103 TopicsLogitech Brio stop working after windows 11 build 22581 update (Beta channel)
Hello, I've just installed Windows 11 build 22581 from the Windows Insider Beta channel last night. Since then, my Logitech Brio camera stop working. My Logitech Brio was configured on my computer for Windows Hello facial authentication, so I'm sure it was working just fine before the update since I use it each time I'm logging in. I've tested the camera on antoher compter, it works fine. I've updated the camera to the latest firmware on this other computer just in case, but it doesn't help. Back on my main computer, the camera still appears in the Device Manager, but the device is not accessible from apps like the Camera app. I've tried the uninstall the device, then perform a scan to add it back in. The device is added but is not working... When I try the "Restore driver" option, it says that "the driver is not build for this plateform" Finally, I've tried to switch from the Beta to the Dev channel, just in case a fix was already available. But this seems not to be the case. So here I am Thanks in advance for you help.41KViews3likes34Comments[SOLVED] Memory Integrity bounces back to "turned off" state after Windows restart - fast ring 19536
This is an old post and the issue is no longer relevant. This has been happening since a couple of builds ago as well. I turn on the Memory Integrity in Core isolation section of Windows Defender, then after a restart or two, I go check again and see it's turned off. it usually happens when I uninstall a program that needs to be restarted. but it also happens when I uninstall a software that does Not need Windows restart to finish uninstall process. & TV app should be able to resume videos from where we left off
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