33 TopicsDeploy Logic App Standard with Application Routing Feature Based on Terraform and Azure Pipeline
Due to Terraform's cross-cloud compatibility, automation, and efficient execution, among many other advantages, more and more customers use it to deploy integration solutions based on Azure Logic App standard. However, despite the extensive contributions from the community and individual contributors providing Terraform templates and supporting VNET integration solutions for Logic App standards, there are still very few terraform templates covering the "Application routing" and "Configuration routing" settings: This article shared a mature plan to deploy logic app standard then set the mentioned routing features automatically. It's based on Terraform template and Azure DevOps Pipeline. Code Reference: https://github.com/serenaliqing/LAStandardTerraformDeployment/tree/main/Terraform-Deployment-Demo About Terraform Template: Please kindly find the the template in directory Terraform/LAStandard.tf, it includes the terraform definitions for logic app standard, the backend storage account, application insights, virtual network and VNET integration settings. About VNET Routing Configuration Because there is no terraform examples available for VNET routing, we add VNET Settings by invoking "Patch" request to ARM RESTful API endpoint for interacting with logic app standard site: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<Your subscription id>/resourceGroups/$(deployRG)/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/$(deployLA)?api-version=2022-03-01 We figured out the required request body in network trace as the following format: { "properties": { "vnetContentShareEnabled": false, "vnetImagePullEnabled": true, "vnetRouteAllEnabled": false, "vnetBackupRestoreEnabled": false } } Please find the YAML file in TerraformPipeline/logicappstandard-terraform.yml. Within the Yaml file , the "AzureCLI@2" task is used to send the request by Azure CLI command. task to send the patch request. Special Tips: To use the terraform task during Azure pipeline run, it's required to install terraform extension (which you can find in the following link): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-devlabs.custom-terraform-tasks Terraform tasks: Reference: Deploy Logic App Standard with Terraform and Azure DevOps pipelines https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/app_service https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/devops/pipelines275Views2likes0CommentsAutomating Logic Apps connections to Dynamics 365 using Bicep
I recently worked with a customer to show the ease of integration between Logic Apps and the Dataverse as part of Dynamics 365 (D365). The flows of integrations we looked at included: Inbound: D365 updates pushed in near real-time into a Logic Apps HTTP trigger. Outbound: A Logic App sending HTTP requests to retrieve data from D365. The focus of this short post will be on the outbound use case, showing how to use the Microsoft Dataverse connector with Bicep automation. A simple use case The app shown here couldn't be much simpler: it's a Timer recurrence which uses the List Rows action to retrieve data from D365, here's an snip from an execution: Impressed? 🤣 Getting this setup clicking-through the Azure Portal is fairly simple. The connector example uses a Service Principal to authenticate the Logic App to D365 (OAuth being an alternative), so several parameters are needed: Additionally you'll be required to configure an Environment parameter for D365, which is a URL for the target environment, e.g. https://meaingful-url-for-your-org.crm.dynamics.com. Configuring the Service Principal may be the most troublesome part and is outside of the scope of this Bicep automation, and would be considered a separate task per-environment. This page may help you complete the required identity creation. So... what about the Bicep? You can see the Bicep files in the GitHub repository here. We have to deploy 2 resources: resource laworkflow 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows@2019-05-01' = { } ... resource commondataserviceApiConnection 'Microsoft.Web/connections@2016-06-01' = { } ... The first Microsoft.Logic/workflows resource deploys the app configuration, and the second Microsoft.Web/connections resource deploys the Dataverse connection used by the app. The relationship between resources after deployment will be: The Bicep for such a simple example took some trial and error to get right and the documentation is far from clear, something I will try to get improved. In hindsight it seems straight forward, these snippets outline where I struggled. A snip from the connections resource: resource commondataserviceApiConnection 'Microsoft.Web/connections@2016-06-01' = { name: 'commondataservice' ... properties: { displayName: 'la-to-d365-commondataservice' api: { id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/${location}/managedApis/commondataservice' ... The property at path properties.api.id is all important here. Now looking at the workflows resource: resource laworkflow 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows@2019-05-01' = { name: logicAppName ... parameters: { '$connections': { value: { commondataservice: { connectionName: 'commondataservice' connectionId: resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', 'commondataservice') id: commondataserviceApiConnection.properties.api.id } } } ... Here we see the important parameters for the connection configuration, creating the relationship between the resources: connectionName: reference the name of the connection as specified in the resource. connectionId: uses the Bicep resourceId function to obtain the deployed Azure resource ID. id: references the properties.api.id value specified earlier. So fairly simple, but understanding what value is required where isn't straight forward and that's where documentation improvement is needed. Secret Management An extra area I looked at was improved secret management in Bicep. Values required for the Service Principal must be handled securely, so how do you achieve this? The approach I took was to use the az.getSecret Bicep function within the .bicepparm file, allowing