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Skype for Business Server 2019 Apple Push Notifications APN
I am unable to get Apple Push Notifications to work in Skype for Business Server 2019 on-prem. Is there anyone else that has experienced this and been able to resolve the problem?joestar22Sep 06, 2024Copper Contributor171Views0likes1CommentUnable to download 7.0.2046.524 Core Components update?
I am met with a 403 forbidden when I try to download the 5029968 Cumulative Update july 2023 7.0.2046.524 for Skype for Business Server 2019, Core Components from Opdateringer for Skype for Business Server 2019 (KB4470124) - Microsoft Support I have downloaded all other 7.0.2046.524 updates without problems. Does anyone know what is going on here?egevilleJun 28, 2024Copper Contributor156Views0likes0CommentsSkype Meeting App issue
Having an issue with invitees joining Skype For Business 2019 meetings hosted on on-premises. Using the join meeting URL externally brings up a blank screen with the thinking wheel of dots. Using the same URL on the same browser with ?SL= appended to it brings up the Guest sign in screen.BHConsultMar 18, 2024Copper Contributor272Views0likes0CommentsSkype for Business Server 2019 IM Integration with Exchange Server 2019
I am having difficulty getting the IM/Presence integration to work between my on-prem Skype for Business 2019 Server and my Exchange 2019 Server. I believe I am having a certificate trust issue. On important note is that my internal domain is domain.local and the external is So, my public wildcard certificate is for * When I look at the certificates on the exchange server, there is another certificate that is assigned to IIS issued by the local certificate authority which protects domain.local. I have tried a variety of combinations using either the local certificate with the domain.local name of the servers as well as the public wildcard certificate thumbprint and the dns a record with that points to each server. None of these combinations seem to work for me. I have run these commands on the SfB Server: New-CsTrustedApplicationPool -Identity exchangeserver.domain.local -Registrar sfbserver.domainlocal -Site "My Site" -RequiresReplication $False New-CsTrustedApplication -ApplicationId OutlookWebApp -TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn exchangeserver.domain.local -Port 5199 I have run these commands on the Exchange Server: New-SettingOverride -Name "IM Override" -Component OwaServer -Section IMSettings -Parameters @("IMServerName=sfbserver.domain.local","IMCertificateThumbprint=mycertificatethumbprint") -Reason "Configure IM" Get-ExchangeDiagnosticInfo -Server EXCHANGESERVER -Process Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService -Component VariantConfiguration -Argument Refresh Restart-WebAppPool MSExchangeOWAAppPool Get-OwaMailboxPolicy | Set-OwaMailboxPolicy -InstantMessagingEnabled $True -InstantMessagingType OCS When I check the instant messaging logs on the Exchange Server I see the following: If I try to use the name and the wildcard certificate I get this error: ERROR:InstantMessageOCSProvider.GenerateInstantMessageUnavailablePayload. Context: User=email address removed for privacy reasons, Sip address=sip:email address removed for privacy reasons, Lyncserver=sfbserver.domain.local. endPoint: Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.UCWAuthenticatedEndpoint, MethodName: InstantMessageOCSProvider.SignInCallback, InstantMessageServiceError: SipEndpointConnectionFailure, Exception: UCWEB Failure: Code=TlsFailure, SubCode=TlsIncorrectNameInRemoteCertificate, Reason=\r\nMicrosoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.Utilities.UCWException: The target principal name is incorrect ---> Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.TlsFailureException: The target principal name is incorrect ---> Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TLSException: outgoing TLS negotiation failed; HRESULT=-2146893022\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TlsTransportHelper.HandleNegotiationFailure(Int32 status, Boolean incoming)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TlsTransportHelper.OutgoingTlsNegotiation(TransportsDataBuffer receivedData, TransportsDataBuffer& pDataToSend)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TlsTransportHelper.NegotiateConnection(TransportsDataBuffer receivedData, TransportsDataBuffer& pDataToSend)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TlsTransport.DelegateNegotiation(TransportsDataBuffer receivedData)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TlsTransport.OnReceived(Object data)\r\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipAsyncResult`1.ThrowIfFailed()\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.Helper.EndAsyncOperation[T](Object owner, IAsyncResult result)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.UCWAuthenticatedEndpoint.OotyUserEndpointEstablish_callback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)\r\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.Utilities.AsyncHelper.EndAsyncCall[T](IAsyncResult asyncResult, String methodName, T ucwScopeInstance)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.UCWAuthenticatedEndpoint.EndSignIn(IAsyncResult asyncResult)\r\n at Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa2.Server.Core.InstantMessageOCSProvider.