Forum Discussion

HotCakeX's avatar
Feb 21, 2020

[Feature Suggestion] Show update history in Edge


Please show the update history in edge://settings/help

lots of spaces left there, it helps to keep track of installed updates on the local machine.

only show update history after Edge is installed on the system, not from the beginning of the time.

Firefox has this and it's very helpful, specially for insider channel.


I only want to see the time and the version number of previously installed updates on my system.

you can add a scroll bar to the right side to scroll down/up when the history rows are too many to fit that area.


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  • marcusob's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    The main thing for me is analyzing behaviour changes and this includes regressions sometimes. Edge is constantly updating and the behaviour constantly changing, i.e. consider 2 recent unrequested changes to my browser - vertical tabs enabled, and my collections filled with "interests" (which were really just adverts). When this behavior changes I want to see that its a new version of Edge that has forced this on me, not a setting that something has changed. So having a list of versions with the date of install would be very helpful. The biggest regression this would help with is when edge slows down, there were a few cases of this over the years, and they were caused by a new version, so when I notice a performance drop I normally check my internet speed, and then also check the version of edge to see if its changed.
  • Diksha_Sharma's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    HotCakeX It's indeed an important feature, I saw there's an issue with my web app to render the UI in other browsers, but it was working fine here in edge. After couple of days, I saw the same issue with edge, having an update history would have helped me/ anyone to narrow down such debugging activities.
  • HotCakeX Thanks for the unique suggestion! Can you tell us a bit more about specifically how having an update history would be helpful?


    Fawkes (they/them)
    Project & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

    • relu84's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Deleted - I think this is a good suggestion, so I'll add something here. Such an update history would be a nice thing for several reasons and all of them are rather not too exciting but interesting to power users. It's a nice thing to see when and which update was installed - not only for informational purposes, but it also can give some insight as to when something was broken, when it was fixed, or a feature introduced and stuff like that. I also like the "details" link on the OP screenshot. This could be a link to a specific thread (or any other place that would be good to post such info) with a more or less detailed changelog.


      As I said - for me, it is not an important feature, but a nice one to have. That page in the settings could be some sort of a central community hub, with links to support forum, this forum (maybe only in beta/dev/canary versions), announcements from the team, links to blogs, etc.

    • HotCakeX's avatar
      Hi, thank you,

      update history on Edge helps to know when a specific Edge update was installed on my system, I like to know when an update was installed, specially when my computer is being used by someone else.
      I also like to know when I first installed Edge on a system, which version it was exactly and how many updates it's received so far.

      the info is also helpful when the browser is behaving different after I have installed an update. or when a regression happens in Edge.
      • IrinaL's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Hi HotCakeX, out of curiosity, who is the "someone else" you have in mind for this and why is that piece important? Is this a shared family device type of scenario? Or are you more thinking an administrator pushing an update? 


        "... when an update was installed, specially when my computer is being used by someone else"
