106 Topicsoptional suggestion: new menu bar app for mac
i wish i could launch one of my edge profile (no matter from which edge) directly in the menu bar. so you create a profile and then i can search a profile installed on my 4 browser, without need to launch a browser. at the moment we can do similar things once the browser is launched using the dock icon or using the sync icon or using the menu bar option inside edge. but there is still the limit that we can do it for one browser. we cannot search profiles installed on all 4 browser. plus every time you launch the browser, you open the last used profile. so we first need to close and then switch (which requires time). profile switching is slower in edge compared to google. now with this new app you would simply launch a profile inside an edge app, without launching the previous profile.4.1KViews1like9CommentsUnicorn/Quiling Framework Implementation
I'm suggesting an Unicorn/Quiling Framework Implementation into future versions of Windows since this could allow all type of machines and their architectures (different architectures that are usually not compatible with for example arm architectures) to test, for example ARM64 versions of Windows on Intel/AMD machines and vise versa It could also allow Windows OS future development to add cross-architecture support of all architectures on any CPU (both Intel/AMDs and ARM CPUs) and any 64-bit versions of Windows 11/12 and so on. It would be nice if Microsoft would consider to think, add and allow us insiders to test this cross-architecture functionality in Windows. That is my kind suggestion for Microsoft that I think it would make Windows even more cool and architecture-universal and optimal for any 64-bit machine. It could increase performances and flexibility and much more stuff - and more and more users will happily pay to move to Windows to experience this cool feature built-in Windows core itself. My opinion is that it have big potential to become a big thing that will attract so much people and make Windows more and more capable of taking so much tasks and apps compiled on any architecture without needing to slow down PCs and taking so much free space since Windows doesn't need to run any VM to be able to execute softwares and libraries that are compiled for another architecture. It runs simply from the core level and it's more natively and faster than any Virtual Machines.311Views0likes0CommentsSeamless Android App Integration for Windows: A Game-Changer
I propose a game-changing feature: Seamless integration of Android apps into the Windows ecosystem. Here’s the vision: One-Click Conversion: - Developers import Android projects into Visual Studio. With a single click, their apps transform into the Appx Windows Store format. Google Play APIs Bridge: - Microsoft reimagines Google Play APIs in C# or .NET, making them accessible within Windows development tools. Cross-Platform Harmony: - Android apps run natively on Windows, leveraging Windows Runtime Environment. Direct Publishing: - Developers publish Android-converted apps directly to the Windows Store. **Challenges** API Translation: - Rewriting Google Play APIs for Windows. Runtime Adaptation: - Bridging Android’s runtime with Windows’ .NET. User Interface: - Adapting layouts and interactions. User Demand: - Many developers and users crave this integration. - It’s a win-win for both ecosystems. Let’s collaborate to turn this vision into reality! 🌟447Views0likes0CommentsSS48: don't remove MacOS Mojave support on Edge, even if Google now announced to us that they will
Suggestion (SS): 48 Classification: Browser Compatibility PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 10 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Few hours ago Senior Dev reported us the no interest of keeping MacOS Mojave support on Chrome. In 2 years they are removing the 2 best MacOS ever released, before Apple started to downgrade features in MacOS (and obviously adding some other too), especially related to all backup workflows, that now are more complex, but even to permissions and multiple other things. We reported the new downgrade for external drives implemented in MacOS 12/13 previously, but this is not the point now. We explained already here why they should keep support for such MacOS, and later again here. Now the point is: we are trying our best to revert such decision, like we wrote here, but it's important that other chromium based devs know about such problematic and evaluate to continue support, if this is technically possible. Remember that MacOS 10.14 is not like all other MacOS released by Apple, so removing such MacOS is not like removing Catalina, High Sierra etc. If there are question why MacOS Mojave support is so important, just write directly to us. We already experienced the direct consequence of removing MacOS on Chromium on all browsers and apps few months ago with Sierra. Please keep in mind that this is not just related to Chrome, but even Chromium based browsers, Mac Apps using Electron, and all other Mac Apps too (because if one is starting to remove support, especially big brands, the other will follow much easier*). So be open with your mind and don't write "i'm not using Chrome or Mojave, doesn't matter for me". There is the possibility that Google maybe know about some changes with Xcode, like we wrote here, but probably is not the case. If this is true, then the situation would be much worse, if now Apple really decides to remove multiple MacOS, like we previously reported with out thoughts. *Keep in mind that almost 70%+ of all browsers available for MacOS (80+) are Chromium based. ------------ In case you will not doing that and Google will not keep support for Mojave, please provide directly link to download a browser version compatible with up to MacOS Sierra and one up to MacOS Mojave, instead of just download last version. Avoid auto update of the app too. So don't install new incompatible app automatically, which make no sense at all.2.1KViews0likes0CommentsGitHub Copilot Update: New AI Model That Also Filters Out Security Vulnerabilities
