data curator
2 TopicsUpdates to Assets Prevent Future Scan Updates
We've been working with Purview slowly over the last few days. Today I was able to scan some heavily used on-prem SQL server databases. Once the scan was complete I went into the assets, located the first asset I wanted to classify, and started to add a description. The minute I clicked Edit on the asset a warning appeared stating "Making a manual update to the asset will prevent future scans on this asset from updating it." As a software developer, I understand why this might be necessary, however as a member of the data governance team it concerns me. I need the ability to add classifications/glossary terms/contacts/descriptions to newly discovered assets, but I'd also like scanning to update the schema as the asset changes based on information found in scans. Is the functionality to edit an asset manually and receive updates from scans something that is on the roadmap? Will it be available in GA?5.9KViews3likes8Comments