638 TopicsHow to set up a booking with multiple staff?
Our office just switched to Office 365. I'm used to using calendar/booking software like Calendly etc. I find it easier to send people a booking link than to try to coordinate between multiple people. I need to send a booking link to an external customer but I need the available times to book to be where there is overlap between multiple staff members, and for when the booking is made, it alerts these multiple staff. For instance, I am trying to set up a meeting with an external client, my boss, and myself. I want the external client to be able to only book times that my boss and I are both available, and when they book I want it to include both my boss and myself in the booking. I tried to set up a booking and turned off the "choose staff" option, but instead of booking both of us, it only booked one of us. Is it possible to do what I want to do in the MS booking app?88KViews9likes34CommentsHow to manage a bookings site after the owner leaves the organization
I have done a bit of digging and cannot seem to find this anywhere, so I thought I would try here. I am looking to find out if there is a way to easily manage Bookings sites after a sole owner leaves the organization. I understand that these sites all have back-end mailboxes but I cannot find an easy way to add an owner through powershell or through the Bookings pages even as a Global Admin. Any help or insight would be great!36KViews4likes14CommentsIntegration of personal calendar with bookings calendar
A fundamental requirement to make the app usable is to integrate the user's own 365 calendar with the bookings calendar. Firstly I see this link suggesting that time can be blocked out when the personal calendar is full: Unfortunately, the tick-box option referred to here isn't present on my roll-out. Why is this? Secondly, I'd like to be able to see the booking in the user's own diary - or, at least, to be able to see the Bookings calendar as a calendar set in outlook so I can overlay the two. Is there an option to do this?Solved36KViews0likes44CommentsUsing Bookings with Shared Calendars
We just switched over to Office 365 at work and I want to understand if Microsoft Bookings will be able to work for us or not. We are a charity that runs nature education programs. I have always used multiple shared calendars in order to schedule my staff for classroom programs (two 1-hour programs on separate days), workshops (1-hour programs) and outdoor programs (full day hikes and snowshoes). I have one shared calendar for classroom/workshop programs and one for outdoor programs. Can Bookings book into the shared calendar rather than personal staff calendars? We have full time staff but also contract guides that lead outdoor programs. Staffing is incredibly complex and it would be better if I could assign staff to what gets booked into the shared calendar. Does anyone know if this is possible? Furthermore, we usually have one teacher booking programs for multiple classes. Can they do that all at once or would they have to do 6 different bookings for 6 different classes? Thanks for reading!36KViews0likes8CommentsScheduled appointment email notification
I have assigned one employee from my Staff for one service that we are offering, but when a customer makes an appointment, only customer recives a email notification, but i want employee to also get a notification by email. I have figured out that only "Guest" staff get email notif., but if i set them as Viewer or Administrator, then only customer is getting that notif. Is there i can fix that so everybody get email notifications (employee and customers)?33KViews0likes29CommentsI have an unwanted duplicate Booking page.. How can I remove it?
Hello, I have an unwanted duplicate Booking Page under "Shared booking pages", and I want to remove it. However, I can't just delete it like I normally would in Microsoft 365 Admin Center. The page doesn't behave like a cloned page but rather as if it were a shortcut to the same booking page it duplicated. If I try renaming one page, it will also update the name on the other. In essence if I delete the unwanted page, I will be deleting the one I want to keep as well. The Booking Page URL is exactly the same, so the Booking pages are associated with the same user account in Admin Center and has no way of being distinguished from one another. I realize that this version of Bookings is relatively new and may have some visual display issues. If this is the case, please just let me know so I can ignore this issue. I have attached a screenshot with what any other employee added to the Staff list of the duplicated page and I will see when viewing our shared booking pages. I want there to be only 2 unique pages, not 2 with a duplicate. Any insight or help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.Solved30KViews0likes18CommentsMeeting room allocation on bookings
My organization currently uses calendar to book meetings with a choice to pick a meeting room already registered on the calendar system,but we are looking at using Microsoft bookings instead and everything seems to work fine except that when a meeting room is booked on Microsoft bookings, it is available for booking on the Calendar.How can I stop this from happening?29KViews3likes19CommentsIs it possible to make a staff member not bookable ?
I have set up a booking site with 6 services and 6 staff who are automatically assigned to each of the services. However, I have an extra 3 staff who are admins for this booking sheet. They are not to be bookable but I cannot find a toggle to remove them from being bookable. The reason I want to disable this is that I do not want them to appear in the calendar for the booking sheet. At present, it shows all the 6 staff bookings on the 6 services but also shows the 3 other staff members on the calendar. Either how can I disable these staff on the calendar view or how can I make these staff unbookable? Thanks in Advance Mark28KViews4likes10CommentsBookings Specific Dates
Hello - is it possible to setup bookings for a specific date range? We're trying to setup services for Aug 1 - 10, 2022 ONLY. Right now the work around is to log in each day and edit the schedule policy to reduce the maximum lead time by one day (so services always end on the 10th). Is there a setting to set schedule for specific dates?26KViews0likes5Comments