Forum Discussion
Brent Ellis
Sep 01, 2016Silver Contributor
Structured Navigation (Publishing) not supported on "Modern" Sites/Pages/Lists/Libraries
Creating a dedicated post to track this. Lots of discussion on this from Yammer, and havent really seen this anywhere here yet..
What is the status of new "Modern" capabilities to support structured navigation?
What structured navigation gives us today:
- Dedicated navigation page
- Menu items can be permissions limited by groups
- Visual interface to easily move up / move down / create folders
For years we have had users leverage this navigation structure, because it was easier for them to "grasp" and the extra features that you dont get with just the regular navigation.
Right now, we have almost 500+ sites that leverage structured navigation. We have also as an organization put real emphasis on the Top Global Navigation menu, and not as much on the Left Side Navigation menu (which "Modern" seems to really key off of).
This is one of the items keeping us from moving toward the modern UI, so we dont have to go redesign the navigation of every site just to fit into the new modern world.
If we have to bite the bullet and just touch every site to make it fit in modern, it would also be nice to know that.
Brent Ellis (and others) - good news! We're finally pushing out a fix to support structured and managed navigation on modern pages/apps in classic sites.
With this update, if you have enabled publishing on a classic team site, your structured or managed navigation nodes will now render correctly in the modern pages (both global and current navigation), including any scoped or audience-targeted links. We haven’t pulled all the classic settings into the modern panels yet, so when you need to edit the navigation nodes the edit link will direct you back to the classic settings page (/areanavigationsettings.aspx).
We hope this unblocks folks who have been eager to move to the modern UX. Do try it out let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
- ssquires
Morning everyone - the related fixes we were waiting on have rolled out so we're able to resume release of this fix. It should be fully deployed to production by end of this week.
I've posted a general note to the SharePoint community:
Thank you again for your patience and help w/ this fix! Do let us know if you have any questions or issues.
- James-BrennanBrass ContributorIt seems that whilst latest fix has resolved a number of issues with the global navigation, including the "Page not found" link showing, it appears we are now seeing a 0 character being added to the end of each global navigation node. Additionally our global navigation appears to have stopped working completely when a user clicks on the link.
Is anyone else seeing this? We've raised a ticket with MS to investigate.- ssquires
Thanks James-Brennan - a regression has resulted in several UI issues w/ this build. We have postponed and rolled-back until we can get fixes in place. I'll keep this list apprised of that progress. Apologies for the inconvenience - and thanks for your patience!
- James-BrennanBrass Contributor
ssquires That's great, thanks for the update, it felt like an issue with the latest patching for the navigation. And thanks for monitoring this thread too.
- Marc WenningIron Contributor
Yeah I am seeing it as well, I am still seeing the page not found link as well in my dev tenant. Hopefully the navigation will be sorted out soon, wouldn't mind using the new lists and libraries but wont roll it out until this works as it should in my dev tenant.
- bart_vermeerschSteel Contributor
What is going on?
- ssquires
Brent Ellis (and others) - good news! We're finally pushing out a fix to support structured and managed navigation on modern pages/apps in classic sites.
With this update, if you have enabled publishing on a classic team site, your structured or managed navigation nodes will now render correctly in the modern pages (both global and current navigation), including any scoped or audience-targeted links. We haven’t pulled all the classic settings into the modern panels yet, so when you need to edit the navigation nodes the edit link will direct you back to the classic settings page (/areanavigationsettings.aspx).
We hope this unblocks folks who have been eager to move to the modern UX. Do try it out let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
- Carolee HeynenCopper Contributor
Today I noticed that the Quick Launch navigation is not security trimmed in the Modern UI. Users see all the links instead of only those to which they should have access.
- Abhimanyu SinghSteel Contributor
Hi ssquires, we are yet to see this.
