Formulas and Functions
24572 TopicsConditional formatting for entire row based on data in one cell
I need all cells in a row to highlight a certain color if the data in one cell contains a specific word. What I specifically want is for an entire row to turn grey if the status cell contains the word "SHIPPED." I know how to make that specific cell highlight the color I want, but not the entire row of the sheet. Thank you for your help!Solved3.4MViews6likes131CommentsCombine data from 2 columns into 1 column
I want to do this, but with 2 columns of data. We have a sheet with area codes in one field and phone numbers in another. I need the 2 pieces of data in one field for a list of 500 phone numbers. Do I have to do them one at a time???? Combine data with the Ampersand symbol (&) Select the cell where you want to put the combined data. Type = and select the first cell you want to combine. Type & and use quotation marks with a space enclosed. Select the next cell you want to combine and press enter. An example formula might be =A2&" "&B2.1.9MViews3likes13CommentsExcel Date Picker
Hello , I would like to add date picker on an excel sheet. The goal is to create an excel file and have this sent to users to fill in. When filling the excel, and click on the start date, a calendar dropdown should appear and users select the date from the calendar so as to eliminate different date format and make it unique across the document. I was able to get a date picker add-in however this wont work because I am sending to users please see below:632KViews0likes13CommentsDeleting rows that contain specific content
Copying records from a source into excel, each record copies over as either 2 or 3 lines. Nearly every record contains a unique line with the word "search" in it. I don't need those lines in my spreadsheet, but don't know how to write a macro that will delete only rows that contain that specific word. I'm sure its simple, but my programming knowledge is minimal. Any help would be greatly appreciated!Solved560KViews0likes9CommentsHow can I extract URL from hyperlinks?
I have a worksheet where one column contains hyperlinks (like created with =HYPERLINK(link;text)). How can I create a formula extracting link urls from those hyperlinks? I've tried dozen of search queries and carefully read everything found, but couldn't find a way.504KViews2likes27CommentsFormulas Not Calculating in Workbook
Hello, I have a very large workbook with many formulas across different sheets. I currently have this workbook set to manual calculations only. And it is saved in a Sharepoint Directory with autosave enabled. When the source data for this workbook is updated. None of the formulas are updating when 1. The Calculate Now button is pressed. 2. The workbook is set back to automatic calculation. 3. When the work book is manually saved and closed. I have noticed another issue. When I go to File > Options. The Options dialogue never appears. I am wondering if anyone else have experienced this issue, and if so have been able to successfully troubleshoot the problem?470KViews0likes5CommentsCopying Conditional formatting with relative cell referencces in the formula desn't work
I have a cell H19 conditionally formatted "Format values where this formula is true" with: ="h19>$C$19" and then the colour green When I copying the cell with Format Painter to cells H20 to H90, the formula doesn't change the relative reference to h20, h21.. h90 etc.. It stays as h19. What am I doing wrong?460KViews0likes62CommentsAnnouncing LAMBDA: Turn Excel formulas into custom functions
Today we are releasing to our Beta customers a new capability that will revolutionize how you build formulas in Excel. Excel formulas are the world’s most widely used programming language, yet one of the more basic principles in programming has been missing, and that is the ability to use the formula language to define your own re-usable functions.455KViews29likes227Comments