<>c__DisplayClass89_0.<SignInCallback>b__0(RequestDetailsLogger logger)", When I use the internal domain.local server name and the certificate issued by the local certificate authority, I see: 2024-02-25T14:36:21.783Z,19,5,,,,0,"DEBUG:InstantMessageOCSProvider.SignInCallback. Ignoring exception after the connection is closed: Context User=email address removed for privacy reasons, Sip address=sip:email address removed for privacy reasons, Lyncserver=sfbserver.domain.local, Exception: UCWEB Failure: Code=TlsFailure, SubCode=TlsRemoteDisconnected, Reason=\r\nMicrosoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.Utilities.UCWException: Unknown error (0x80131500) ---> Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.TlsFailureException: Unknown error (0x80131500) ---> Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.RemoteDisconnectedException: Peer disconnected while outbound capabilities negotiation was in progress ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host\r\n at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncResult)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TcpTransport.OnReceived(Object arg)\r\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\r\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipAsyncResult`1.ThrowIfFailed()\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.Helper.EndAsyncOperation[T](Object owner, IAsyncResult result)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.UCWAuthenticatedEndpoint.OotyUserEndpointEstablish_callback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)\r\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.Utilities.AsyncHelper.EndAsyncCall[T](IAsyncResult asyncResult, String methodName, T ucwScopeInstance)\r\n at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.UCWeb.UCWAuthenticatedEndpoint.EndSignIn(IAsyncResult asyncResult)\r\n at Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa2.Server.Core.InstantMessageOCSProvider.<>c__DisplayClass89_0.<SignInCallback>b__0(RequestDetailsLogger logger)",joestar22Feb 26, 2024Copper Contributor499Views0likes0CommentsOn MACP, (400 : HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request) when enabling a user.
Hello everyone! My problem is: When enabling a user on the new MACP, IF the user has configured an email address gives the subjet error. If the user doesn't have configured email address, user is enabled but not without a problem. Viewing trough developer mode on the browser, the error lies in: https://<sfbs-fe-pool-fqdn>/OcsPsws/Service.svc//$batch The payload of the $batch: --batch_1706182664593 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_21.25566040805762 --batch_1706182664593 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_21.25566040805762 --changeset_21.25566040805762 Content-Type: application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary PATCH /OcsPsws/Service.svc/CsAdUser/fragments/2/<BLABLABLA> HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json {"SipAddressType":"EmailAddress","SipDomain":"<domain.tld>","RegistrarPool":"<sfbs-fe-pool-fqdn>"} --changeset_21.25566040805762-- --batch_1706182664593 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_21.25566040805762 --changeset_21.25566040805762 Content-Type: application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary PATCH /OcsPsws/Service.svc/CsUser/fragments/2/<BLABLABLA> HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json {"AudioVideoDisabled":false,"EnterpriseVoiceEnabled":false,"RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled":false} --changeset_21.25566040805762-- --batch_1706182664593-- Gives this error without regards of wich option i choose about the format of the sip address (email, UPN, etc.): HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff DataServiceVersion: 1.0; Content-Type: application/xml;charset=utf-8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><m:error xmlns:m=""><m:code /><m:message xml:lang="es-ES">The request URI is not valid. Since the segment 'CsAdUser' refers to a collection, this must be the last segment in the request URI. All intermediate segments must refer to a single resource.