27 TopicsMovies & TV app should be able to resume videos from where we left off
When I watch a video on Movies & TV app and then close it, after reopening it has no ability to resume from where I left off. please add this feature. Upvote this suggestion in Feedback hub app: app is missing a lot of features from Xbox console companion
Xbox console companion app which is being depreciated and retired, has still a lot of useful features such as clubs, screenshot uploads, friends activity, uploading your own custom photo as avatar, viewing captures etc etc Xbox app has none of these, yet every time I open Xbox console companion app it says use Xbox app instead, I'm worried that none of these features are going to be added to the new Xbox app. I highly depend on these features and they are important ones. I'm on Windows insider beta ring Link to Feedback hub: Hub should have Video Recorder option to Recreate my problem
Currently, Feedback hub uses steps recorder, just like the program inside Windows 10. it's not useful when there is a visual glitch or problem happening because it doesn't capture the problem correctly and doesn't convey the required content. the new Microsoft Edge's feedback system has "recreate my problem" feature too and in there is a feature to record the screen or a specific window, it saves the video recording in WebP format, very efficient format and adds a high definition video file to the feedback. upvote this suggestion please: games from the Xbox app doesn't remove game shortcut from desktop
Install games from Xbox app, play it, then uninstall it, the shortcut that was made automatically on desktop will still be there, having a white placeholder icon. Expected behavior: the shortcut on desktop should be removed when the game is uninstalled from the uninstall option of the Xbox app. occurring in latest Windows 10 insider Dev build and Xbox app if you can reproduce it, add your details to this feedback: app needs to support and play APNG image file format
Currently when you open an Animated PNG file with Photos app, you see a still image, it has no animation. opening the same image in a browser shows the animation. Photos app needs to be able to fully support APNG image files and show their animation. Please upvote this feedback in feedback hub: 11 Focus sessions feedbacks
Custom break timers and periods for focus sessions I want to specify every X minutes the break happens and also specify how long the break is. Feedback hub: YouTube support in addition to Spotify I want to be able to use music in my YouTube playlist or use a song in YouTube with focus session in the clock app of Windows 11. Feedback hub: What are focus sessions? us paste pictures copied to clipboard in the Snipping tool app
This is a very needed feature and will make things easier. we need to be able to paste screenshots we took using Snipping tool in the Snipping tool app, and, paste any other images from Windows clipboard into the Snipping tool app. Upvote this feedback in feedback hub please: each Edge's tab and PWAs sounds to Windows sound control separately
Expose each Edge's tab and PWAs sounds to Windows sound control separately so we can set different volume level for each of them When I install YouTube, Spotify web player or similar sites as a PWA (progressive web app) in Edge, or use them in different tabs, I want to be able to control each of their volumes separately using Windows sound control or the audio widget of Xbox Game bar, for more convenience and control over the sound we hear. currently, everything is shown and combined under "Edge". Upvote in feedback hub: App should teach people how to uninstall a program
I've seen many people that think deleting a shortcut from desktop will uninstall the app/program. The Tips app should have clear instructions for how to uninstall an app or program from Windows so people can learn quickly how to do this the proper way. in addition to that, when someone is trying to delete a shortcut of a program or app from desktop, show a non-intrusive bubble or notification next to it to let them know deleting a shortcut won't actually uninstall/delete the program/app. lastly, when I search for "Uninstall" in Tips app, nothing shows up. it says search in Bing instead. Upvote this feedback please: