101 TopicsMeeting Bot issue: Did not receive valid response for JoinCall request from call modality controller
I'm trying to join a Teams Meeting with a bot. I used this sample. When the bot attempts to join I get the popup to admit or deny it in the meeting, but as soon as I click admit, it drops. In the logs I see this message: Call status updated to Terminated - Did not receive valid response for JoinCall request from call modality controller.. DiagCode: 580#5426.@ I am using the latest ( at time of writing) version of Microsoft.Graph.Communications libraries and the problem only started after I updated from that I was using previously. I could not find any info on what the call modality controller is, or how to check what it is responding if anything. Any ideas on how to troublshoot this are welcome.873Views1like9Commentscall details with devce info and participant join,leave time
i am working on teams integration project when i run grap api it does not show data for device and participant timing details graph api for extacting data for call including { "call_id": "004998be-da70-40f6-999a-3c84484c98b1", "start_date_time": "2024-12-17T11:53:14.9897859Z", "end_date_time": "2024-12-17T12:16:55.6045446Z", "participants": [ { "participant_name": "Surbhi Yadav", "join_time": "Unknown", "leave_time": "Unknown" },112Views0likes6CommentsGraph api :Fetching Call Records with Participant Join/Leave Times & Device Information
hello Microsoft Teams Developer Community, I’ve been working on a script to fetch detailed information about call records using the Microsoft Graph API. The script is designed to capture not just the basic call information but also the join and leave times of participants and the devices used during the call.Solved164Views0likes4CommentsTeams Missed Calls Api
Hi, I would like to know if there is a Graph API that gives me information if a peer to peer call between Teams users has not been successful. Or if a call has not been successful because the caller has abandoned the call, therefore it is a missed call. Regards. P.S. based on following documentation, I cannot find any information about what I'am searching for: List callRecords - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn61Views0likes1CommentReal-time Microsoft Teams Phone (PSTN) Events & Bot Joining Calls Automatically
I’m working on a solution to capture real-time events from Microsoft Teams Phone(PSTN Calling), specifically for events like: Outbound calls Inbound calls My goal is not only to capture these events but also to have a bot, built with the Microsoft Bot Framework, join the calls as soon as they start. Here are a few questions I have: Capturing Events: What is the best way to retrieve these specific events in real time? I’ve explored the Microsoft Graph API, but I’m uncertain if it provides what I need for Teams Phone (PSTN Calling). Bot Joining Calls: How can I programmatically have the bot join a call automatically? I’ve read about call automation and using the Graph API for joining calls, but not sure how to get the meeting id of teams phone (pstn) calls real or near real-time. Any advice or relevant documentation would be really helpful! Thanks!132Views0likes1CommentCalling a bot endpoint and answer
I built a bot in Teams which have the following Calling endpoint. when the bot is called, i receive the following message at my Api endpoint via the "AnswerCall" method: { "id": "1adecac7-2911-4335-8253-362c59694c56", "participants": [ { "identity": "29:1IwDeUzZgQ07weRUHF187SDIUrN-pe6Q95bQMHq-uDoPHHA_RjxFHIy-Qa0BeTUDyLfpKNVQp6TmETTF6MqB3Rw", "participantId": "948a3788-0318-48ef-bd38-14d825f41d45", "endpointId": "da4303d8-e86b-44dc-9e1d-120db8a7b60e", "languageId": "en-US", "tenantId": "664f8a72-63a7-4e25-b660-c4dd7c962773", "region": "emea", "originator": true, "isHidden": false, "endPointType": "default" }, { "identity": "28:a368f612-e639-42eb-b63e-1c7199f1433f", "participantId": "1adecac7-2911-4335-8253-362c59694c56", "endpointId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "originator": false, "isHidden": false, "endPointType": "default" } ], "isMultiparty": false, "presentedModalityTypes": [ "audio" ], "callState": "incoming", "tenantId": "664f8a72-63a7-4e25-b660-c4dd7c962773" } according to this documentation i should be able to answer or get the call by calling Graph API. GET /app/calls/{id} GET{id} but i always receive the following error: { "error": { "code": "BadRequest", "message": "Resource not found for the segment 'calls'.", "innerError": { "request-id": "886f8e9b-522f-40e0-a10f-ced9a054708e", "date": "2019-10-10T14:08:10" } } } The Question is: am i using the correct call Id from the message? "id": "1adecac7-2911-4335-8253-362c59694c56" P.S: I can call other Graph API (Beta version) Methods like Get Users and it works. so i don't have any authentication problem. and also i set all the permission which is required for my app in AAD. Thank you , E.A1.4KViews0likes2CommentsPSI Bot not adding in Teams meeting
