110 TopicsHow to create a Playbook that sends an email to a user involved in an incident?
Hello everybody, I need to configure a Sentinel playbook to send emails to users when an incident is created regarding their account. I have created a playbook that uses Identity Protection incidents creation as trigger but I'm not currently able to set the right parameter to address automatically the alert to the user the incident refers to. I don't need to set an address statically but the playbook has to fetch the user email address from the incident automatically and use it as recipient. Which parameter or expression should I use? I hope you can kindly help me with this. Best regards.8.8KViews0likes4CommentsHow to Prevent Duplicate Incidents from Being Generated due to Long Data Look Back
Hey everyone, We are facing an issue with regards to our rules on Sentinel and that is when we create a rule and, in its logic, we configure the query to lookup data from longer times, say the last 14 days, this rule is going to get triggered whenever when it sees the same event during that 14 days again and again whenever the query runs, and it is going to create the same incident (with different ID). For example, the event X has happened today. The query detects it, and the rule generates an incident for it. We then analyse and finally close this incident. If our query runs for example every 2 hours, on the next run, since the rules lookup data from the past 14 days, it again sees the event X and it is going to create another incident with the same attributes for it only with a different incident ID. And the alert grouping does not work here since doesn't work on closed alerts. Since we need the rule to lookup the past 14 days, is there any way to prevent the creation of the same incidents on each query run for the same events? Thank you so much in advance for your kind help.Solved6.1KViews0likes5CommentsAdd comment to incident with IP information
Greetings everyone! I am currently trying to set up a playbook that takes the IP from a incident, looks up this ip(ip lookup or other similar services), and places a comment on the incident regarding information about who owns this IP. I am doing this because there is extensive use of VPN's in the network and i wish to know if the logins occurring e.g. outside of Europe is owned by a known entity, such as Microsoft, or if it's something else. I do not know much about how the logic apps are configured so any pointers in the right direction is much appreciated.Solved5.6KViews0likes9CommentsRun query for multiple IP
I am trying to run the query in the logic app for a security incident in sentinel. what I expect this query to do is give the result of multiple IP associated with the incident. SigninLogs |where UserPrincipalName contains "Account Name" and IPaddress =="A list of IPs associated with the alert " and DeviceDetails.isCompliant == True |summarize by UserPrincalName,IPAddress,tostring(DeviceDetail) Error: ExpressionEvaluationFailed. The execution of template action 'For_each_3' failed: the result of the evaluation of 'foreach' expression '@body('Entities_-_Get_IPs')' is of type 'Object'. The result must be a valid array.5.3KViews0likes4CommentsNew Blog Post | How to Query HaveIBeenPwned Using a Microsoft Sentinel Playbook
How to Query HaveIBeenPwned Using a Microsoft Sentinel Playbook - Azure Cloud & AI Domain Blog ( I’ve known Troy Hunt for a number of years and his contributions to the security and privacy industry have been hugely valuable and much appreciated by the masses. HaveIBeenPwned is a great resource developed and maintained by Troy. It provides the ability to query against its database to expose domains or user accounts that have been caught up in any of the number of reported industry data breaches. Wouldn’t it be nice, then, to have this data available for your Microsoft Sentinel investigations? Fortunately, Troy provides an API for his service. I’ve provided a Microsoft Sentinel Playbook that takes email addresses associated with an Incident and submits them through the API and returns a quick note to the Comments tab in the Incident as to whether or not the email address(es) has been compromised. Original Post: New Blog Post | How to Query HaveIBeenPwned Using a Microsoft Sentinel Playbook - Microsoft Tech Community4.4KViews0likes1CommentHow to use 'When Azure Sentinel incident creation rule was triggered' trigger in playbook
Hi team I have been wondering can this trigger 'When Azure Sentinel incident creation rule was triggered' be used?? I am unable to select the playbook having this trigger in any alert rule created under Azure Sentinel analytics. Can someone please help me out with this. I just want a playbook to be triggered using this trigger and post the incident details to Slack4.1KViews0likes3CommentsData Connector - Analytics Rule
Hi everyone, I want to have a analytic rule / Automation Rule that everytime that a certain connector (e.g Some Firewall Connector) is down, to receive a Alert in Sentinel. I've been searching for various alternatives but until now can't find anything that i can put working in my organization. Anyone as some suggestion, on what you implemented before and that is working right now ? Thank you.Solved3.8KViews0likes18CommentsRE: Tracking Compliance Status changes for Intune Device(s) with KQL/Playbook
Hello, I am looking to build a Playbook based on Intune and Compliance Status. First I have the following KQL query to check for 'Non-Compliance' status... IntuneDeviceComplianceOrg | where isnotempty(DeviceHealthThreatLevel) | where ComplianceState != "Compliant" | project TimeGenerated, ComplianceState, DeviceName, DeviceId, OS, UserName, UserEmail | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by DeviceId Next, I will create an Analytics Rule (using the above query) that with generate an Incident but at the moment will NOT trigger any Automation. Next, I want to 'capture' when an external trigger ((from a remediation action or Azure Policy) changes the 'Compliance' status changes to 'Compliant' for the Intune device. Next, I want to capture in another KQL query the following: - IF an Intune Device HAD the 'Compliance' status of 'Non-Compliance' OVER the last 7 days - ...AND had an Incident created (this is the bit I am struggling with) - <Is there a way to check for Incident creation?> - ...JOIN (or UNION) against SAME Intune Device where the 'Compliance' status has changed to 'Compliant' in the last 24hrs Is there a way to perform a JOIN against the IntuneDeviceComplianceOrg TABLE and I believe the new-ish SecurityIncident TABLE? Next, I want to set the above query against another Analytics Rule, where NO new Incident is generated BUT an Automation 'action' activates a Playbook/Logic App to commit an ACTION to close the 'related' Incident3.6KViews0likes6CommentsHow to get CEF-based logs into sentinel (LA, AMA or Logstash) AND use the data connectors.
Do I still need the old log analytics agent to ingest CEF-logs and setup a (fortinet) dataconnector to get proper parsed logs into "commonsecuritylogs" as it seems the AMA can't do that yet (for now) Or can i use logstash (which uses the rest api) to ingest data into a custom log-table and then transform it to "commonsecuritylog" ? The important part is that I want to use the many data connectors available that are already in Sentinel. here it says it uses the rest api here it says it uses the "custom logs api" to ingest logs which can be transformed to one of the supported built-in tables.Solved3.6KViews0likes3Comments