18 TopicsFor sharing screen
Hi to all, during metting (on desktop app) when sharing the screen, the shared scrceen slowly pixelate to gray to participants. At the end all screen is gray. This happen also with my desktop app (version 25017.203.3370.1174.) Anyone else has thi problem? Thanks Andrea82Views0likes10CommentsHide bar at top of teams sharing
Hi all When I share my screen in meetings it involves using a browser i.e. I`m presenting things using google chrome. I get a bar asking me to change my screen size/settings etc on teams. It's frustrating because I have to click away or wait a moment. Is there a way to stop this from appearing?? thanks!Solved439KViews52likes133CommentsWhen screen sharing people see black screen
Hi, I had Thinkpad laptop and was using additional monitor on and off without any issues and suddenly since 2-3 weeks, when I am trying to share my screen, people are just seeing black screen. This is with both option i,e. when using laptop alone and also with additional monitor. Note there were no issues earlier. Last weekend, I got a new laptop which is MS Surface 3, and after installing all MS apps on this machine, I am having the same issue. This is without any additional monitors. This is causing issues for me and my team and would appreciate quick resolution. Thanks and Regards, VirenSolved185KViews3likes52CommentsCollaborating with Team on Reading Materials
Hi there, We are looking at the best way to collaborate with our group to share books they would recommend to read and then for the rest of the groups to 'like' the recommendation and it to appear in order of most likes. We would share this in a Microsoft Teams Groups - is there anything in teams that could help with this or something we can link outside of teams? Many thanks, Vicky882Views0likes1CommentFeature request: Share screen window
Hello, I have a large widescreen 35" monitor, and when I share the full-screen other people can't see it all as it shrinks to fit their normal 24" monitor. My request is for a share screen window. This would be like a whiteboard area where I can drag and drop documents for others to see. I know I can switch applications but this become cumbersome when I have different ones to shareSolved1KViews2likes2CommentsFile sharing with annonymous during video meeting
Does anyone know if it works below? We disabled Teams option that “annoymous can join the meeting” because it may cause data leakage during Video conference with external resources. Also our Onedrive / Sharepoint file sharing policy is that “Allowing file sharing at the organization level” so we restrict external file sharing. but As far as I know, Teams file sharing is based on Onedrive and Sharepoint policy if we enable “Annoymouse can join the meeting” option,In this case, our employees won't be able to share confidencial files to annoymouses during the video meeting. is this correct? Could you please provide us some clue or simulation result saying that It is true? I would like to have clear evidence it would be great if I can find an official answer from Microsoft. Thank you for your help.Solved1.3KViews0likes4Commentscan not move video files between channels in teams
Good day all, I have an issue with moving video files from one channel in teams to another. The video file size is 258Mb. It acts like it uploads but takes forever and no response in the end. Please any experienced this issue before? Is there a limited file size for moving files on teams? I need an urgent response as It affects productivity in my organization. Thank you.Solved1.5KViews1like3CommentsTeams shows edge tabs, not the window when trying to share, and it does not work
When i am trying to share a Edge Chromium window with Teams, I get all the tabs in the browser shown to share and not just one window. See screen shot. I can select a tab and share but it does not work. Anyone that knows how to fix this. Google Chrome just shows up as one window and works fine no matter how many tabs are open.Solved9.2KViews2likes13CommentsSharing PDF on Microsoft Teams
Good morning, I am trying to upload a PDF to TEAMS to share with my students. They need to see the book on their screen as we are going through the lesson. I went to the share box with the arrow and tried to upload it. A message appears saying that it can not be uploaded. How can I upload and share with my students so they are able to read it from their screen? Also, I had eight students that signed into teams but I could only see two students. However, I could not see them at the same time. It would flip between the two students. How do I get all students to appear on the screen at the same time? Thank you for any help you can provide.31KViews1like1CommentFreigabe Word Teams außerhalb Organisation
Hallo alle zusammen, ich habe ein Word-Dokument in einem Team erstellt in MS Teams. Dieses Dokument möchte ich auch anderen freigeben per Link, die nicht Teil der Organisation sind. Dafür habe ich das Dokument in Word online geöffnet. Unter Freigeben steht, dass ich das nicht Personen außerhalb der Organisation freigeben kann. Diese Option ist von meiner Organisation deaktiviert. Bei Sharepoint ist das selbe. Ich bin Administrator. Diese Seite habe ich mir angeschaut: Wie kann ich das allen erlauben? LGSolved1.7KViews0likes5Comments