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Welcome to the official community and blog for Microsoft Learn! Microsoft Learn offers a comprehensive collection of training options that empower technical professionals to learn in a style that fits best, allowing you to advance your technical skills while earning achievements and/or preparing for Microsoft Certifications. Join us for updates on training and certification news as well as conversation with the community around learning, training, and certification! This is not the appropriate place for product questions. Do you have questions about Microsoft Teams, Excel, Azure, Windows 10, or another product? Check out our list of communities and you're bound to find the appropriate community to ask your question. This is also not the place for certification support. Please contact Certification Support if you are having issues with registering for an exam, profile issues, missing certification etc. If you're looking to ask a question or start a conversation about Microsoft Learn, which paths to take, what certification to explore next, you're in the right place! Ask away.77KViews167likes132CommentsThe true fix for missing Windows 11 Store App.
Here it is ignore other fixes tried them all they don’t work. I lost the Store App in the upgrade from 10 to 11. Even resetting PC never brought it back. So if that sounds similar to how you lost it do this 20 second fix. 1. Open Xbox App 2. Open settings. 3. Click on General settings tab (left second tab on list) 4. In upper right of screen (window) there will be a list of system bundles that are missing (I had three) click install on all of them. When installed it’s done close app. 5. Open Windows settings and go to Apps tab, then Apps and features (very top) scroll down list your welcome Store is back. Go set a restore point cause who knows what a windows update will do next.113KViews56likes92CommentsMeet the Microsoft Learn experts
The Microsoft Learn Community experiences are supported by technical subject matter experts, which are present throughout our community resources based on their area of expertise. Connect with this worldwide network of experts who have technical and training experience, are passionate about the community, and can offer unique knowledge to help you achieve your skilling goals. Find all the Microsoft Learn experts or join them in one of our learning rooms. Microsoft Learn expert Topic Area André Baltieri Azure Brian Gorman Azure Elkhan Yusubov Azure Hamid Sadeghpour Saleh Azure Jonah Andersson Azure Jorge Maia Azure Kazeem Adegboyega Azure Luke Murray Azure Marcos Nogueira Azure Martin Dimovski Azure Mohsen Akhavan Azure Rodrigo Kono Azure Saeid Dahl Azure Tiago Costa Azure Viknaraj Manogararajah Azure Viswanatha Swamy Azure Vlad Catrinescu Azure Dharanidharan Balasubramaniam Business Applications Doher Drizzle Pablo Business Applications Faisal Fareed Business Applications Goloknath Mishra Business Applications Haniel Croitoru Business Applications Jeevarajan Kumar Business Applications Julian Sharp Business Applications Kirti Prajapati Business Applications Nadeeja Bomiriya Business Applications Priyesh Wagh Business Applications Rishona Elijah Business Applications Arafat Tehsin Data and AI Armando Lacerda Data and AI Francis Msangi Masera Data and AI Dr. Gomathi Srinivasan Data and AI Hugo Barona Data and AI Indira Bandari Data and AI Jackson Felden Data and AI Janarthanan S Data and AI Juarez Junior Data and AI Narayan Solanki Data and AI Razwan Choudry Data and AI Stefano Demiliani Data and AI Usama Wahab Khan Data and AI Abdullah Altaf General Technologies Arash Aghajani General Technologies Ayodeji Folarin General Technologies Douglas Romão de Souza General Technologies Estelle Auberix General Technologies Gulnaz Mushtaq General Technologies Joshua Jones General Technologies Oluwaseyi Oluwawumiju General Technologies Renato Romão de Souza General Technologies Shinichi Kawara General Technologies Usman Lodhi General Technologies Amit Chandak Microsoft Fabric Ashraf Ghonaim Microsoft Fabric Chris Hyde Microsoft Fabric David Alzamendi Microsoft Fabric Mehrdad Abdollahi Microsoft Fabric Nikola Ilic Microsoft Fabric Pragati Jain Microsoft Fabric Shabnam Watson Microsoft Fabric Daniel Rey Modern Work Nanddeep Nachan Modern Work Sara Fennah Modern Work Sharon Weaver Modern Work Siddharth Vaghasia Modern Work Smita Nachan Modern Work David Okeyode Security, Compliance and Identity Dwayne Natwick Security, Compliance and Identity Eric Woodruff Security, Compliance and Identity Ibrahima Mbodji Security, Compliance and Identity Raphael Koellner Security, Compliance and Identity65KViews47likes37CommentsChallenges at microsoft learn
Ambassador Challenge-Build a Machine Learning Model using Cu:- Ambassador Challenge: Azure AI Mastery Ambassador Challenge -Mastering Git, GitHub, and Copilot: A Challenge: Azure Protect against cyber threats
Protect against cyber threats with Microsoft Defender XDR across endpoints, identities, email, and applications. Learning objectives After completing this module, you'll be able to: Describe the Microsoft Defender XDR service. IN THESE CHALLENGES
Ambassador Challenge: Azure essentials- MLSA Get ready to dive deeper into Azure AI technology. Using AI, you can build solutions, improve your apps, and accelerate business growth. Master the basics of AI and jump-start your career now! Beyond the Microsoft Learn AI Skills Challenge
Connect with a network of experts who offer unique knowledge to help you achieve your AI-skilling goals. The Microsoft Learn Community is your go-to destination for advancing your AI skills, whether you're a novice or a seasoned professional looking to deepen your knowledge. Our community offers a dynamic learning environment through Learning Rooms, where you can interact directly with Microsoft Learn experts who are dedicated to the community. Engage in deep dives on specific topics, participate in discussions, and attend virtual sessions to enhance your AI expertise. Our community leaders are passionate about sharing their extensive knowledge and experience with Microsoft products, offering targeted guidance and support within the Learning Rooms. Take your AI journey to the next level with the Microsoft Learn Community and join one of the upcoming sessions. Note: This list reflects sessions each week during the AI Skilling Challenge and will update weekly to showcase the next set of sessions. To see the full list, join our Learner Central AISC session channel. Pay attention to time zones (Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator ( Topic Area Session Date Session Title & Link Learn Expert AI April 15th, 3-4:00 PM (BRT) How Much Does an AI Project Typically Cost? Jorge Maia AI April 15th, 3-4:00 PM (BRT) Quanto Custa um Projeto de IA? (PT-BR Supported) Jorge Maia Azure AI Fundamentals April 15th, 6-7:00 PM (CET) Four Steps To The AI World (session 4) Saeid Dahl Azure AI Fundamentals April 15th, 6-7:00 PM (CET) AI Skills Challenges - weekly guide (session 4) Saeid Dahl AI April 16th, 8-9:00 PM (AEST) Let's build our own copilots with Generative AI Arafat Tehsin Azure AI April 16th, 3-5:00 PM (JST) Learn how to leverage Azure AI with Power Platform Service.(Power Platform サービスで Azure AI サービスを活用する方法を学ぶ) JPN Supported Shinichi Kawara AI April 17th, 3-4:00 PM (BRT) Is AI Applicable to Any business or problem? Jorge Maia AI April 17th, 3-4:00 PM (BRT) A IA é Aplicável a Qualquer Negócio ou Problema? (PT-BR Supported) Jorge Maia AI April 18th, 6:30-7:30 PM (BRT) Bem-vindo à Era das Soluções “Não Tão Inteligentes” com a IA (In-Person Only) Jorge Maia AI April 19th, 3-4:00 PM (BRT) Welcome to the Era of Not-So-Intelligent Solutions with AI Jorge Maia Azure OpenAI April 20th, 6-7:00 PM (CET) Whispering to OpenAI Saeid Dahl AI, Business Apps & Data April 20th, 1-2:00 PM (GMT +1) Apply & Deploy – AI Hack You Doher Drizzle Pablo AI, Business Apps & Data April 27th, 1-3:00 PM (GMT +1) Complete – AI Elevation: Illuminating the Path Forward Doher Drizzle Pablo AI & Azure April 30th, (CET) Microsoft AI and Azure Credentials: Building Blocks for Success Hamid Sadeghpour Saleh Join Learner Central Learner Central is your all-in-one hub for the latest happenings, opportunities, and resources in the Microsoft Learn Community – all from a single spot – regardless of which learning rooms you’ve joined. Connect with a worldwide network of experts with technical and training experience, who can offer unique knowledge to help you achieve your skilling goals. Join Now Microsoft Learn AI Skills Challenge Whether you’re a seasoned technology professional or are just starting out, this month-long immersive challenge will help you gain the skills, confidence, and Microsoft Credentials needed to excel in the era of AI. Explore AI Fundamentals, Azure Open AI, Machine Learning and Microsoft Fabric. Each challenge features a selection of resources to help you succeed, including interactive Microsoft Learn community events, live and recorded learning sessions delivered by AI experts, plus training assets. By completing one of the challenges, you can become eligible for a free Microsoft Certification exam. Register Now18KViews15likes5CommentsPractice Tests released on Microsoft Learn
Working on your certification goals and looking for practice tests? Take the online assessment directly from Microsoft Learn. Keep an eye out for the practice assessment link on the exam pages! For example it is now available for the SC-900 exam. the new Azure Network Engineer Associate certification. Exam AZ-700 out of beta
