127 TopicsIs there some API to get data from Call Analytics ?
Hi Saranya Yogarajah, Is there some API to get data from Call Analytics ? The objective is to a) "correlate" some usage/adoption metrics (quantitative) vs quality indicators from call analytics (qualitative) b) or be able to agregate data per Country, Department, Office Location (setup in user profile), of course it is not representing the "real location" the user used to make the call, but allowing us to "follow" SLA/QOS indicators per organisational unit So having something we could query with PowerBI will be quite usefullEnhancement request for Queueing
In the queueing applicaton we are able to send calls to a particular user after a period of time waiting in a queue, it would be helpful to have work and nonwork hours and then have the option to also send a call directly to Voicemail. This way you could have a queue that in non-work hours you could have calls sent directly to a Voicemail inbox without having to have the caller wait for the queue timeout.Skype for Business Mac additional features
Hi Guys, Hoping someone at MS can answer the following questions about Skype for Business Mac (preview). When will conversation roll up be available? In the latest build conversations still show as individual items in the chats list (16.0.3619). When will we see 1 to 1 screen and application sharing? Tabbed conversations? Persistent chat? On the feedback website it's running at the third most requested feature however not "planned" File sharing? Drag a file into the chat window. I think this is a basic IM feature Bounce dock icon, improve notifications Paste images Add groups and filter contacts Integrate with local/mac address book to enable click to call for third party contacts Look forward to hearing more. Thanks. Scott8.7KViews4likes13CommentsWelcome to the Skype for Business Preview Community!
Welcome to the Skype for Business Community! My name is Saranya and I am the Program Manager overseeing the Skype for Business Preview Program. I’m excited to welcome you to the Preview space and look forward to your involvement. If you aren’t familiar with the Skype for Business Preview Program, it’s a sneak peek into what’s up and coming for Skype for Business. By participating as an individual or on behalf of your organization, you can help us improve your Skype for Business experience! To register for the program, visit Feedback from our customers is a priority and it’s through our Preview Program that we’re able to collect feedback and integrate it into the product. In this space, we’d love to hear your Skype for Business Preview Program questions. If you are already participating in the Program and currently participating in an active validation, you’ll be given access to that space to discuss specifics around the validation with other customers, partners, and experts. Please remember, due to the nature of our pre-release programs and the sensitivity around NDA content, your discussions should be kept to the private boards. Within this community, feel free to ask questions, access helpful resources, and chat with other Preview customers and our Preview team. We look forward to hearing from you!Consult Transfer Button in Skype for Business On Office 2016 Insider Fast Channel
Those interested in preview features might be interested to test and give feedback on the new consult transfer button in the Skype for Business windows client: I did a quick blog post on it here: I believe Microsoft are looking for feedback on this feature, so be sure to let them know. Want to quickly test, here is how to choose your office channel with a PowerShell script: What do you think of the consult transfer feature? Tom5.1KViews3likes3CommentsSkype for Business AA Preview Very Limited in Functionality
We currently are testing the SfB AA Preview online. The AA is extremely limited in what it can do (basically it answers the call with a message and allows for address book lookup/transfer). I have the following issues: We have on-prem and cloud users with E5 licenses, but the AA can't transfer a call to on-premise users There is no menu feature to have callers press 1 for accounting, 2 for sales, etc Can't control what address books to look up users in (we have an address book in Exchange on-prem UM that is used to excludes the C-Level executives) The ability to use Office 365 UM instead so all features are unlocked The ability to assign multiple DIDs to a single AA (we have multiple main numbers with the same AA) Voice Commands to look up users via voice instead of dialing their name Hours of operation to transfer the call to an external party outside of normal business hours Thanks. GusSfB Call Queue portion of rollout ?
We have been quite successful with the AA setup and usage in our organization but it's quite clear that successfully everyday usage in SMB is going to be the additional features found within the Call Queue features. When can we 'in preivew' expect to see these options populate in our environments ? ETA word ? Regards, (so far, so good)Lack of headset control in Mac 16.0.3603
I have 3 different Skype for Bus headsets. Jabra Pro 930, Plantronics Savi 740M and none of them have any call control. Mute works but can be confused easily. When are we going to see seem them treated my Skype headsets like windows and even the old Lync for Mac??