web apps
316 TopicsAnnouncing the reliable web app pattern for .NET
Reliable web app pattern is a set of best practices built on the Azure Well-Architected Framework that helps developers successfully migrate web applications to the cloud and set a foundation for future modernization in Azure.54KViews11likes4CommentsAnnouncing the General Availability of WordPress on Azure App Service
We are thrilled to announce that WordPress on Azure App Service, which was running on Public Preview since 15 February 2022, has been made Generally Available on 8 August 2022. To read the Public Preview Announcement read the blog post on The new and better ‘WordPress on App Service’ - Microsoft Tech Community.27KViews9likes6CommentsApp Service to Storage Account Connection Condition Summary
Currently, there are 4 main conditions the Azure App Service can connect to Azure Storage Account. Condition 1: App Service (Public ) --> Storage Account (Public, Same region) Condition 2: App Service (Public ) --> Storage Account (Public, Different region) Condition 3: App Service (Regional Vnet Integration) --> Storage Account (Private, Service Endpoint ) Condition 4: App Service (Regional Vnet Integration) --> Storage Account (Private, Private Endpoint) Before going deeper, here is a brief summary for your to choose the suitable design for your system. Requirements: If your security require the Firewall on the Storage Account. And the Storage Account and Azure App Service are in the same region. --> Use the above Condition 3 for 4 for your design. If your security require the Firewall on the Storage Account. And the Storage Account and Azure App Service are in the different region. --> Use the Condition 1 or Condition 4 for your design. When you would like to make the connection private, use the Condition 4. For the deeper analysis for the above 4 conditions, please see following: Background knowledge: ============ Azure Storage Account Network restricting logic is different from the Azure App Service. Even when we configured the Network restricting from the Azure Storage Account side, the tcpping will still working well like this: And the "List" request to the Azure Storage Account will not be locked. In order to verify if the Network Restricting is working or not, you can use the script to upload a file to Azure Storage Account to test. I am using the code: <?php $accesskey = "xxxx"; $storageAccount = 'xxxx'; $filetoUpload = realpath('xxxx'); $containerName = 'xxxx'; $blobName = 'xxxx'; $destinationURL = "https://$storageAccount.blob.core.windows.net/$containerName/$blobName"; function uploadBlob($filetoUpload, $storageAccount, $containerName, $blobName, $destinationURL, $accesskey) { $currentDate = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", time()); $handle = fopen($filetoUpload, "r"); $fileLen = filesize($filetoUpload); $headerResource = "x-ms-blob-cache-control:max-age=3600\nx-ms-blob-type:BlockBlob\nx-ms-date:$currentDate\nx-ms-version:2015-12-11"; $urlResource = "/$storageAccount/$containerName/$blobName"; $arraysign = array(); $arraysign[] = 'PUT'; /*HTTP Verb*/ $arraysign[] = ''; /*Content-Encoding*/ $arraysign[] = ''; /*Content-Language*/ $arraysign[] = $fileLen; /*Content-Length (include value when zero)*/ $arraysign[] = ''; /*Content-MD5*/ $arraysign[] = 'image/png'; /*Content-Type*/ $arraysign[] = ''; /*Date*/ $arraysign[] = ''; /*If-Modified-Since */ $arraysign[] = ''; /*If-Match*/ $arraysign[] = ''; /*If-None-Match*/ $arraysign[] = ''; /*If-Unmodified-Since*/ $arraysign[] = ''; /*Range*/ $arraysign[] = $headerResource; /*CanonicalizedHeaders*/ $arraysign[] = $urlResource; /*CanonicalizedResource*/ $str2sign = implode("\n", $arraysign); $sig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', urldecode(utf8_encode($str2sign)), base64_decode($accesskey), true)); $authHeader = "SharedKey $storageAccount:$sig"; $headers = [ 'Authorization: ' . $authHeader, 'x-ms-blob-cache-control: max-age=3600', 'x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob', 'x-ms-date: ' . $currentDate, 'x-ms-version: 2015-12-11', 'Content-Type: image/png', 'Content-Length: ' . $fileLen ]; $ch = curl_init($destinationURL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE, $handle); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, $fileLen); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true); $result = curl_exec($ch); echo ('Result<br/>'); print_r($result); echo ('Error<br/>'); print_r(curl_error($ch)); curl_close($ch); } uploadBlob($filetoUpload, $storageAccount, $containerName, $blobName, $destinationURL, $accesskey); Preparation: ============ Write code to upload the file to Azure Storage Account for testing as mentioned in above. Create xxx.php file under the wwwroot folder for testing. Enable the "Diagnostic settings" from Azure Portal Test: ============ Condition 1: App Service (Public ) --> Storage Account (Public, Same region) By Default, Azure App Service can access the Storage Account and upload the files. But if we enable the