Task manager
5 TopicsEdge features list
While I appreciate the effort the developers put into expanding the Edge functionality, I also get frustrated when functionality doesn't have proper policies to turn it on/off. A few examples: - Read Aloud msedge.exe --disable-features=msReadAloud,msShowReadAloudIconInAddressBar Currently this works, but there is no policy equivalent - Citations msedge.exe --disable-features=msEdgeCitations Currently this works, but there is no policy equivalent - Sharing Setting policy 'configure the share experience' to disabled does a good job of hiding the newer sharing hub flyout menu. Sadly enough, when selecting the address from the address bar (omnibox) you are presented with a 'Create QR code for this page' button instead. I have not found a way to turn off the QR Code Generator. - Window Naming No policy or command line parameter exists to turn off this feature as far as I know - Bookmarks toolbar button No policy or command line parameter exists to turn off this feature as far as I know. The only way this is configurable at the moment is by specifying 'show_toolbar_bookmarks_button' in the initial_preferences file, which doesn't work well in combination with ephemeral profiles. (only works one time - and many others... Just to be clear: I'm already running edge in kiosk (public browsing) mode. You would expect a minimal UI with a titlebar, optionally a (read-only) addressbar,... But instead you're presented with all that clutter. Even access to the ellipsis menu button, task manager, breakouts to other websites through 'Help and Feedback' > 'What's new', 'Report unsafe website',... are still available in kiosk mode. The only other option that exists is to run the browser in digital signage kiosk mode, but then the user gets a full-screen experience with no access to other applications in Windows. So that's useless if you want to give the user access to more than 1 application. I understand Edge works like Chrome with prefs, settings, features, switches and flags. But I really hope that proper policies are going to be put in place for every feature open to the main public. Customizability is key for large enterprise environments. Now that I got that off my chest... Does anybody know if Microsoft has documented the different prefs, settings, features, switches and flags somewhere? Some of it I can find by reading the Chromium source code, but Microsoft changes to Edge are of course not there.8.2KViews2likes5CommentsProvide a Search function in Task Manager
I want to be able to press CTRL + F to search through Processes or running Programs in Task Manager. sometimes I don't know the exact name of the program, whether its process name has prefixes or not, so a search function would help find it easily by typing the word I know from that program. Please upvote this feedback: https://aka.ms/AA7e9qd3.7KViews1like2Comments