Hi, I have been working on PSI bot for quite a while now. It was working fine, but today, suddenly it is not wokring. Like when i am trying to add it in the meeting, all my routes return 200, but I cannot see the bot added in the meeting. Can anyone please help this is urgent?595Views0likes6CommentsMS teams calling bot fails with internal server error
Hi there, I'm attempting to get a calling bot running locally by following this repo/guide: I've got the bot running locally but when I send a Postman request, I get the following error: ScenarioId: { "oldResource": { "@odata.type": "", "state": "establishing", "direction": "outgoing", "callbackUri": "", "callRoutes": [], "source": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.participantInfo", "identity": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet", "application": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", "displayName": "RecordingBot.Services", "id": "e9a3211c-7fe5-499c-ac09-daf37aa858fc" }, "acsUser": null, "spoolUser": null, "phone": null, "guest": null, "encrypted": null, "onPremises": null, "acsApplicationInstance": null, "spoolApplicationInstance": null, "applicationInstance": null }, "participantId": null }, "targets": [], "requestedModalities": [ "audio", "video" ], "mediaConfig": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.appHostedMediaConfig", "blob": "{\"mpUri\":\"net.tcp://\",\"audioRenderContexts\":[\"b72e0949-7228-489f-bb49-966b26deb2a1\"],\"videoRender Contexts\":[null],\"audioSourceContexts\":[null],\"videoSourceContexts\":[],\"dataRenderContexts\":null,\"dataSourceContexts\":null,\"supportedAudioFormat\":\"Pcm 16K\",\"videoSinkEncodingFormats\":[\"Yuv\"],\"mpMediaSessionId\":\"1ae2157d-f1fe-4c60-983f-f4fb562e5309\",\"regionAffinity\":null,\"skypeMediaBotsVersion\":\"1.1 9.0.0025\",\"mediaStackVersion\":\"2020.18.1.16\",\"mpVersion\":\"\",\"callId\":\"44d35298-87e3-400f-a401-90e8715b23d4\",\"receiveUnmixedMeetingAudio\": true}" }, "chatInfo": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.chatInfo", "threadId": "19:meeting_M2JmYjRhYzMtZDZlZi00M2UyLTk4YzEtMzlhOGY4OWE3MjY1@thread.v2", "messageId": "0" }, "callOptions": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.outgoingCallOptions", "isContentSharingNotificationEnabled": null, "isWatermarkSupported": null, "hideBotAfterEscalation": null, "allowGuestToBypassLobby": null }, "meetingInfo": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.organizerMeetingInfo", "organizer": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet", "user": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", "id": "f353f265-2c71-41c1-9537-9df59b7f2965", "tenantId": "<omitted>" } } }, "tenantId": "<omitted>", "myParticipantId": "2fd4cc44-e7cf-4acd-8b1a-42d05515d207", "callChainId": "e6c9c043-85e6-4d4f-ad16-b522e9f18156", "id": "671f6100-cd61-4ab4-9fff-4ce505a65789" }, "newResource": { "@odata.type": "", "state": "terminated", "resultInfo": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.resultInfo", "code": 500, "subcode": 3003, "message": "Server Internal Error. DiagCode: 500#3003.@" }, "chatInfo": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.chatInfo", "threadId": "19:meeting_M2JmYjRhYzMtZDZlZi00M2UyLTk4YzEtMzlhOGY4OWE3MjY1@thread.v2", "messageId": "0" }, "meetingInfo": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.organizerMeetingInfo", "organizer": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet", "user": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", "id": "f353f265-2c71-41c1-9537-9df59b7f2965", "tenantId": "<omitted>" } } }, "tenantId": "<omitted>", "callChainId": "e6c9c043-85e6-4d4f-ad16-b522e9f18156", "id": "671f6100-cd61-4ab4-9fff-4ce505a65789" }, "resourcePath": "communications/calls/671f6100-cd61-4ab4-9fff-4ce505a65789", "additionalData": { "scenario-Id": "4a1d92d3-b494-4b32-b35c-deec227fa47c", "x-Forwarded-For": "", "x-Forwarded-Host": "", "x-Forwarded-Proto": "https", "x-Microsoft-Skype-Chain-Id": "e6c9c043-85e6-4d4f-ad16-b522e9f18156", "x-Microsoft-Skype-Message-Id": "ab717a35-7f75-4876-b3b6-f0c60e6e66dc", "accept": "application/json", "accept-Encoding": "gzip", "authorization": "Bearer <omitted>", "host": "localhost:9441", "user-Agent": "Microsoft-Skype/3.0,(Calling/1.0)", "content-Length": "973", "content-Type": "application/json", "callbackUri": "https://localhost:9441/0/api/calling/notification" } } Does anyone know where this might be failing? Thanks.1.7KViews0likes2CommentsGraph api - MS Teams Meeting Recording link
Hi Team, We are setting up meetings within O365 Group and trying to get the meetings information of given Group ID using the below graph api{guid}/events?$orderby=createdDateTime What we are now interested is, Can we get the MS Teams meeting recording link along with the event details? Do we have support from Graph api to get the Teams meeting recording details. Thanks & Regards, Bhanu7.2KViews2likes5Comments