79 TopicsTrello vs. Planner - whats missing in Planner and what would make it better than Trello
Hi Everyone, So as a user of Trello (but an enterprise user of 365) I am constantly fighting the battle to migrate over to Planner from Trello (I want to migrate). The following elements are what we see as what is missing: - Full Integration with Outlook task management - Ability to export plans from project and create a new plan in Planner - The ability to move tasks with assignments, attachments and comment history's between plans - I get the fact around plan members but we need to be innovative about how to resolve this. - Desktop version or added fully to Teams and/or Outlook - Ability to create an executive summary board by enabling the ability to sync the same task on multiple boards without giving access to the assigned person - Ability to @tag someone in comments and send a notification to them - The ability to see all the tasks across all the cards at the Hub level (similar the calendar feature in Trello) - Be able to set recurring tasks and assign the bucket and plan they appear in - When copying a list from other office apps it adds one line per checklist item - Ability to set hotkeys - PowerBI link to complement current reporting - Gantt chart view with dependencies and resources - Configurable notifications i.e. if I am syncing with an external tool e.g. unito I would like the ability to not get thousands of notifications each time it syncs. - The ability to change the order of plans in the favourites area - Change the background colour and design to each Plan - Ability to watch tasks - Ability to copy a board - Ability to set a time as well as a deadline date - Ability to print a board - Voting - How to use this board notes area which allows pictures and info graphics What would make it better than Trello: - The ability to assign a priority to a task personally I use the Franklin Covey method of ABC and 1,2,3 but any 2 level prioritisation would be fine - Once a priority assigned for that task to be priority ordered in the bucket(s) it exists - Stickers and the ability to filter against them - Configurable Progress categories - Email to task/ bucket/ plan - ability to assign a checklist item and due date to someone not necessarily on that plan - set dependencies against other tasks - Different template designs e.g. agile, 7 habits etc. - Ability to set an alert against a task - Custom fields - List views - Add 'live' power bi tiles and show on card e.g. simple KPI tracker - The ability for the board admin to fix cards into position preventing members from moving them and finally further develop links to other software e.g. Mindjet Mindmapper, zoho, salesforce, etc. Its a long list I know but welcome anyone else to add to this52KViews14likes14CommentsPlanner Roadmap - Admin and Support
The planner roadmap at shows only one item in development. There is limited ability to administer and hence support plans (report on use, restrict access (beyond limiting office 365 groups), admin access for support, export data). Any updates on planner administration?51KViews3likes7CommentsTask activity/history tracking
Hi All, Do anyone know if there are plans to implement more enhanced functionality into planner to be able to review the history of a task and understand who has done what with the task and if/when for example it has been moved between buckets. Currently the history/activity of a task will be shown under "Comments" and started with the event "New task created" that will be shown with date/time and that is great. When the task is assigned to someone this will also be shown however that seem to be it, of course comments made will also be shown. The problem that I am having and why I´m asking about this is that I have a planner board with several buckets that are arranged somewhat like a Kanban/process flow, however with more steps/buckets than a regular Kanban board would have. Tasks that are moved between buckets often also include checklists and attached files/links. Currently a task can be moved between buckets, files added, checkboxes marked without anyone working with the planner board knowing who made those changes? It would be excellent if all such changes to a task would be posted as a comment/activity with date/time just as the events when the task is first created. In Trello I belive that this funtionality is called Task History or Activity Stream. Has anyone seen any plans or such enhancements to the current functionality? Best regards, Magnus Bjork31KViews8likes5CommentsPlanner Ignite Review and Roadmap
A little over a month ago, the Planner team was in Orlando for Microsoft Ignite talking to users about their experience and learning what we can do to deliver an even better experience. We also had a joint breakout session with the Microsoft To-Do team and delivered our vision for the future of the task at Microsoft. For those who couldn't attend, this blog will share our review and news from the event and our roadmap for the next quarter.27KViews19likes13Comments