Forum Discussion

HotCakeX's avatar
Mar 02, 2020

Ambient Authentication has been added to Edge for InPrivate and Guest sessions

Microsoft Edge Version 82.0.442.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit)   the 2 new flags edge://flags/   Enable Ambient Authentication in InPrivate mode Enables ambient authentication in InPrivate m...
  • Eric_Lawrence's avatar
    Mar 02, 2020

    HotCakeX As documented in,

    In Edge76, Edge18, and Firefox, running the browser in InPrivate mode disables automatic Integrated Windows Authentication. Chrome and Internet Explorer do not disable automatic authentication in private mode. You can disable automatic authentication in Chrome by launching it with a command line argument: chrome.exe --auth-server-whitelist="_"


    These flags revert that change, such that Windows Integrated Authentication mechanisms (NTLM, Negotiate/Kerberos) will automatically respond to authentication challenges from configured sites even while the browser is running in a Guest or InPrivate session.