</m:message></m:error>--changesetresponse_a677ace1-29ed-4549-b606-2b90d0a4d6d8-- --batchresponse_681cb375-bac7-4afe-a2fa-9ceb5f199d4aContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changesetresponse_608de08e-6dbe-4000-aab4-95c97c576d09 --changesetresponse_608de08e-6dbe-4000-aab4-95c97c576d09 Content-Type: application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff DataServiceVersion: 1.0; Content-Type: application/xml;charset=utf-8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <m:error xmlns:m=""><m:code /><m:message xml:lang="es-ES">The request URI is not valid. Since the segment 'CsUser' refers to a collection, this must be the last segment in the request URI. All intermediate segments must refer to a single resource.</m:message></m:error> --changesetresponse_608de08e-6dbe-4000-aab4-95c97c576d09-- --batchresponse_681cb375-bac7-4afe-a2fa-9ceb5f199d4a-- And, when enabling a user without a configured email address, the payload of $batch looks like this: --batch_1706183087284 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_3.9714624502973583 --batch_1706183087284 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_3.9714624502973583 --changeset_3.9714624502973583 Content-Type: application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary PATCH /OcsPsws/Service.svc/CsAdUser('BLABLABLA') HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json {"SipAddressType":"UserPrincipalName","SipDomain":"<domain.tld>","RegistrarPool":"<sfbs-fe-pool-fqdn>"} --changeset_3.9714624502973583-- --batch_1706183087284 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_3.9714624502973583 --changeset_3.9714624502973583 Content-Type: application/http Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary PATCH /OcsPsws/Service.svc/CsUser('<BLABLABLA>') HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json {"AudioVideoDisabled":false,"EnterpriseVoiceEnabled":false,"RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled":false} --changeset_3.9714624502973583-- On the MACP i get a spinning wheel, but if i go to users, it appears as enabled. On the browser's developer tools the server gives this answer: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Cache-Control: no-cache DataServiceVersion: 1.0; Content-Type: application/xml;charset=utf-8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><m:error xmlns:m=""><m:code /><m:message xml:lang="es-ES">An error occurred while processing this request.</m:message><m:innererror><m:message>No se pudo ejecutar el comando Set-CsUserDetails. Causa del problema: No se encontró ningún objeto de administración para la identidad "<ad user distinguished name>".</m:message><m:type>Microsoft.Management.Odata.CommandInvocationFailedException</m:type><m:stacktrace> en Microsoft.Management.Odata.PS.PSCommand.ExecutionCompletionHandler()
 en Microsoft.Management.Odata.PS.PSCommand.Invoke(Expression expression, Boolean noStreamingResponse)
 en Microsoft.Management.Odata.Core.PSOperationManager.InvokeCRUDCommand(CommandType commandType, String resourceTypeName, IEnumerable`1 properties)
 en Microsoft.Management.Odata.Core.PSOperationManager.Update(SenderInfo senderInfo, String resourceTypeName, IEnumerable`1 properties)
 en Microsoft.Management.Odata.Core.OperationManagerAdapter.FunctionInvoker`1.Invoke()
 en Microsoft.Management.Odata.Core.OperationManagerAdapter.InvokeMethod(IInvoker invoker, String functionName, String resourceTypeName, Boolean ignoreNotImplementedException)
 en Microsoft.Management.Odata.Core.OperationManagerAdapter.InvokeOperationManagerFunction[T](Func`1 func, String functionName, String resourceTypeName, Boolean ignoreNotImplementedException, T defaultResultForNotImplementedException)
 en Microsoft.Management.Odata.Core.OperationManagerAdapter.CUDRequest(CommandType commandType, ResourceType resourceType, Dictionary`2 properties, Dictionary`2 urlParams)
 en Microsoft.Management.Odata.Core.EntityUpdate.InvokeCommand()
 en System.Data.Services.DataService`1.BatchDataService.HandleBatchContent(Stream responseStream)</m:stacktrace><m:internalexception><m:message>No se encontró ningún objeto de administración para la identidad "CN=Carmen Morillo Rodriguez,OU=USUARIOS,OU=CUENTAS DESHABILITADAS,OU=OU _01_VARIOS,DC=depo,DC=es".</m:message><m:type>Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.ManagementException</m:type><m:stacktrace> en Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.ADTask`1.GetDataObject[TDataObject](IIdentity id, IDirectorySession session, ObjectId rootID)
 en Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.ADTask`1.GetDataObject(IIdentity id)
 en Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.SetPersonBase`2.ResolveDataObject()
 en Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.GenericSetADObjectIdentityTask`3.PrepareDataObject()
 en Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.GenericSetADTask`1.InternalValidate()
 en Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.ADTask`1.PrepareForScopeCheck()
 en Microsoft.Rtc.Management.OcsCmdlet.IsUserInScope()
 en Microsoft.Rtc.Management.OcsCmdlet.ProcessRecord()
 en System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()</m:stacktrace></m:internalexception></m:innererror></m:error> --changesetresponse_42f57019-b938-47b1-a3f6-aaf2a7bb23c8-- --batchresponse_c7d33751-d003-448c-89db-4ebcda4bc6ae-- The only difference is that on the failing payload i see: PATCH /OcsPsws/Service.svc/CsAdUser/fragments/2/<BLABLABLA> And on the working payload: PATCH /OcsPsws/Service.svc/CsAdUser('<BLABLABLA>') Sounds like a bug? Configuration problem?? Edit: I forgot to mention the environment - SfBS 2019, patched to October 2023 level. Three Win servers 2019 as front-ends, two win server 2019 as Edges. Applied, as patch requested, the prerequisites without errors. bootstrapper executed without errors. 🤷:male_sign:Sistemas_depoJan 26, 2024Copper Contributor746Views0likes0CommentsSkype for Business 2019 Edge Server with other RD Gateway
I have a Skype for Business 2019 Standard Edition Server currently running without the Edge Transport server. I'd like to add remote access but would prefer not to have to deploy another server specifically dedicated to this. Does anyone know (or has anyone tried) installing Skype for Business 2019 Edge Server on the same machine as a terminal server running RD Gateway and RD Web Apps? Or, is there any other server this could run on without interfering? I have a server running Office Online Server (OOS) and I have another running Sharepoint, one running Exchange 2019, one running Skype for Business 2019 frontend and then the one running RD Gateway and RD Web Apps as a terminal server. Thanks!joestar22Jan 25, 2024Copper Contributor216Views0likes0CommentsDecommission Skype 2015 On-Prem servers
I want to decommission our Skype On-Prem (2015) servers and cleanup AD from the RTC delegations and groups (RTC* and CS*). I've been following the guide: However, when doing step 1 of "Prepare to remove the Skype for Business deployment" and run the commands, the command Get-CsAudioTestServiceApplication returns an object. In step 2 there is no corresponding Remove-cmdlet, so we tried disabling it with the Set-cmdlet. Moving on to "Remove your on-premises Skype for Business deployment", when getting to step 3 I run "Publish-CsTopology -FinalizeUninstall" but gets the following error. Publish-CsTopology : Command execution failed: Cannot publish topology changes. Users or contacts are still homed on a pool that would be deleted. Move or remove the users or contacts before continuing. At line:1 char:1 + Publish-CsTopology -FinalizeUninstall + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Publish-CsTopology], Inva lidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ProcessingFailed,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy ment.PublishTopologyCmdlet Running the command generates a html file with the result, where the same error can be found and the following suggestion: "UserPoolInUseResolution: Consult your Skype for Business Server documentation to learn how to move or disable objects still homed on the pool. To find those objects, execute the following cmdLets: Get-CsUser, Get-CsExUmContact, Get-CsCommonAreaPhone, Get-CsAnalogDevice, Get-CsRgsWorkflow, Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber, Get-CsAudioTestServiceApplication, Get-CsTrustedApplicationEndpoint, Get-CsPersistentChatEndpoint." So I'm guessing we need to get rid of that Audio Test Service Application, anyone got any ideas how to do that? I can't find anything for it in the GUI either. The main objective is to clean up any remnents in AD, the entire Skype environment will be removed and all servers decommissioned. I'm guessing that the Disable-CsAdDomain and Disable-CsAdForest cmdlets does this somewhat. Is the above steps a requirement to be able to run these cmdlets, or would this be a viable option?p0shkarJan 23, 2024Copper Contributor777Views0likes0CommentsPublishing new topology for additional SIP trunk.... Downtime?
Hi Just looking for a quick bit of advice here please. We have the urgent need for a new SIP trunk on an existing (working) S4B 2019 Standard deployment. From editing the topology to publishing this, will this cause any downtime to the existing Skype deployment due to just adding an additional medial gateway and SIP trunk? The rest of the configuration is staying the same. Also are there any other gotchas to be aware of? ThanksMartin-17Sep 04, 2023Copper Contributor329Views0likes0CommentsCannot download (or publish from file) - Migrate skype2015 to skype for business 2019
I have the skype4b 2015. I want to migrate to 2019 I login to the frontend skype 2019 new and download the old topology from skype4b 2015. The error like the picture I download topology file from skype4b 2015 and open from skype4b 2019. And publish but the error is same Please support me! Thank!chiendv2Aug 24, 2023Copper Contributor350Views0likes0Comments
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