Forum Discussion
Stephen Rose
Jan 25, 2017Learn How OneDrive Sync Works With Office 2016
For years, you have been able to sync your OneDrive (and SharePoint) documents to your PC, which lets you work on the go while still being able to collaborate with others in Office. This integration ...
Mar 06, 2018Copper Contributor
Hello Stephen
There is something which is not clear for me.
Is this new tool working with sharepoint libraries hosted on a Sharepoint OnPremise ?
We are using OneDrive for Business (groove) with this, for several years, and we have lot's of problems (conflicts not explainable, librairies that become entirely "red", etc), and often the only solution to make OneDrive working again on a client pc is to clean everything (stop synchronizing each librairies, empty office cache, and recynchronizing all librairies) :o(
I would really appreciate if a new tool without those issues could be used to synchronize our sharepoint onpremise librairies...
Thank you for your feedback