We’re happy to announce that Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions, is now live. Passing this exam is the only requirement to earn the new Azure Network Engineer Associate certification. If you passed the beta exam, the certification and exam will be reflected on your online transcript approximately 10 business days from today. Check your Microsoft Certification Dashboard, where you’ll also find your new digital badge. Don’t forget to celebrate and share your achievement. Add your newly acquired skills and badge to your LinkedIn profile to stand out in your network. Follow the instructions in the congratulations email you will receive. Or find your badge on your Certification Dashboard, and follow the instructions there to share it. Considering this certification? To help you prepare, check out the three-day Course AZ-700T00: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions. This instructor-led training teaches network engineers how to design, implement, and maintain Azure networking solutions. To discuss training solutions customized to your project plans and goals, connect with a Microsoft Learning Partner. If you prefer to learn on your own, explore the Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions learning path on Microsoft Learn. For exam details, review the exam page. The Exam AZ-700 skills outline alerts you to the key topics covered. Gear up with the AZ-700 Study Guide created by Microsoft Cloud Advocate @thomasmaurer. Get hands-on guidance for using Azure networking services in the free Azure Networking Cookbook from Packt. Get started now Are you ready to let the world know that you have the Azure networking experience and skills that enable you to plan, implement, and maintain your organization’s Azure networking solutions? Get started learning about the Azure Network Engineer Associate certification today, and prepare to take your career to the next level.22KViews12likes12CommentsNow live: Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
Start or continue your journey to become a Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert. We’re happy to announce that Exam AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions is now live. Candidates who want to achieve Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification must earn the Azure Administrator Associate certification and pass this exam. If you passed Exam AZ-305 while it was in beta, that will be reflected on your Microsoft Certification Dashboard online transcript approximately 10 business days from today. If you already earned the Azure Administrator Associate certification, the new certification badge for Azure Solutions Architect Expert will also be there. Don’t forget to celebrate and share your achievement. To add your newly acquired skills and badges to your LinkedIn profile and to help you stand out in your network, follow the instructions in your congratulations email. Or, to share your badge, follow the instructions in your Certification Dashboard. Considering this certification? Regardless of where you are on your journey, there’s a path for you to earn the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification. Choose one of the following options: If you’re just starting out, earn the Azure Administrator Associate certification and pass Exam AZ-305. If you have a current Azure Administrator Associate certification, you’re halfway there—just pass Exam AZ-305. If you’ve already passed Exam AZ-303, pass the new Exam AZ-305. If you’ve already passed Exam AZ-304, be sure to pass Exam AZ-303 before it retires on March 31, 2022. Pass both Exam AZ-303 and Exam AZ-304 before they retire on March 31, 2022. If you’ve already earned the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification and it’s time to renew it, don’t take Exam AZ-305. Instead, renew your certification by passing a free online assessment on Microsoft Learn. For instructions, check out this short video. Get ready to take Exam AZ-305 Review the Exam AZ-305 page for details. The Exam AZ-305 skills outline details the key topics covered on the exam. Refresh your solutions architecture design skills with this Microsoft Learn collection of learning paths. Want more in-depth training? Take Course AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions. Connect with Microsoft Learning Partners in your area for in-person training. Gear up with the AZ-305 Study Guide created by Microsoft Cloud Advocate Thomas Maurer. Are you ready to let the world know that you have the experience and skills which enable you to design cloud and hybrid solutions that run on Azure, including compute, network, storage, monitoring, and security? It’s time to spotlight your solution architecture design and implementation skills and strengths with Exam AZ-305 and the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification.24KViews11likes8CommentsCybersecurity Architect BP Opportunity
Greetings! Microsoft is considering a certification for the Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect role, and we need your input through our exam blueprinting survey. The blueprint determines how many questions each skill in the exam will be assigned. Please complete the online survey by December 17 th , 2021. Please also feel free to forward the survey to any colleagues you consider subject matter experts for this certification. If you have any questions, feel free to contact John Sowles at or Don Tanedo at Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect blueprint survey link: Thank you!3.6KViews10likes3CommentsIf you have AI on the brAIn, don’t miss our daily #LearnMicrosoftAI tips!
We’re all aware of the amazing abilities of AI, but many of us wonder how to make the most of it in our daily tasks—to improve customer experiences, increase productivity, and drive results. Microsoft AI offers these possibilities, but where do you start? Right here! Beginning on June 5, 2023, stay tuned here in the Microsoft Learn hub on Tech Community for a daily #LearnMicrosoftAI tip. In these tips, community members will provide practical AI skilling advice, including “Soar to new AI developer heights with GitHub Copilot” and “Flex your apps with AI Builder,” to name just a few. Whether you’re a tech beginner or you have years of experience in the field, you’ll find something new to learn. These tips will cover a range of technologies and tools, like Azure OpenAI Service, Azure Machine Learning, AI Builder, Power Virtual Agents, GitHub Copilot, and more. They’ll also include various resources from Microsoft Learn, such as Microsoft Certifications, learning paths and documentation, instructor-led training, and recorded shows. We’ll share an AI skilling tip every weekday— find them on Microsoft Tech Community discussions using the label Learn Microsoft AI filter or search using #LearnMicrosoftAI. Did you miss one tip? Stay tuned for weekly recaps every Friday on Twitter and LinkedIn.2.2KViews9likes0CommentsExams DP-203 & AI-102, data courses, practice tests: Updates to Azure certs and exams – May 2021
Updated May 6, 2021 Exam AI-102 is live! We’re happy to announce Exam AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution has moved from beta to live status on May 6, 2021. If you took the Exam AI-102 in beta, you should be receiving your scores in about 10 business days after May 6th. Exam DP-203 is live! We’re happy to announce Exam DP-203: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure has moved from beta to live status on May 4, 2021. If you took the Exam DP-203 in beta, you should be receiving your scores in about 10 business days after May 4th. May is the month of data & AI training—new courses available We recently released these courses to help you move forward on your training and certification journey on Azure data & AI. Check out with them these recently released courses: Course DP-203T00: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure. This is probably one of the best data engineer trainings available in the market (yes, I’m biased, but I truly believe it). This course not only will help you prepare for the Exam DP-203, but also will give you plenty of practical hands-on experience to apply in your job immediately. Course DP-090T00: Implementing a Machine Learning Solution with Microsoft Azure Databricks. In this one-day course, you'll learn how to use Azure Databricks to explore, prepare, and model data; and integrate Databricks machine learning processes with Azure Machine Learning. This course will help you prepare for Exam DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure. Course DP-080T00: Querying Data with Microsoft Transact-SQL. Top recommendation for anyone starting with relational databases. With this course you’ll learnt the basics of Microsoft's dialect of the standard SQL language: Transact-SQL. Topics include both querying and modifying data in relational databases that are hosted in Microsoft SQL Server-based database systems, including: Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and, Azure Synapse Analytics. Don’t forget to reach one of our many Microsoft Learning Partners to talk about these courses. New practice test available More goods news if you are getting prepared for Azure data certifications: I’m glad to share that our partner MeasureUp recently released the DP-300: Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure Microsoft Official Practice Test. This practice test is designed to help you prepare for the Exam DP-300. See all the practice tests available for Azure at MeasureUp. Azure Security Engineer Associate periodic refresh We are going through the regular certification update and we'd love your input through our exam blueprinting survey. The blueprint determines how many questions each skill in the exam will be assigned. If your expertise is in Azure security, please complete the online survey by May 19, 2021.8.2KViews8likes8CommentsNew Microsoft Learn content: All about Azure Synapse Analytics
I'm excited to share the release of over 30 Microsoft Learn modules to help you master Azure Synapse Analytics and bring together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics. The new content is available as six learning paths: Realize Integrated Analytical Solutions with Azure Synapse Analytics. Build data analytics solutions using Azure Synapse serverless SQL pools. Work with Data Warehouses using Azure Synapse Analytics. Perform data engineering with Azure Synapse Apache Spark Pools. Data integration at scale with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipeline. Work with Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing Solutions using Azure Synapse Analytics. Looking for an easy access to all the learning paths? Bookmark the Integrated analytics with Azure Synapse Analytics collection we've created for you.15KViews8likes11CommentsDP-900 is now live
Exam DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals is now live. If you took the beta exam, you should start to see scores over the new few days. For more information on the exam, the certification details, as well as ways to prepare check out the Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals certification1.6KViews8likes2CommentsAI-900 is now live
Exam AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals is now live. If you took the beta exam, you should start to see scores over the new few days. For more information on the exam, the certification details, as well as ways to prepare check out the Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals certification.1.4KViews7likes3CommentsDA-100 is now live
Exam DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI is now live. If you took the beta exam, you should start to see scores over the new few days. For more information on the exam, the certification details, as well as ways to prepare check out the Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Association certification.Solved3.2KViews7likes8Comments
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- The best way to learn something new is by taking it one step at a time. We know all this talk of AI can be overwhelming, so how about we take it one skill at a time? At Microsoft, our mission has alw...Mar 11, 20255.8KViews21likes4Comments
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