for a secret to be read from an Azure KeyVault at deployment time. This has the advantage of separating the main template file from the parameters it uses. The KeyVault used is pre-provisioned which stores the Service Principal secrets and not deployed as part of this Bicep code. using './logicapps.bicep' ... param commondataserviceEnvironment = getSecret( readEnvironmentVariable('AZURE_KV_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'), readEnvironmentVariable('AZURE_KV_RESOURCE_GROUP'), readEnvironmentVariable('AZURE_KV_NAME'), 'commondataserviceClientSecret') This example obtains the commondataserviceClientSecret parameter value from Key Vault at the given Subscription, Resource Group, Key Vault name, and secret name. You must grant Azure Resource Manager access to the Key Vault, enabled by the setting shown below: The Subscription ID, Resource Group name, and Key Vault name are read from environment variables using the readEnvironmentVariable function, showing another possibility for configuration alongside individual .bicepparm file per-environment. In Summary While this was a very simple Logic Apps use case, I hope it ties together the areas of connector automation, configuration, and security, helping you accelerate the time to a working solution. Happy integrating!NLP London Meetup - Microsoft Reactor
Hey everyone! Thanks for joining out session today at the NLP London meetup in the Microsoft Reactor. Here you can find the resources that we have shared during the session and our contact links. Resources Azure OpenAI Docs The Azure Developer CLI azd AI App Templates Azure AI Search Docs Azure OpenAI Assistants Responsible AI Contoso Creative Writer Example Application Our next event London Reactor meetup - 10th December Liam Hampton LinkedIn Chris Noring LinkedIn65Views0likes0Comments📢Announcing General Availability of Templates for Azure Logic Apps Standard
We’re thrilled to announce that Templates support for Azure Logic Apps Standard, previously in Public Preview, is now officially Generally Available (GA)! Over the course of the preview, we’ve expanded the library of templates, adding significant value to streamline your workflow development process. Additionally, we are introducing Accelerators—multi-workflow templates designed to provide comprehensive solutions for complex business processes. We’re excited to grow this collection further with the support and feedback of our community and customers. Note - Accelerators will be available everywhere in January next year (Jan'25) What’s New Templates Now Generally Available Templates have reached GA status, offering the full promise of enterprise-grade support and functionality for this capability. Accelerators With the new support for Accelerators, you can leverage templates that integrate multiple workflows to achieve broader business outcomes seamlessly. Blank Workflow Support To simplify your decision-making process, the Template Gallery now supports creating blank workflows. If you find a template that meets your business needs, you can use it immediately. If not, you can easily create a blank workflow without leaving the gallery, ensuring a smooth experience with minimal context switching. Expanded Template Library Since the preview, we’ve added numerous templates, including AI-powered solutions for document indexing and chat workflows. Streamlined Template Creation Process We’ve enhanced the process of creating and customizing templates. Connections and parameters can now be updated easily by running a dedicated script, saving you time and effort. Getting Started To access templates, select Workflows within your Logic Apps Standard resource. Then select ‘Add from Template’ This would open the templates gallery. You have multiple ways to filter results on this page. You can filter by connectors or by category (for example – AI, design patterns and more). You can also do a free text search. Accelerators can exclusively also be found under the Accelerators tab. If you do not find the template you are looking for, you can choose the blank workflow tile which would guide you to create a blank workflow. When you select any accelerator, it opens a page that gives you an Overview of the scenario including the description and key features. It also shows you the workflows in the package as well as connections used by those workflows. The connection status shows what connections are already available and what would need to created. When you click on a workflow, you can see more specific details about that workflow, including description, pre-requisites and the read only view of the workflow itself. When you chose to use a template, it opens a wizard to provide the necessary configurations. The first step is to provide the name of the workflow. There would be default name and state of the workflow. You can accept the defaults or update them (which is optional). The next step is to configure the connections. Here you will see connections grouped by workflow. For shared connections, you need to create them once and they will be used from all relevant workflows Next step is to configure the parameters used in the workflows. When you click on the parameter name, it would give more details about the parameters. Since parameters can be shared across workflows, it also shows the workflows using a parameter The final step is to review everything and if you are satisfied then go ahead and select Create. When this step is completed, you will see the workflows created in your Logic App. You can access them from the Workflows menu. Want to publish a Template? We welcome contributions from our integration community! If you would like to publish a template, you can find all the instructions here. If this is not an option, then please submit your request for templates here to add them to our backlog of templates. https://aka.ms/survey/templates What’s Next We have several enhancements planned, such as support for consumption workflows, support for VS Code and private templates. So stay tuned! Let us know your thoughts and feedback as we continue to evolve this capability to meet your integration needs.623Views0likes0CommentsWord Online no OfficeTemplate library - does anyone have this yet ?
