99 Topicsoptional suggestion: new menu bar app for mac
i wish i could launch one of my edge profile (no matter from which edge) directly in the menu bar. so you create a profile and then i can search a profile installed on my 4 browser, without need to launch a browser. at the moment we can do similar things once the browser is launched using the dock icon or using the sync icon or using the menu bar option inside edge. but there is still the limit that we can do it for one browser. we cannot search profiles installed on all 4 browser. plus every time you launch the browser, you open the last used profile. so we first need to close and then switch (which requires time). profile switching is slower in edge compared to google. now with this new app you would simply launch a profile inside an edge app, without launching the previous profile.4.1KViews1like9CommentsSS48: don't remove MacOS Mojave support on Edge, even if Google now announced to us that they will
Suggestion (SS): 48 Classification: Browser Compatibility PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 10 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Few hours ago Senior Dev reported us the no interest of keeping MacOS Mojave support on Chrome. In 2 years they are removing the 2 best MacOS ever released, before Apple started to downgrade features in MacOS (and obviously adding some other too), especially related to all backup workflows, that now are more complex, but even to permissions and multiple other things. We reported the new downgrade for external drives implemented in MacOS 12/13 previously, but this is not the point now. We explained already here why they should keep support for such MacOS, and later again here. Now the point is: we are trying our best to revert such decision, like we wrote here, but it's important that other chromium based devs know about such problematic and evaluate to continue support, if this is technically possible. Remember that MacOS 10.14 is not like all other MacOS released by Apple, so removing such MacOS is not like removing Catalina, High Sierra etc. If there are question why MacOS Mojave support is so important, just write directly to us. We already experienced the direct consequence of removing MacOS on Chromium on all browsers and apps few months ago with Sierra. Please keep in mind that this is not just related to Chrome, but even Chromium based browsers, Mac Apps using Electron, and all other Mac Apps too (because if one is starting to remove support, especially big brands, the other will follow much easier*). So be open with your mind and don't write "i'm not using Chrome or Mojave, doesn't matter for me". There is the possibility that Google maybe know about some changes with Xcode, like we wrote here, but probably is not the case. If this is true, then the situation would be much worse, if now Apple really decides to remove multiple MacOS, like we previously reported with out thoughts. *Keep in mind that almost 70%+ of all browsers available for MacOS (80+) are Chromium based. ------------ In case you will not doing that and Google will not keep support for Mojave, please provide directly link to download a browser version compatible with up to MacOS Sierra and one up to MacOS Mojave, instead of just download last version. Avoid auto update of the app too. So don't install new incompatible app automatically, which make no sense at all.2.1KViews0likes0CommentsAdding a Translator Widget to the Tools Section of the Sidebar
Feature Request The Tools section of the Sidebar has almost every widget one would need, even including a handy dictionary. However, it is missing at least one additional tool: the translator! It seems that the widgets inside the Tools section are the same ones displayed when you search for them with Bing, so adding the translator should be easy. The translator is a powerful tool and having it alongside these other tools is necessary! An Additional Thought (it may be related, but is really a separate idea) Depending on how the dictionary widget works, it might be a cool idea to be able to select a lookup language. If I have a word in another language and I want the definition, it would be convenient to just ask the dictionary for the definition of that word (and be able to tell the dictionary the language to which it belongs); as opposed to having to use the translator (which isn't included in the Tools section) to get the word in English, then going back to the dictionary to get the definition.1.4KViews0likes0CommentsAdd tab/page to group on other page
Classification: TABS PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 5 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) At the moment, it is great that tabs can be moved to a new window, other windows in profile and other profiles. There is also an option to add tabs to groups. However, this only applies within the current window. It would be ideal to be able to move tabs to another group on a different window (but in the same profile).775Views0likes0CommentsSome suggestions for edge as a Chinese
First of all, I'm glad that Microsoft can make such a wonderful browser. I expect that the market share will beat chrome soon, because Chrome is too arrogant. As a Chinese, I am well aware of the huge number of users in the Chinese market. If Microsoft can pay attention to the needs of the Chinese, I believe the Chinese will soon use the new edge. From what I have observed, let me talk about what Chinese people need. I can guarantee that is true. First, just use the left mouse button to open favorites in the new tab. This function is very necessary. I know that you can use the middle mouse button, or use the CTRL + left mouse button or other methods, but Chinese people like to use only one left mouse button. If you don't want to add a switch, you can add the settings to chrome://flags In. Second, double-click to close the tab. If this function is added, with the promotion of Chinese media, the number of Chinese users will rise sharply. You may think that this function will bring misoperation. Of course, you can still only use the chrome://flags Add the relevant settings in. I think the above functions are too simple for Microsoft. Of course, the Chinese don't need the following functions very much, but it's better to add them. For example, 1. Mouse gesture, 2. Provide a separate button to quickly restore the closed tab, 3. Optimize font rendering. Finally, I hope Microsoft will seriously consider my suggestions. After all, chrome will never be able to do these functions. Chinese people have placed their hopes on Microsoft Edge.3.4KViews0likes9CommentsUser Suggestions and requests
