12 TopicsNew Microsoft Learning Tools teacher training resources for reading, writing, math and communication
As more and more educators learn about the Microsoft Learning Tools across reading, writing, math and communication, the demand for high quality, easy-to-use, and fast professional development and training has grown. To help schools more readily take advantage of the free and inclusive tools that are available to all, we've put together a set of tools for help, support and our 4 new interactive training guides :hundred_points: Built-in, mainstream, non-stigmatizing, and free!12KViews1like1CommentNew updates for Dictate, including voice commands in Word in the web and mobile
Just recently, it was announced that voice commands are available for Dictate in Word. In this post we will cover some tips and tricks on how to use these commands and other recent updates the next time you are brainstorming, creating an outline, authoring content, or giving feedback!10KViews1like2CommentsPinterest Pins can now be interactively embedded into OneNote and Word
Today we are excited to announce the integration between Pinterest, OneNote and Word. Educators around the world love using Pinterest :pushpin: because when it comes to a great idea, you know it when you see it.13KViews5likes1CommentEditor’s Similarity checker in Microsoft Word – helping writers with originality and attribution
Powered by Bing Search, the Similarity checker can identify and help writers with originality in their writing and learn more about appropriate attribution through tools that facilitate the easy insertion of relevant citations. This can aid writers in focusing less on the mechanics of writing, and more on the content.28KViews3likes17CommentsSave teachers and students time and effort with new transcription capabilities in Word
Educators and students are actively spending time and energy adapting to virtual learning while handling life at home. Our bandwidth to figure out new processes, keep track of various conversations, and digitize workflows while still aspiring to do our best work is limited and that’s why we’re excited to share that Transcribe in Word is here.16KViews1like2CommentsInclusive Classroom round up for Microsoft Education at ISTE 2019
Microsoft Education’s mission is to empower every student on the planet to achieve more. This mission is founded on inclusive principles and aims to enable 100% of all students. Built-in, mainstream, non-stigmatizing and free! Coming into ISTE, Microsoft Education is releasing a wave of updates for the Inclusive Classroom. Today’s round-up of new updates are grouped across reading, writing, math and communication.15KViews5likes0Comments10 Learning Tools updates for the new year, including Translate and inclusive math improvements
With the kickoff of 2019 and school back in session again, we want to help you reinvigorate your teaching and reach all your students! Our product updates include ways to help you communicate with every student through translation capabilities, improve reading and writing skills, and even support math development. With all these updates, we’re sure you’ll find at least one feature to help you kick off the new year right – read on for more information!36KViews5likes6CommentsDictation comes to Office 365 and Immersive Reader gets support for Adverb highlighting
As teachers know, students enter the classroom with a wide range of learning styles, experiences, and abilities, not to mention personalities! Providing multiple modes of expression helps every student communicate their ideas and connect with others - valuable skills that will serve them well throughout their personal and professional lives. Strong communication skills are vital to scholastic achievement and Dictation, coming to Office 365, provides a powerful way for teachers and students to conquer the blank page and effectively present their ideas and thoughts to the world with their voice. To help improve students’ reading skills, we’ve also incorporated feedback from both teachers and students to improve Immersive Reader, delivering personalized learning experiences for a wide range of learners.44KViews6likes3Comments