Recent Discussions
How can avoid over consumption in Azure cloud esp AKS ?
Over consumption is Azure Kubernetes services can lead to unnecessary costs and resource wastage if you are not leverage properly. here are some key things to avoid it. 1.Right size your cluster: a. Optimise Node pools: use appropriate VM size for worker nodes based on work load requirements. do not go more than what is required. b.Use Autoscaling feature to scale nodes up/down c.Set requests & Limits: define CPU and memory requets/lmits for pods to prevent over allocation. 2.Optimise workload scaling 3.Enable Monitoring to see the optimise costs 4.Use managed AKS instead of Shared AKS 5.Use azure files or managed disk efficiently to optimise the storage 6.Cleanup unused resources. delete idle work loads, unused namespaces.12Views0likes0CommentsHelp with SharePoint connection issues
Hello, Quite suddenly, and now frequently, our spreadsheets on SharePoint are having difficulty saving. This was only a rare occurrence previously, but now happens to us regularly. It is so bad that we will have to stop using SharePoint if we can't figure out why it is doing this. Can anyone provide some advice as to what could be going on? We get errors saying we can't connect to the server and that it could be our internet connection. I highly doubt it's our internet connection as it is happening on many different connections all of which don't have problems connecting to other things. Do we have too much saved on our SharePoint perhaps?11Views0likes0CommentsSetting Authorization Cookie in .Net 7 core
Hi, I was working with a web application where i have already implemented methods to set the authorization cookie in the startup of the project. Recently I came across implementing a power BI dashboard in my application Since the power BI has some strict content security policies which only allows the Microsoft related domains like teams and share point to implement the reports ,it blocked the report being rendered in my app thus i switched to the embed API of power Bi, While configuring the power BI settings in the startup The power BI also configured some Auth Cookies .Since my application already implements the auth cookies it conflicted with the existing implementation causing Build errors. I Tried setting the cookies in the power BI configuration and then added the required cookie settings of my application to the cookie being set in the power BI configuration . But it still shows no Use ,My application wont recognize the claims and cookies being set in the power BI configuration thus throwing error while logging into the Application6Views0likes0CommentsVM Login issues
Issue: The virtual machine has been created, but login is not possible ? what could be reason ? Root cause: Multiple stale ip addresses were attached to the virtual machine possibly due to multiple recreation using same name, Solution: Recreate the virtual machine with unique name in another subnet. issue is resolved.90Views0likes0CommentsViva Engage praise functionality
Is there any way to add praise badges directly in a Viva community? I am wanting to add praise relating to our company values, so I would ideally like to add custom badges for team members to select when praising someone. I am aware that in teams you can add a badge with praise, however, I can't see if you can customise these badges and also use them directly in Viva communities Thanks in advance14Views1like0CommentsMicrosoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Blueprint Survey Opportunity
Greetings! Microsoft is updating the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate and Expert certifications, and we need your input through our exam blueprinting surveys. The blueprint determines how many questions each skill in the exam will be assigned. Please complete the online survey by March 14th, 2025. Please also feel free to forward the survey to any colleagues you consider subject matter experts for this certification. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Rohan Mahadevan at or John Sowles at (MB-330) Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate (MB-335) Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert Extraction Step Fails: Archive File Not Found
Issue Summary The archive file is not found during the extraction step in the pipeline, causing the task to fail. Steps to Reproduce Run the pipeline with the ExtractFiles task configured to extract a previously archived file. The task attempts to locate and extract the file from the expected directory. The extraction step fails due to a missing or inaccessible archive file. Expected Results The extraction step should successfully locate the archive file and extract its contents. Actual Results The pipeline fails at the extraction step. The archive file is not found at the expected location. Error Details Relative file path: _$(Build.BuildDefinition)/80-build/ resolving to: /home/vsts/work/r1/a/_$(Build.BuildDefinition)/80-build/ Error Message: Error: Specified archive: /home/vsts/work/r1/a/_$(Build.BuildDefinition)/80-build/ cannot be extracted because it cannot be accessed. Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/home/vsts/work/r1/a/_$(Build.BuildDefinition)/80-build/'12Views0likes0CommentsForwarding email if the aimed adress doesnt exist?
Hi, I have setted my own domain in Entra. Is it possible to forward emails, which are sended to a none existing adress of my domain to a existing one? For example, an email send to ajnsfvfxdcb@mydomain (doesnt exist) should be forwarded to email_grabber@mydomain (does exist). Is it possible to handle this? Maybe there is another way to work around? Greetz, Tomek40Views0likes2CommentsOffice Online Server | WinServer 2022 = Unhealthy
Hello, I have to install on new server windows (2022 .net 4.8) Office Online Server but after installation and farm setup the status is unhealthy (i added certificate to IIS and it is reachable from sharepoint front server): Office Online Server (KB5002627) ver 16.0.10416.20047 OfficeWebAppsMachine | Format-List * MasterMachineName : X-OOS01 MachineName : X-OOS01 Roles : {All} HealthStatus : Unhealthy Farm Setup: PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm | fl FarmOU : InternalURL : https://oos.mydomain.local/ ExternalURL : https://oos.mydomain.local/ AllowHTTP : True AllowOutboundHttp : False SSLOffloaded : True CertificateName : MY COMMENT: << HERE I DONT HAVE IT BUT IN ANOTHERS FARMS Office Server work with the same config; cert is in IIS >> S2SCertificateName : EditingEnabled : True LogLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS LogRetentionInDays : 7 LogVerbosity : Proxy : CacheLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\d MaxMemoryCacheSizeInMB : 75 DocumentInfoCacheSize : 5000 CacheSizeInGB : 15 ClipartEnabled : False OnlinePictureEnabled : False OnlineVideoEnabled : False MorphEnabled : True TranslationEnabled : False MaxTranslationCharacterCount : 125000 TranslationServiceAppId : TranslationServiceAddress : RenderingLocalCacheLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\waccache RecycleActiveProcessCount : 5 AllowCEIP : False OfficeAddinEnabled : False ExcelRequestDurationMax : 300 ExcelSessionTimeout : 450 ExcelWorkbookSizeMax : 30 ExcelPrivateBytesMax : -1 ExcelConnectionLifetime : 1800 ExcelExternalDataCacheLifetime : 300 ExcelAllowExternalData : True ExcelUseEffectiveUserName : False ExcelWarnOnDataRefresh : True ExcelUdfsAllowed : False ExcelMemoryCacheThreshold : 85 ExcelUnusedObjectAgeMax : -1 ExcelCachingUnusedFiles : True ExcelAbortOnRefreshOnOpenFail : True ExcelEnableCrossForestKerberosAuthentication : False ExcelAutomaticVolatileFunctionCacheLifeTime : 300 ExcelConcurrentDataRequestsPerSessionMax : 5 ExcelDefaultWorkbookCalcMode : File ExcelRestExternalDataEnabled : True ExcelChartAndImageSizeMax : 1 OpenFromUrlEnabled : False OpenFromUncEnabled : True OpenFromUrlIntranetIpEnabled : True OpenFromUrlThrottlingEnabled : True PicturePasteDisabled : True RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs : False AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections : False Machines : {X-OOS01} I found in OOO uls logs problem with watchdog agent, could someone help me with that? 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - DocumentSessionServiceWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WebWordEditorSaveServiceWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - BroadcastServicesWatchdog_App 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - BroadcastServicesWatchdog_Wfe 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - DiskCacheWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - ExcelServicesEcsWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - ExcelServicesWfeWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - FarmStateManagerWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - HostingServiceWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - ImagingWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - PowerPointEditingServicesWatchdog_App 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - PowerPointViewingServicesWatchdog_App 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - PowerPointViewingServicesWatchdog_Web 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - ProofingWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - Rtc2Watchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog ailr1 Medium Health status for UlsControllerWatchdog, Category = 10001, Status Properties: UlsControllerWatchdog(10001): Health: Okay, Last Update: 02/28/2025 14:22:09, Previous Health = , Last Transition Time: 02/28/2025 14:22:09, Last persistent health: Okay, Last persistent update: 01/01/0001 00:00:00, Last Message = "HealthReportingAdapter received 1 report(s) from UlsControllerWatchdog successfully." 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - UlsFileWriterWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WebOneNoteWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WebWordEditorWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog ailr1 Medium Health status for WordDocumentSessionServiceWatchdog, Category = 10001, Status Properties: WordDocumentSessionServiceWatchdog(10001): Health: Okay, Last Update: 02/28/2025 14:22:09, Previous Health = , Last Transition Time: 02/28/2025 14:22:09, Last persistent health: Okay, Last persistent update: 01/01/0001 00:00:00, Last Message = "HealthReportingAdapter received 2 report(s) from WordDocumentSessionServiceWatchdog successfully." 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WordViewerWfeWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog afk5i Medium Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WordViewerAppManagerWatchdog 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog ag9ct Medium Because WordDocumentSessionService is unhealthy, the machine is unhealthy. 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog ag9ct Medium Because Imaging is unhealthy, the machine is unhealthy. 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606 2025-02-28 14:22:15.93 AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8) 0x2620 Hosted Services Infrastructure Service Manager Watchdog ag9ct Medium Because UlsFileWriter is unhealthy, the machine is unhealthy. 15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db9660654Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Power Platform Fundamentals Blueprinting Opportunity
Greetings! Microsoft is updating the Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals certification, and we need your input through our exam blueprinting surveys. The blueprint determines how many questions each skill in the exam will be assigned. Please complete the online survey by March 11th, 2025. Please also feel free to forward the survey to any colleagues you consider subject matter experts for this certification. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Rohan Mahadevan at or John Sowles at Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals blueprint survey link: with listing tasks from planner premium in power automate
Hello, I have created both standard planner and premium planner. When using power automate to list tasks, it only retrieves tasks from standard planner but not from planner premium. I try using the MS Graph API, but it doesn't return tasks from planner premium. I also checked app permission in Azure AD and tested the API in postmen, but it does not work. And these method have been either too complex or have not given any results. Is there any alternative way ? Please give me some advice. Thanks15Views0likes0CommentsIssue with Listing Tasks from Planner Premium in Power Automate
Hello, I have created both Standard Planner and Planner Premium. When using Power Automate to list tasks, it only retrieves tasks from Standard Planner but not from Planner Premium. I tried using the Microsoft Graph API /planner/plans/{planId}/tasks, but it does not return tasks from Planner Premium. I also checked app permissions in Azure AD and tested the API in Postman and Power Automate, but it still does not work. These methods have been either too complex or have not given any results. Is there any alternative way to list tasks from Planner Premium? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks116Views1like2CommentsIssue with Listing Tasks from Planner Premium in Power Automate
I have created both Standard Planner and Planner Premium. When using Power Automate to list tasks, it only retrieves tasks from Standard Planner but not from Planner Premium. I tried using the Microsoft Graph API /planner/plans/{planId}/tasks, but it does not return tasks from Planner Premium. I also checked app permissions in Azure AD and tested the API in Postman and Power Automate, but it still does not work. These methods have been either too complex or have not given any results. Is there any alternative way to list tasks from Planner Premium? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you18Views0likes0CommentsNo Student Progress Shown in Microsoft Learn Plan
Hello, I have created some Microsoft Learn plans and invite students, but when I go to Manage > Track Progress, the panel always shows 0 students. I expected to see a summary of their progress, but nothing appears. Students have used invitation link and access the plan and some of them have finished. Additionally, when I try to download the CSV file, it also shows no data. Is there a known issue with progress tracking, or am I missing a step? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks56Views0likes0CommentsVerification issue with Microsoft Partner account - Employment Verification status "Rejected"
I am submitting a complaint regarding the verification issue with our Microsoft Partner account. We have initiated the verification process, but our current status shows as "Rejected," specifically in the "Employment verification" section. Account Details: Company Name: PT. BINTANG INOVASI TEKNOLOGI Partner ID: 6957233 We have met all other requirements, including email and identity verification. Therefore, we kindly request clarification and assistance in resolving the Employment verification issue so that we can proceed to the next steps. Thank you for your attention and help.109Views1like5CommentsOpening PDF documents in Adobe Reader as default when in SharePoint
I'm after some advise please... I'm aware you can open the Microsoft applications (Word, Excel etc) in App by default in SharePoint, but is there a way you can set PDFs to open in Adobe Reader as default? We have a user who has accessibility requirements and need be able to use the read out aloud function in Adobe Reader on these documents.48Views0likes2Comments"You’ve been suspended from Microsoft Q&A"
Today I submitted a detailed technical question on Microsoft Q&A, which I had spent considerable time preparing. Shortly after submitting it, my post was deleted. Soon afterward, I received an email stating: "You’ve been suspended from Microsoft Q&A for violating community guidelines." However, I still have no clarity on the specific reasons for this suspension. There are no available channels to seek further clarification about the cause or how to resolve the issue. Is there anyone here who can assist me with this matter?31Views0likes0Comments¿Cómo agregar protección a grupo aplicaciones en la DLP de Microsoft Purview?
Me encuentro trabajando en la investigación de la herramienta de Microsoft Purview, específicamente en la sección de DLP. He observado que en el apartado de dispositivos finales se agregan grupos de aplicaciones restringidas, lo que complica la configuración, ya que se debe identificar aplicación por aplicación para agregarlas a un grupo. ¿Existe alguna configuración para simplificar esta administración, como por ejemplo, aplicaciones protegidas? En caso de no existir, ¿qué alternativas se pueden considerar?10Views0likes0CommentsSlash Commands Not Appearing in Teams Bot After Configuration in Developer Portal
Environment: - Teams Developer Portal - Bot Framework SDK version (Botbuilder) : 4.23.0 Development Environment: Node.js, v16.20.0 Current Setup: Created and configured slash command in Teams Developer Portal Command details: - Name: give - Description: Give drops to your team member Steps Taken: Added slash command through Teams Developer Portal Configured command parameters and endpoints Published/updated app manifest Installed/updated app in Teams Expected Behavior: - Slash command should appear in message compose box - Command should trigger bot response when used Actual Behavior: - Slash command not appearing in Teams - No command functionality available Troubleshooting Steps Already Tried: Verified command configuration in portal Reinstalled app Checked app manifest for command entry Code/Configuration Snippets: "commandLists": [ { "commands": [ { "title": "give", "description": "Give drops to your team member" } ], "scopes": [ "team" ] } ],9Views0likes0Comments
Recent Blogs
- The best way to learn something new is by taking it one step at a time. We know all this talk of AI can be overwhelming, so how about we take it one skill at a time? At Microsoft, our mission has alw...Mar 11, 20255.6KViews21likes4Comments
- Like many organizations around the world, at Microsoft we’re constantly exploring ways to put AI to work—discovering how it can benefit our customers and partners, our workforce, and our business. On...Feb 13, 20251.8KViews4likes2Comments