Firewall settings under the Networking blade of Storage Account, and add the Azure App Service Outbound IP to the whitelist like following screenshot, the Azure App Service will still not able to access Azure Storage Account. If we check the Azure Storage Account log, we will see the Azure App Service was trying to use an internal IP (100.x.x.x) to access the Storage Account. Not using the Azure App Service public outbound IP: Why? I discussed this behavior with the Azure Storage Account and Azure App Service Product Group, and the result showed if the Azure App Service and Azure Storage Account are in the same datacenter, they did some optimization, so the Azure App Service will always reach the Storage Account via the fastest route, so the resource IP (Azure App Service) observed from Azure Storage Account could be an un-predicted IP (could start with 100.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x or other others) and this IP could change at any time. Question: Considering the resource IP from Azure App Service looks like start with 100.x.x.x for now, if I whitelist the in the Azure Storage Account, will the Azure App Service can upload the file on it? Answer: Yes it will make the Azure App Service can access the Storage Account for now. But cannot promise it will always work, it is a not officially support scenery. Because the IP could change to 10.x.x.x and some other un-predicted IPs. Another thing is, the x.0.0.0/8 is a huge range, so it is not a good design. If you would like to enable the Firewall in the Azure Storage Account and would like to make sure the Azure App Service in the same region still could access this Storage Account, please see the details in the Condition 3 and Condition 4. Condition 2: App Service (Public ) --> Storage Account (Public, Different region) As we can see in the Azure Storage Account log, the Azure App Service is using the public IP accessing the Azure Storage Account (13.x.x.x is one of the public outbound IP of my test Azure App Service. ) And you can enable the Firewall on Azure Storage Account and whitelist all the Azure App Service outbound IP (Inbound/Outbound IP addresses - Azure App Service | Microsoft Docs). That will make sure the Azure App Service can always access the Storage Account. Condition 3: App Service (Regional Vnet Integration) --> Storage Account (Private, Service Endpoint ) Create Vnet Integration from Azure App Service to Azure Vnet Subnet. Make sure the "Microsoft.Storage" is enabled as Service Endpoint for the Subnet that App Service is integrated with. Make sure the "Route All" is enabled for the Vnet Integration: Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks | Microsoft Docs After doing above, if we check the Azure App Service resource IP, it will be one of the IP under the Vnet Subnet: Condition 4: App Service (Regional Vnet Integration) --> Storage Account (Private, Private Endpoint) Similar configuration as the Condition 3, but please make sure: Disable the Service Endpoint on the Vnet Subnet. Create Private Endpoint on the Storage Account side. Make sure the Storage Account FQDN could be resolved to private endpoint IP from Azure App Service: We can see the similar private IP records as we saw when using the Service Endpoint. But the different between the condition 3 is the Private Endpoint support cross region traffic , and the Service Endpoint only support the connection from the Azure App Service in the same region.16KViews9likes1CommentExcel for the Web
This post is an overview of our investment strategy with the web version of Excel. As I explained last quarter, one of the Excel team’s key goals from FY20 was that “Customers can use our web app for all their work and should never feel they need to fall back to the rich client”.18KViews8likes20CommentsAzure AppService Linux container fails to serve files from mounted file storage
A perfectly working setup suddenly started failing after redeploying the Azure resources involved: Storage account with multiple file shares Azure AppService on a Linux ServicePlan, hosting a Linux Docker container Azure AppService, configured with Path Mappings to the various file shares on the storage account After reprovisioning the resources (end of June 2021), we found out Apache (inside container) wasn't able to serve files from the mounted storage anymore: it returned a HTTP status 502. It was still able to persist files to these same mounted file shares (excluding hypotheses that our mounted drives were somehow unreachable). When accessing the container inside the AppService over SSH, basic curl commands to these same files returned "Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed" We escalated this issue to MS support. The issue got fixed by applying a work-around: we had to identify an empty ResourceGroup. That way MS could make sure internally that our AppService/ServicePlan deployment eventually landed on the proper hosting resources, resulting in proper behavior. If we redeploy our resources as-is, without notice to MS support, we inevitably are confronted with the unwanted behavior. We've been asking MS Support for a ETA on a structural fix ever since (last 3 months), but never got commitment from their end. We continue to be amazed that a fairly trivial scenario, as this one, seemingly doesn't get any more priority. No doubt lots of other customers are impacted in the same way as we are. Anybody experienced any similar behavior?1.6KViews7likes0CommentsAzure App Service Limit (2) - Temp File Usage (Windows)
