Forum Discussion
Nov 19, 2020MVP
Feature Request, Let us use one set of User/Pass for multiple Related domains in Edge password mgr
This is a useful feature that LastPass has. this would prevent from creating multiple duplicate entries in Edge password manager and also manage logins more efficiently. in LastPass it's called E...
Nov 23, 2020thanks for this detailed feedback, HotCakeX!
It's not hard to see how bundling these domains together and allowing saving of one username-password for all would be beneficial.
As it stands today, Microsoft Edge (and other Chromium browsers as well, but not 100% sure about all) classify passwords at the domain level. This works quite well for most use cases, but not in some special cases.
There are other efforts out there, as well, such as password-manager-resources/websites-with-shared-credential-backends.json at main · apple/password-manager-resources · GitHub that aspire to empower browsers and password managers with the same capability. We are aware of this.
Your feedback is valued, and we will take the same into consideration. There are no further updates to share on this, at the moment.
Nov 23, 2020MVP
Thanks, I understand this can be a radical change to Chromium password manager, which Edge is built on