Although the navigation is now settled up and the "page not found" link is gone, but the global (top) and current (left-pane) navigations are now the same. The actual global menu is now gone!! We have set it on our sub-sites to inherit from the parent site-collection, but somehow the new nav ignores that and makes the global navigation exactly same as the current (left) one. In our case, both are structural and not managed.
Further, the modern list/library still does not allow metadata filtering! We have set filters on term-sets, but in modern view that is not available. This new style is getting more furstating day by day. Our users still find the classic view more neat and clean. The new view looks very unpolished and unncessarily big.
- Miceile Barrett
Hello Abhimanyu Singh, I am working on creating the modern list/lib metadata filtering experience and wanted to give you some updates on the progress. Currently, we have released a feature called "filters pane" Filters Pane Help Article. We have just rolled out to PROD so you can expect to see it within the week if you don't already have it!
This feature is the first iteration for replacing metadata nav. The next months will be focused on cleaning up the UI, supporting term set filtering, and making sure metadata nav will no longer force users to back to SP classic.
ssquires any idea when this will hit all tenants? I'm having issues with Page not Found showing up in modern views even though it's tagged as hidden in the navigation.
- ssquires
Hi Paul - rolling out fully to PROD this week. Thanks for your patience!
- Pontus TIron Contributor
Thank you,+1 here! Currently the only issue completely stopping us from moving the majority of libraries to modern. Would be nice to see this in the pipeline. I guess there are some major updates coming to managing navigation. Can't see why it would take so long to address this otherwise. Would at least be nice to have a temporary support, until something else is in place, so that we can start getting users up to speed on the modern libraries.
On a side note: I measured that the TTFB for opening our libraries is up to 10-15 seconds(!), unlike the new ones which are max 1 second. Yet another reason to move over.
- RobOKBronze Contributor
Thanks for posting this. We have turned off modern sites until the navigation is working more consistently.
I think the Modern UI should give more tools for building navigation (tiles, menus, other controls).
You can go to the URL for Top Menu and delete off the excess menu choices.
It's like the Top Menu has the Structured Navigation plus a bunch of random stuff. Even though you only see one level of navigation, the second level is in there too.
Be aware though, every time you edit the true Structured navigation, the "extra junk" links all get added back. Very frustrating.
A work in progress no doubt.
Will watch this thread for more news.
- Ross McLeanCopper Contributor...and /_layouts/15/quiklnch.aspx would be for the equivalent quick/left navigation section. In light of no information coming forward about when the navigation will be fixed in modern libraries, I'm going to have a look at cleaning these two areas up on one site and trying out the modern library experience with some users.
- Marc WenningIron Contributor
We turned off the new library experience until the navigation issues can be fixed, the majority of our sites are publishing sites and we cant have the navigation not working correctly. I do like the look and feel of the new lists and libraries but will not roll it out to our users until navigation works like it should.
- Martin_HamersBrass Contributor
Same here,
We are also now focussing more on the top navigation.
Next to that for every major site collection and major themed/departemental sites wa have a home - landing - page containing "promoted links"-tiles. These tiles make it visually very easy to find your way around between major related sites and collections.
Would just be so much better if the tiles could be organized as a raster without any customization/script adding.
- Abhimanyu SinghSteel ContributorDitto for me. We are also struggling to work with navigation alongside "modern" experience. Not only that, but we are also struggling to explain our users that the "Page not found" is NOT a menu item gone wrong by us, but a bug which is not yet solved by Microsoft. On a different note though, the "modern" experiences in lists and libraries come a jolt to the users. Somehow our users find the "classic" experience cleaner and neater as compared to the "modern" one. The "modern" experience looks and feels more vanilla and unpolished.
- Dean_GrossSilver Contributor
Thanks for pointing out these issues, I'm working with a client that is getting ready to move from 2013 to SPO and we are trying to figure out how to reorganize sites and what to do about cross-site collection navigation. I'm really struggling with what to recommend, the rapidly changing functionality and lack of clarity from MS make it hard to design an IA and logical stucture that will meet future needs.