GitHub Copilot has announced major updates to its AI model, resulting in significant improvements to the quality and responsiveness of code suggestions. The updated Codex model has led to a large-scale improvement in the quality of code suggestions and a reduction in the time it takes to serve those suggestions to users. In addition, the new vulnerability filtering system uses advanced AI models to detect insecure coding patterns in real-time, making suggestions more secure. These updates are available to all users of GitHub Copilot and are free to students with the GitHub Students Developer Pack.22KViews2likes0CommentsAdding a Translator Widget to the Tools Section of the Sidebar
Feature Request The Tools section of the Sidebar has almost every widget one would need, even including a handy dictionary. However, it is missing at least one additional tool: the translator! It seems that the widgets inside the Tools section are the same ones displayed when you search for them with Bing, so adding the translator should be easy. The translator is a powerful tool and having it alongside these other tools is necessary! An Additional Thought (it may be related, but is really a separate idea) Depending on how the dictionary widget works, it might be a cool idea to be able to select a lookup language. If I have a word in another language and I want the definition, it would be convenient to just ask the dictionary for the definition of that word (and be able to tell the dictionary the language to which it belongs); as opposed to having to use the translator (which isn't included in the Tools section) to get the word in English, then going back to the dictionary to get the definition.1.4KViews0likes0CommentsAdd tab/page to group on other page
Classification: TABS PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 5 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) At the moment, it is great that tabs can be moved to a new window, other windows in profile and other profiles. There is also an option to add tabs to groups. However, this only applies within the current window. It would be ideal to be able to move tabs to another group on a different window (but in the same profile).775Views0likes0CommentsSome suggestions for edge as a Chinese
First of all, I'm glad that Microsoft can make such a wonderful browser. I expect that the market share will beat chrome soon, because Chrome is too arrogant. As a Chinese, I am well aware of the huge number of users in the Chinese market. If Microsoft can pay attention to the needs of the Chinese, I believe the Chinese will soon use the new edge. From what I have observed, let me talk about what Chinese people need. I can guarantee that is true. First, just use the left mouse button to open favorites in the new tab. This function is very necessary. I know that you can use the middle mouse button, or use the CTRL + left mouse button or other methods, but Chinese people like to use only one left mouse button. If you don't want to add a switch, you can add the settings to chrome://flags In. Second, double-click to close the tab. If this function is added, with the promotion of Chinese media, the number of Chinese users will rise sharply. You may think that this function will bring misoperation. Of course, you can still only use the chrome://flags Add the relevant settings in. I think the above functions are too simple for Microsoft. Of course, the Chinese don't need the following functions very much, but it's better to add them. For example, 1. Mouse gesture, 2. Provide a separate button to quickly restore the closed tab, 3. Optimize font rendering. Finally, I hope Microsoft will seriously consider my suggestions. After all, chrome will never be able to do these functions. Chinese people have placed their hopes on Microsoft Edge.3.4KViews0likes9CommentsUser Suggestions and requests
我很早之前反馈的问题建议和请求都没有实现,希望收藏夹不仅仅只有滚动样式,也希望可以是这样的,分页形式的那种 还有管理收藏夹搜索时直观给出标签所在的文件夹位置,而不是一个一个查找 浏览器要自带简单的鼠标拖拽功能,而不是完全依靠扩展 给出点击某个链接时不仅仅只有当前页面进行加载跳转,用户可以在设置选项选择在新标签加载点击的那个链接并且停留当前页面 优化一下翻译体验还有设置那里找不到浏览器的快捷方式,快捷键的设置或查看 a.请求建议 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ b.亲求建议555Views0likes0CommentsMusic during OOBE in Windows 11
Hello everyone, because Microsoft announced Windows 11, I have an idea for a better user experience. Microsoft could include music during the OOBE (the part of the setup where you can create your user account and connect to the internet) process, something similar to Windows XP. They could remix the theme or create a new one. If you don't want to hear music during OOBE, you could disable it with a button. I believe that this could lead to a better user experience. ~codeleo071.1KViews1like1Comment