kept on onedrive and synced via onenote. My questions: 1. How secure is onenote - onedrive data sync- both up and down from android and desktop to & from cloud. Can I trust to keep my bank account login details etc. (thats my test of being confidential though I prolly wont do it) 2. And now that Onenote2019 desktop is launched and there's also Win10 Onenote App (that I'm considering switching to)- which app's functionality on following attributes is more robust and will evolve faster A. Ability to Search (this is major) across sections and multiple notebooks with one click - both on PC and android. The current search on Onenote 2016 desktop really sucks...never able to find multiple pages in a quick glance B. Similar UI on Android and PC. C. Improved & Secure sync between Android app - Cloud - PC. D. Ability to create quick hyperlinks across sections etc. So I want to have details on tasks/projects (incl. notes) on say one or many page/s (say pages 2 thru 100) and have ability to create a tasks summary checklist (like table of contents) on Page 1 - so I know what all tasks I need to do to consider my life done for week 🙂 E. Ability to create an Archive section (defined) and then as I click a page or page contents and click an archive button - it moves the entire content to this archive section (which is searcheable but not occupying active pages) F. Ability to use onenote like a running journal but in "reverse chron order" - so I keep adding notes/call details each hour and it moves it down - without me having to change pages- latest note on top and earliest furthest down. Sorry for a bit long post - would greatly appreciate experts' opinions, on each of above points please..1.4KViews0likes1CommentAzure Conditional Access - OneDrive - Disable Download option without impacting Move/Copy option
Hi We have M365 E3 licenses We have remote workers with unmanaged(BYOD) devices who use Office 365 webapps and now we want to configure OneDrive in such a way that users should not be able to download files on their local personal PC. Using the Outlook web app policies we already restricted the mail attachment downloads and now all mai attachments can only be saved to OneDrive. Using conditional access we have restricted the download of files from OneDrive to local PC but with that the Move & copy option is also disabled. Problem is that all user attachments are saved in 1 single "attachment" folder and they are unable to copy or move it to a different folder. Is there a way we can disable the download option in OneDrive but keep the Move/copy option active for users to move files within their OneDrive account.Migration from Dropbox to OneDrive
I'm planning to migrate users from Dropbox to OneDrive using the Migration Tool under SharePoint Admin. I have the connector working and it's pulling the list of users and scanning successfully. I'm trying to understand these scan results logs. I have several users that either say Scan Error or Migration warnings found. When I download the log, they don't tell me much. This is the initial scan so nothing is being copied yet. The OneDrive Accounts are new so it isn't skipping because the file already exists. For some users, when I open the log, the Operation Step says item/skip and the Status says Skipped for over 90% of the files. Yet for the result code it says none and for the FailureReason it is blank. So I have no clue as to why the file was skipped. There's no obvious reason as to why it would be skipped. Is there something I'm missing as to finding out why a file was skipped?1.3KViews0likes2Comments