Forum Discussion

Kaan Ara's avatar
Kaan Ara
Copper Contributor
Mar 07, 2018

Deleted users onedrive ownership change.

Dear Microsoft Office 365 Team,


I want to change onedrive's ownership while deleting the user.  How does it possible? except the article. 

(Users onedrive hold under the link )  


For example i will delete ABC user and  i dont want to lose all onedive files so i want to delegate permition to someone else.


I Read the article about OneDrive delete in Office 365 (

    • Kaan Ara's avatar
      Kaan Ara
      Copper Contributor

      Let me Explain the situation 


      You can see microsoft's article about deletetation at my first post, in initial setup 

      -OrphanedPersonalSitesRetentionPeriod i set it to 365. you can set it 1 to 3650 = 10 Year.

      but i read this:

      1. If the Manager field is populated for the deleted account, the manager will receive an email message that states that the site will be removed after the retention period expires, and that access to the site is granted to the manager.

      in this case Manager will grand access after a year right? 

      I TEST IT 

      When the user deleted from AD, it mails to manager directly so it will delete after 365 days. 


      • Deleted's avatar

        Yes Manager will receive email directly, and he'll keep access for a period of year until retention period expires. 

        Did it answer your question?

  • Today you can get the ownership of the user's ODFB but if you delete the user, after 30 days, the user's ODFB is going to be deleted too...there is not current a feature to not only change the ownership of the user's ODFB but also stop the deletion process
