35 Topics[FIXED] Win10 Build 19008 - Always and Constant High CPU usage: Speech Runtime Executable
UPDATE: Fixed in build 19013 It has that much high CPU usage from the computer start to shut down. no idea why. if you have the same problem, please upvote this feedback and from the "Add similar feedback" section, add your own system details and upload a crashdump file for it (you can create it from the task manager)[FIXED] Anyone else having OneDrive high CPU usage problem after upgrading to build 19564?
Feedback on Feedback hub app: please add more details to it. thank you Tried restarting my computer 2 times already with 5/6 hours intervals. I let it run like that for hours, hoping it will finish whatever it is doing but nope, it always stays like that. anyone else having this issue on the same exact build?Solved105KViews4likes37Comments[Resolved] Windows Sandbox has NO Internet when the host is connected to a VPN
When the host is connected to a VPN, such as PPTP/L2TP and then I launch Windows Sandbox, I have no internet in it. please fix this. this problem existed on build 19H1 and it still exists on build 20H1 (18885). Old post, no longer an issue.33KViews3likes28Comments[FIXED] Can't Restart or Shut down my PC- Windows 10 insider build 18999 Fast Ring
UPDATE 10/18: We have released 20H1 Build 19002.1002, which includes a fix for the issue causing some devices to get stuck during shutdown or restart. After upgrading to 18999 from 18995, I can't restart my computer or shut it down anymore. when I attempt to do any of them, the computer gets stuck forever in either "shutting down" or "restarting" state with the loading icon circling. also the CPU usage goes up and I can tell it by reading the CPU temp number showin on my motherboard and CPU fans getting loud. I have to hard reset or hard shut down by either pressing the reset button on my case or holding the power button. the scary part is that it's not listen under the known issues in here: anyone else having the same problem? my specs: i7 7700K 16GB RAM DDR4 3200Mhz IGPU graphic card SSD M.2 Feedback to upvote: Sandbox has the old legacy Edge instead of new Edge browser, in Windows insider 20H2 Beta
This is the Windows 10 build that the new Edge officially replaces the legacy Edge by default, but in Windows Sandbox's image, the old Edge is still there, no sign of new Edge. OS Build: 19042.610 insider beta Feedback hub: 11 Still Download After Leaving Insider Program
I am experiencing an issue with my Windows 10, I was on Windows 11 and I decided to roll back because my games were slower on there, after I rolled back I decided to leave the Insider Program and stop receiving Insider Preview Builds, I turned them off and left Insider Program then restarted my computer and Windows 11 Insider Preview kept downloading in Windows Updates. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?2.8KViews1like1CommentCan't fix problem with Windows Insider Program account
Hi everyone. For several days now I keep getting an error when I attempt to fix a problem with my Windows Insider account. The screen shows below information (same as attached screenshot): Your Windows Insider account requires attention to get Insider Preview builds. As soon as I hit "Fix the problem" I get a message for a split of second saying "Loading. This won't take long." and it changes to "Something went wrong. We aren't able to talk to our service right now. Please try again later." I am registered for the Insider Program and have tried several solutions that I've found on the Internet (registry keys change/add keys, start Windows Services, created new Windows profile with admin rights) - no luck. Anyone has an idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance for any replies.8.6KViews1like12CommentsUninstalling games from the Xbox app doesn't remove game shortcut from desktop
Install games from Xbox app, play it, then uninstall it, the shortcut that was made automatically on desktop will still be there, having a white placeholder icon. Expected behavior: the shortcut on desktop should be removed when the game is uninstalled from the uninstall option of the Xbox app. occurring in latest Windows 10 insider Dev build and Xbox app if you can reproduce it, add your details to this feedback: