Forum Discussion

  • Juan Samano's avatar
    Juan Samano
    Copper Contributor
    Hi Eduardo, currently it seems this topic is not a big priority, however Im facing the same situation in a hybrid environment. Our users cannot change their language because they are synchronizated users using AD Connet.
    • ThomasNielsen's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Hi there.


      The setting must be set in AD for the user (by admin) see more here:


      It can be done in PowerShell:

      Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties mail, PreferredLanguage | where { ($_.mail -ne $Null) -and ($_.PreferredLanguage -ne "en-US") } | ForEach-Object {Set-ADUser $_.SAMAccountName –replace @{PreferredLanguage="en-US"}}


      This example finds all AD users with a value in the "mail" field and where the the "PreferredLanguage" is not equal to "en-US" and sets it to that value.

      • ndoaaaa's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        ThomasNielsen optimized for larger datasets (filter at the source):



        Get-ADUser -Filter {mail -like "*" -and PreferredLanguage -ne "en-US"} | ForEach-Object { Set-ADUser $_.SAMAccountName -Replace @{PreferredLanguage="en-US"} }
  • Very strange...can you add some screenshots? Are you talking about the language in Office 365, ODFB or both? In my corporate tenant with have Azure AD Connect deployed and I can change user's language with no problems
