your phone
4 TopicsCortana needs to be able to make calls using Your Phone app which has call feature and contacts
I want to tell Cortana "Call mom" and she uses the contacts feature in Your Phone app and Call feature in there to Call that contact. if you want something similar, please upvote this feedback in feedback hub:'t retrieve message or photos using Your Phone and Android Phone
I have a Samsung Galaxy S10 [Android 10, June patch level] with Windows 10 Pro v1909. Your Phone [YP] [latest on Win 10] and Your Phone Companion [YPC] [latest] on Android. Android phone linked to Win 10. For whatever reason, if I want to send a message I have to manually type in the phone number. I can then send out a message but it keeps on saying "Sending" in YP even though it has shown up on my phone. For pictures, I can't retrieve pictures from my phone to YP. And no notifications as well. Interesting that the Phone Screen feature does work. In mms.png, I can't seem to find the setting on my Android phone. See attachments. Thoughts? Ed828Views0likes0CommentsAdd Your Phone File Transfer support to ALL Android Phones, Not just Samsung.
Add Your Phone File Transfer support to ALL Android Phones, Not just Samsung. Huawei, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Sony, Nokia, LG, Motorola, Google Pixel etc etc there are HUGE number of Android phones being left out, please let ALL Android phones, at least from Android 9 above, to use these features. File Transfer and Screen sharing Please Upvote this feedback if you agree: Call feature on Your Phone app to work WITHOUT Bluetooth. use it over INTERNET or WIFI
Allow Call feature on Your Phone app to work WITHOUT Bluetooth. use it over INTERNET or WIFI my PC has no Bluetooth, majority of PCs don't, only laptops have it. it shouldn't be necessary to use Bluetooth to use call functionality in the Your Phone app. please let us answer or initiate calls over Internet/4G/WiFi/Local network. Thank you. Please Upvote this feedback if you want the same: