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Archive To-Do Lists
As a Microsoft Outlook user since 1999, I have accumulated significant to-dos - all cataloged by year under one group [History] in the To-Do App. Unfortunately, the sheer volume of these to-do's has made syncing on the iPhone and Mac iOS (apps) cumbersome and very slow. How may I transfer the prior years [History] to an archive where the syncing becomes more agile and yet allows me to search for historical to-do's if needed? Thank you in advance for any guidance.mfrancaJan 08, 2025Copper Contributor33Views0likes0CommentsNumber of overdue to-do's in app icon is wrong
Hi I am using To Do on iOS devices connected to a company account. The setting for the count in the app badge is "due today and overdue". The number is always one too high, i.e. even when I have no due/overdue task or mail, it shows "1". There seems to be as "ghost" task or mail somewhere, how can I find it?Gaston_63Jul 12, 2024Copper Contributor132Views0likes0CommentsTo Do Crashing on iPhone
Hi, I have been using To Do on my iphone for few years and just recently started crashing and becoming annoying. I tried many things such as deleting the app and reinstalling it, restarting my iphone, etc. but with no luck. I have been doing that for at least 3 weeks. I am using the latest To Do version and iOS 17.5 Any help or Microsoft contact for To Do? ThanksisemranMay 19, 2024Copper Contributor429Views2likes1CommentToDo-App kann auf neuem Handy nicht geöffnet werden
Hallo, ich habe eine neues I-phone. Die ToDo-App wurde nicht mit übertragen. Die manuelle Anmeldung mit meinem Zugangsnamen funktioniert nicht. Fehlermeldung: Die Anwendung funktioniert nicht mit einem persönlichen Konto. Da ich diese App schon seit Jahren nutze, muss es ja ein passendes Microsoftkonto geben, aber offensichtlich zu Zeit nicht in einem Zugriff. Wie kann ich herausfinden, wie mein Zugangsname lautet für das passende Konto? Evt. wird dort noch uralte Email-Adresse verwendet, die schon lange nicht mehr aktuell ist. Welche Möglichkeiten habe ich jetzt? Die App ist sehr umfangreich und wird zugleich auch noch mit der Familie genutzt. Ich möchte vermeiden, dass ich alles neu machen muss.Ricar1255May 07, 2024Copper Contributor244Views0likes0CommentsTodo not opening on my MacBook Pro
Hello, newbie to the forum here. I’m not finding it very intuitive at the moment. I posted the following message (somewhere?) about 10 days ago and have had no responses. Could someone please direct me to a source of advice and help? ” Hello, a newbie member here. I thought that I'd successfully posted the following message on 16 January 2024 on the Todo hub? “avon_7, boy am I glad you posted this. Thanks a lot. I've found the online version you mentioned. I think it may be better than the one I had on my MacBook Pro. There are helpful tips/speech bubbles in blue. I'm a long time user of ToDo and before that, Wunderlist. Two weeks ago I updated to 2.112 and of course the app would not open. I'm running Catalina 10.15.7 on my trusty 9 year old MacBook Pro. Is this the end of the line as far getting the latest app/or update 2.112 to work on my MacBook Pro? Will I have to use the online version? ToDo working fine of course on my iPhone SE first generation and iPad Pro MPF12B/A PeterToDo“ I've had no replies, well apparently I've had 3 but can't figure out how to access them on this forum. Can somebody help please? Should I post again? But where? Thanks, Peter” thanks, PeterPeterToDoJan 28, 2024Copper Contributor240Views0likes0CommentsSort Completed Tasks by Completion Date
I am unable to sort completed tasks by completion date on desktop Outlook interface for Todo or the Todo app on my iphone. It would be excellent to be able to search completed tasks by date completed. I regularly need to compile activity reports and this is an important tracking tool. Please make Todo capable of this!wallishaAug 29, 2023Copper Contributor571Views0likes0CommentsMy To Do Shows Too Many Flagged Emails
My understanding is that To Do should only show flagged emails from the past 30 days, but I have over 1300 flagged emails showing up, most from a year or two ago. How do I make sure these are limited properly?KatieC2019Aug 21, 2023Copper Contributor436Views0likes0CommentsTodo keeps chrashing
Hi, i use todo Daily, however, det last 2 weeks, it keeps chrashing and it is impossible to use. I have tried to restart Many times, delete the app and re-installed. Nothing works. And all updates har done on my phone. Tried to Call your Microsoft customer service, but was told they do not help with questions regardin todo, and do not know of anyone other that does. Please help?PiaLL2425Feb 24, 2023Copper Contributor381Views0likes0Comments