Hi Everyone, In January we ran the Add-SPOOrgAssetsLibrary officetemplatelibrary powershell command. Like many tenants it took over 48 hours to work, but in the end when I open Word, click new, click Tenant name, I can see the docx files in the SharePoint library specified in the powershell command. Great our users of Word Desktop can see the templates and use them. So can our Excel and PowerPoint users. BUT Word Online users can't see the OfficeTemplate library when they open a new document from https://www.office.com/launch/word They can see all the publicly visible templates but not our OfficeTemplate library as a folder. NOTE PowerPoint online users DO see the OfficeTemplates library as a folder when they start a new presentation from https://www.office.com/launch/powerpoint QUESTION Does anyone have the OfficeTemplate library folder in Word or Excel online yet ? Just like exists in for PowerPoint online after you've run the Add-SPOOrgAssetsLibrary officetemplatelibrary powershell command.4.4KViews1like7CommentsDesigning and running a Generative AI Platform based on Azure AI Gateway
Are you in a platform team who has been tasked with building an AI Platform to serve the needs of your internal consumers? What does that mean? It’s a daunting challenge to be set, and even harder if you’re operating in a highly regulated environment. As enterprises scale out usage of Generative AI past a few initial use-cases they will face into a new set of challenges - scaling, onboarding, security and compliance to name a few. In this article we outline a set of common requirements and provide a reference implementation for an AI Platform.7.7KViews2likes0CommentsTemplates for Azure Logic Apps Standard: Seeking Your Feedback on UI Wireframes
Templates are a great way to accelerate developer productivity and onboard new workloads quickly thereby reducing time to market. As we bring Templates to Logic Apps Standard, we seek your early feedback...2.5KViews0likes0CommentsPush template changes to documents
1. When you update a template, how do you get changes to flow through to documents using the template? I've tried "Automatically Update" in the template with "Only in this document" and "New documents based on this template." 2. I have Document A using Template A with a style, "Body A." How do I get Body A to update when I attach Template B (with a different Body A) to Document A? 3. If I change "Body B" style in a document using a template, does that change it in the template? 4. How do I know if my styes are coming from the template or the document? I want the template to take precedence. ThanksSolved1.7KViews0likes3CommentsSave site as template missing
Hi, I've created a SharePoint site and I want to save it as a template, so any future SharePoint sites could use this template to start. From the following link, it mentions how I could save the site as a template: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/general-development/save-download-and-upload-a-sharepoint-site-as-a-template However when I went to the "Site Settings" section, the "Save Site as a Template" link is missing. Under "Site Actions" are only these links: I did some investigation and the following link mentions a couple of reasons why I may not see these links: https://sharepointmaven.com/2-reasons-why-you-cannot-save-site-as-template-in-sharepoint/ However I don't have publishing features enabled and custom scripts are allowed at the tenant level. I was wondering if there is another setting(s) that could disable the "Save Site as a Template" link? Thanks! Jason21KViews0likes1Comment