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Brian-Smith's avatar
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Oct 27, 2017

Message Center to Planner - PowerShell walk-through

I just posted part 1 of my walk-through of the PowerShell code in the Azure Functions behind the Change management sample - explaining my code for the pulling of data from the Message Center and writing it out to the storage queue - and part 2 will cover picking it up and creating tasks!

  • Ty Lewis's avatar
    Ty Lewis
    Copper Contributor



    I see that Microsoft has added to their roadmap this item, "Sync Message Center posts to Planner"


    Is this the same solution that you are offering?  What is Microsoft plan?  I see that the status is launched and that the release is Q2 CY2020.  It is June 2020 now.


    I am in a similar situation where I need the data to be reviewed and assigned to a change person.  I have an API that downloads all of the details into a SQL server.  Now just looking at developing a MS PowerApp to access it and update a few fields.  Then use Power BI to report on it.  Thoughts?

    • Brian-Smith's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Ty Lewis it is fair to say this feature grew out of the idea I had after showing the team what I'd come up with., but the team delivering it are doing it in a much more scalable way as it is going to all our customers.  They've done a much better job on the formatting of the content too.  They have also taken the decision to just put all the new messages for your chosen workloads into one bucket - so that they can be triaged and assigned.  You might well be able to automate some of that with PowerApps - and if I get some time I'm certainly going to be playing around with that.  I'm fortunate that it is already running in my tenant and I think the broader roll-out should be happening very soon.  The Power BI angle may still be a bit of a challenge - but you could push stuff with PowerApps into a more Power BI friendly store maybe?


      Best regards,



  • This is a really interesting sample. One possible issue is the product matching, if a MC notice is posted without the product clearly noted then it could get missed. Still, the easy workaround is just to post everything to Planner since theoretically all MC notices apply to active services in your tenant and should be reviewed anyway.

    • Brian-Smith's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Totally agree Paul, and I did think about having an 'other' bucket where the ones I didn't catch by title would be dumped and they could be manually assigned.  I also reached out to the team who own the message center and service health dashboard - they have considered making some of the other fields mandatory (like AffectedWorkloads) but that needs some API level changes.

      Also I just posted part 2 of the walkthrough -

      Best regards,

