13 TopicsDeleting rows in a protected sheet in Excel
I am using Microsoft Excel 2016. I created a document, entered data in it and protected it from the review tab. The options that I allowed for anyone who gets access to this worksheet (without unprotecting it) are: 1. Select Locked Cells 2. Select Unlocked Cells 3. Insert Rows 4. Delete Rows The problem that I am facing right now is that when I am trying to insert a row, a new row is inserted, but when I am trying to delete a row, the row is not being deleted. Instead a dialog box appears saying "You are trying to delete a row that contains a locked cell. Locked cells cannot be deleted while the worksheet is protected. To delete a locked cell, first remove protection using the unprotect sheet command (Review Tab, Changes Group). You may be prompted for a password." Am I wrong somewhere? Have I missed something? Please let me know a solution to this.49KViews0likes1CommentKaspersky Protection extension still is Not working with Edge Stable/Beta
Kaspersky Protection gets automatically installed by installing Kaspersky Internet security 2020 which is the best AV out there. yet its extension is not compatible even with Edge insider (Release candidate) or Stable enterprise, both version 79. and they are going to be released to public in less than 15 days. Edge Version 79.0.309.56 (Official build) (64-bit) The fact is, this extension works perfectly on Google chrome 79 (the same version as Edge) Kaspersky Protection extension is as good as ublock origin. it blocks all the malware, adware, cryptominers, YouTube's annoying ads that pop up time to time etc etc.Solved15KViews0likes7CommentsBCL Values
We are trying to decrease the amount of junk/phishing messages we receive. We are considering changing the threshold at which our bulk email gets marked as spam from the default value of 7 to something more restrictive. The article at tells us a bit about the BCL Values and Descriptions. However, it's unclear to us whether changing the value from 7 to 6, 5, or 4 will gain us anything. Or do we have to change to a minimum of 3 to reach the next threshold?Solved4.6KViews0likes7CommentsAzure Information Protection labels being overrided
I recently implemented the Azure Information Protection P1 in my tennant. When I label a document as "Confidential - All Employees" it becomes available to all employees. If I share the document by rightclicking the document and using the "Azure information Protection" Client - and then I classify the Document as "Confidential - All Employees" - and check the "Protect with custom permissions" and choose an email from outside my organisation, it will then override that label and not allow Employees to open the document. Is this intended? Does the "Custom Permissions" override these labels on purpose, or is this a mistake on my part? Thanks in advanced.1.2KViews0likes0CommentsPassword Protecting & Sharing Workbook
Hi, I really need some help. We use a spreadsheet in work to record flexi. The key requirements we need to add are: 1) We are able to lock master cells so that the content, look and structure of the sheets cannot be changed; 2) We are able to track changes and ensure that these cannot be edited or removed (password protect this feature if possible with a master password); and 3) We are able to password protect the wokbooks (with unique passwordd for each user s that they can open and amend the non master cells and reord their times daily. but NOT remove track changes Can someone please help me with advice as to how to set the above 3 functions up? Many thanks in advance, E1.1KViews0likes0CommentsSecuring data in excel - how to prevent onward links into unprotected files
Hi all, I need to secure information stored within an excel file, and prevent users from extracting it in bulk. It seems possible to disable the cut or copy functions using VBA (e.g. Excel's protect sheet functionality could also be used to prevent the relevant cells from being selected in the first place, although this is undesirable in other ways. However, neither of these would stop someone from creating a new file or tab, linking to the data with a formula (e.g. "=Protected!A1" etc), and then copying the data from that unprotected location. Is there a way to prevent other files or tabs from linking to the data I wish to protect?836Views1like0CommentsMFA and privacy protection
Ahoj, Mám zájem o konkrétní informace o MFA, ale bohužel jsem nenašel odpovědi na některé z mých otázek. Má-li uživatel domény aktivní MFA, může správce domény změnit přístupová data uživatele domény nebo deaktivovat MFA na svém účtu? Má-li administrátor tuto pravomoc, je uživatel domény o této změně informován? Může správce domény přidat nebo změnit MFA jiného uživatele? Může Microsoft (podle vlastní vůle nebo na základě příkazu někoho) procházet a číst mé e-maily nebo soubory bez mých znalostí? Děkuji předem za Vaši odpověď.740Views0likes0CommentsMFA and privacy protection
Ahoj, Mám zájem o konkrétní informace o MFA, ale bohužel jsem nenašel odpovědi na některé z mých otázek. Má-li uživatel doménu aktivní MFA, může správce domény změnit přístupová data domény uživatele nebo deaktivovat MFA na svém účtu? Pokud má administrátor tuto pravomoc, je uživatel informován o této změně? Může správce domény přidat nebo změnit MFA jiného uživatele? Může Microsoft (podle vlastní vůle nebo na základě příkazu někoho) procházet a číst mé e-maily nebo soubory bez mých znalostí? Děkuji předem za vaše odpověď.700Views0likes0CommentsProtecting MS Project data for use in Power BI
Hello, In my organization, all staff have a Project Essential license to fill in time sheets but unfortunately this gives them access to a link that allows them to use MS project data in a Power BI file. Is it possible to cut off access to their data via MS project? Or through Power BI? Thank you for your timeSolved561Views0likes2Comments