This is the 2nd blog of a series on Azure App Service Limits illustrations: 1) Azure App Service Limit (1) - Remote Storage (Windows) - Microsoft Community Hub 2) Azure App Service Limit (2) - Temp File Usage (Windows) - Microsoft Community Hub 3) Azure App Service Limit (3) - Connection Limit (TCP Connection, SNAT and TLS Version) - Microsoft Community Hub 4) Azure App Service Limit (4) - CPU (Windows) - Microsoft Community Hub 5) Azure App Service Limit (5) - Memory (Windows) - Microsoft Community Hub In the first blog of the app service limits series, we know the web app contents are typically saved in the attached remote storage associated with the App Service plan. For temporary files, they are stored in the temporary directory specific to the running instance of the app. And there is a quota limit for those temporary files as well. If you suspect that the app service's performance issue is related to the storage space issue, it's essential to check both the App Service plan's storage and the amount of temporary file's usage. To better understand the Azure App Service File System please refer to below diagram: In this blog, we will focus on the temporary file usage of the Azure App Service by clarifying the most commonly asked questions below: 1. What is the threshold for temporary file storage space? The size limits vary based on the pricing tier and type of the plan. Here are some general guidelines: SKU Family B1/S1/etc. B2/S2/etc. B3/S3/etc. Basic, Standard, Premium 11 GB 15 GB 58 GB PremiumV2, Isolated 21 GB 61 GB 140 GB 2. Where do I check to see if my site has hit a threshold? Navigate to Diagnose and solve problems blade, and type "Temp" and select Temp File Usage On Workers: From this detector, we can gather information about two things: (1) The temp file usage for each machine; (2) The threshold limit for all the machines in this plan. Kindly note: Considering that calculating the file size can take up system resources and impact response time, the file size is continuously monitored and updated once per hour. 3. Can I set up an alert for temporary storage usage? Currently, it is not supported to set up an alert specifically for the usage of temporary files. However, we can manually monitor and check the usage through the methods mentioned in question 2 above. 4. Where can I view these temporary files? By default, the main site and the kudu site do not share the temp files, so you are not able to see the main site's temp files from the kudu console. By adding the app setting (WEBSITE_DISABLE_SCM_SEPARATION = true) to disable the separation, we will be able to check the file usage details from the kudu site. Please notes, adding this app setting will cause the site to restart, resulting in the cleanup of temporary files. As a result, it is advised to wait for several hours before checking the usage again. A number of common Windows locations are using temporary storage on the local machine. For instance, %APPDATA% maps to %SYSTEMDRIVE%\local\AppData. %ProgramData% maps to %SYSTEMDRIVE%\local\ProgramData. %TMP% maps to %SYSTEMDRIVE%\local\Temp. %SYSTEMDRIVE%\local\DynamicCache for Dynamic Cache feature. 5. What should I do if the threshold has already been reached or will be reached soon? If these temporary files have been checked and backed up, we can do one of the following operations: (1) Restart the site Restarting the website will clear all temporary files, but since many cases are caused by the website storing some cache files, this is only a temporary operation. Also note that a cold start (like killing the IIS process by force or restarting the instance from the advance tool), will not affect temporary files. (2) Scale up the plan If you already know that your site needs more temporary space, switching to a larger machine will give you more temporary space. (3) Update the application code Find the source code that creates the temporary file and modify it at the code level.7.1KViews6likes0CommentsIntroducing Code-to-Cloud with Azure Portal, get your apps in the cloud fast and easy
We are excited to announce Code-to-Cloud (preview), one of the fastest and easiest way to deploy and manage your web apps on Azure. Code-to-Cloud is a portal-based experience that takes an app-first approach to building, deploying, and running your apps. Code-to-Cloud makes it easier for developers to get started using Azure, without needing to be an expert on the hundreds of different cloud services.8.7KViews6likes0Comments