我很早之前反馈的问题建议和请求都没有实现,希望收藏夹不仅仅只有滚动样式,也希望可以是这样的,分页形式的那种 还有管理收藏夹搜索时直观给出标签所在的文件夹位置,而不是一个一个查找 浏览器要自带简单的鼠标拖拽功能,而不是完全依靠扩展 给出点击某个链接时不仅仅只有当前页面进行加载跳转,用户可以在设置选项选择在新标签加载点击的那个链接并且停留当前页面 优化一下翻译体验还有设置那里找不到浏览器的快捷方式,快捷键的设置或查看 a.请求建议 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ b.亲求建议555Views0likes0CommentsSS33: smart pip mode - better tiktok integration (or other video social/websites) picture-in-picture
Suggestion (SS): 33 Classification: TIKTOK + PIP / picture-in-picture + audio control PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4-6 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) EDIT: i just found this picture in picture discussion in the feed too. 1) i don't see this directly is annoying i need to activate it via flags 2) pip doesn't work, even if i activate it goal like 360 chrome (or even better, see 3) or with better video control (sugg.17.) and pip buttons (sugg.18.), but avoid to put it over the downloader... (like the picture) 3) smart player with zoomed features like this on the right 4) remember tiktok specific size 5) keep always on top over all mac apps (i haven't tested this with edge, because i don't see pip) 6) please go to next tiktok automatically 7) allow extension in pip mode, so i can download tiktok videos in pip mode with the overlay button PS: about 6) i already told to them inside my 50+ suggestions to tiktok too, but maybe edge is able to fix it too. i hope auto for both pip mode and normal web browsing. 😎add possibility to add multiple url inside a list of pip mode, so a sort of playlist pip mode. 9) maybe like 8 with collections or bookmarks folders, so you pip mode randomly url 10) add to bookmarks inside pip mode directly, especially if you implement 6) 11) same like 10 for collections 12) maybe a separate history for pipmode visited urls (if 6. is implemented) EDIT: sorry i can activate it via 1 ... there is no button over the video for pip (or below, near the video). if i do that, i see there is no mute option too. 13) we cannot change the size, we can only change position. yes pip is over all mac apps (i see it now after enabling with 1. ) 14) remember to add even the option "keep behind mac app too". so both option should be available. 15) loop mode support for other website here the max size possible 16) better audio control panel, where we see all tabs with audio active and we can choose where to keep audio on or off. for example if 300 tabs are opened, but 20 with audio, in this panel we see only the 20 tabs. 17,18) see above 19) ability to quick copy url link or share the video (in pip mode) 20) screenshot feature integrated in pip mode. 21) loop from x to y example from 0 to 0.22 in this video, by skipping the rest 22) continue to loop, even if i launch another website, in this case you have 2 audios, 1 with pip, 1 without. would be cool the loop function for normal browsing too (is possible via extension...) 23) remember the dual mode suggestion: pip and full mode at the same time about 24) it depends how you implement all that. if you do like 360chrome, where each video has separate pip then allow both option "deactivate audio in dock mode" or "keep audio in dock mode" (not available in 360). what i like is that i can pip my videos in the dock. so if you use a player, maybe a way to pip the player in the dock is cool too, with both option "audio on" "audio off". 25) if there is no idea for 23) then a way to switch from pip to full faster, and from full to pip too about 26) i know this get against tiktok policy, but maybe useful for other websites**. a download button. **at the end is not possible to download it at all, since it doesn't work. plus the fact that tiktok download is not directly a feature a browser need to support and extension can do it perfectly. so the point is to add it for other websites, that allow you to download videos without copyright problem... 27) spotify player should be different from video player. so we can have spotify and pip at the same time. 28) 2x click switch size for example with opera max size is then with a 2x click we go to so a small size, which is not related to the full size video - pip mode switch suggestion that i wrote before. in this case the max size could be 1/2 of display, full mode is 1/1 29) right click options would be cool to see suggestions or skip ads or stop auto suggestions with right click3KViews0likes3CommentsEdge Mobile UI refresh / customisation
I would love to see an updated mobile UI - primarily taking another look at the bottom toolbar/menu as I think the current icons aren't necessarily the best use of space. Specifically, I think the back/forward buttons probably aren't that useful for the majority of users as the same actions can normally be performed via swipe gestures, or (in the case of Android) built in navigation in the OS. These buttons could probably be relocated to the secondary flyout menu. In their place, I think it would be much more useful to have a new tab button, and most importantly a search button - which essentially gives focus to the URL bar. A lot of users frequently request placing the URL bar at the bottom to make it easier to reach, but Brave implements a search button on the bottom bar (see screenshot), and I've found this has completely removed the need for a bottom URL bar. I'm sure countless others will disagree with how I'd personally like my icons set up, which is why, like most things - I think the abilty for users to customise the UI to suit them would be best. We already have this option for the secondary menu, it would be great if the primary UI menu could be customised in the same way.1.2KViews0likes0CommentsSuggestion: Add quick reminder for a single tab
I only can speak of my experiences and from what I see from my friends and colleagues. It happens quite often, that I have a lot of opened tabs in edge. Some sites are opened to revisit later (for information purpose or stuff to buy, etc.). It would be a nice feature, if you could right-click a tab and select [remind me later] -> [10min | 30min | 1h | 6h | tomorrow]. You could get a push notification to revisit the tab/website or the tab could light up somehow.780Views0likes1CommentI just want to tell you that i suggested other 50-100 improvements to Edge Devs in the last time
I don't share such things here, because there are a lot of personal information that i don't want to share with the public, maybe soon i will make a summary of the most important points, if you wish that. Or just wait, until Edge implement it. Then you will see it xD Example of topics: bookmarks, search bar, toolbar, settings, edge in small size, using edge with low resolution display setting, smart search, other smart buttons (i already talked about some previously), better tab management, better domain based features, etc. I submitted different problems that i discovered too. So be ready to see another boost for edge. For different suggestions devs are already on working. Good day Ciao1.4KViews1like3Comments