625 TopicsOneDrive for Business (Plan 2) Limits
I'm part of a workplace that currently uses Google Workspace for Enterprise but we're looking to switch to Microsoft OneDrive right now and I have a few questions. First of all I want to say that the only thing we care about is cloud storage. We work in video and therefore need the unlimited storage that OneDrive for Business (Plan 2) is supposed to give. We don't need any of the Office365 stuff and other apps and services that can be added on. This link tells me that Plan 2 for Business gives us unlimited storage for $10/user/month. Of course the conditions say: > Unlimited individual cloud storage for qualifying plans for subscriptions of five or more users, otherwise 1 TB/user. Microsoft will initially provide 1 TB/user of OneDrive for Business storage, which admins can increase to 5 TB/user. Request additional storage by contacting Microsoft support. Storage up to 25 TB/user is provisioned in OneDrive for Business. Beyond 25 TB, storage is provisioned as 25 TB SharePoint team sites to individual users. I intend to add 5-10 users to the organization so I definitely qualify. So, let's say I first increase the limit to 5TB/user to get 25TB total, do I need to wait till I hit 25TB to ask for more? When the conditions say "Beyond 25 TB, storage is provisioned as 25 TB SharePoint team sites to individual users", I have to ask Microsoft for it. I'm wondering what kind of process this is. Do I have to explain exactly what I'm using it for. Is it a lengthy process, or is it just a simple email and they give me a new Sharepoint. Now about SharePoints, I'm not sure how they work, but from what I understand they're limited to 25TB/sharepoint. But when they say it is "provisioned as 25 TB SharePoint team sites to individual users", can multiple sharepoints be provisioned to the same user. $10/user would be $100/month for 10 users. So essentially I could add 250TB in SharePoints. But can I add more SharePoints on top of that to the same users, cus we're way over that on Google already. Or would I have to add more users for each new SharePoint. Next, does it make any difference if I get SharePoint Plan 2 instead of ODfB Plan 2. Also, this link says that the total storage per organization is 1TB plus 10gb/license. What is this talking about and is it related to ODfB. Lastly, how hard would it be for me to move my stored files from Google Drive to OneDrive. Right now, it's sitting at over 500TB. Would we have to hire some other service or is there something we can use provided my Microsoft for this kind of process.128KViews0likes6CommentsAdd and Open files shared with you in windows explorer (OneDrive for Business)
Is there any way to add and open files shared with me onto my OneDrive -- ie. To work on those files directly on my windows explorer folder, under my local OneDrive folder? Came across this article However can't seem to find the option to Add a shared folder to my Onedrive. Suspect perhaps its not available on the business version of OneDrive? Currently using the latest OneDrive for Business client (version 2016, build 17.3.6743.1212).Solved127KViews2likes6CommentsInclude files in OneDrive sync without copying them
Hi, This may be something already discussed and seems to be in the User Voice forums. I'd like to know if there is a way to include existing folders or files, similar to folder redirection, for files and folders scattered around the computer, so they can be backed up, but without copying them to the OneDrive sync folder. This is pretty fundamental, as when they are copied, they are duplicated, and document versioning issues again come to the fore. This must be the most basic of features that doens't appear to be offered with the OneDrive client. I, and most of my customers, need this functionality and I don't see any way to enable it or to apply a workaround. If this has already been discussed, or if indeed I can achieve this, please let me know. Appreciate the help!Solved114KViews7likes31CommentsOne Drive and iOS Files app connection issue
Hi, I’m using the iOS Files app to connect to One Drive. Recently I have experienced the following problem when trying to connect to One Drive. Files app displays the error message, Content Unavailable. The folder contents could not be displayed because of an unknown error - try again. I have deleted the One Drive and iOS Files app and reinstalled and tried to connect again but the problem continues. I have logged an issue with One Drive but we seem to be going around in circles and the agent doesn’t get the issue, even after sending a screen recording of what’s happening. Any ideas what’s going on as it’s doing my head in?93KViews12likes66CommentsAnnouncing New File Viewers Available for OneDrive For Business
Our vision here on the OneDrive for Business and SharePoint team has always been to give you the best experience for all your files. While you’ve always been able to store basically any file with us, we have been investing heavily in our web viewing technology and now view over 250 different file formats (see below for the full list) in OneDrive and SharePoint! In the past, if you had native Adobe formats like Photoshop and Illustrator, 3D files, DICOM images, or even some of our own formats like Visio, you would have to resort to a separate viewer (or worse, pay for a third-party solution to manage these files when your organization may already be getting OneDrive with Office 365). Today, we are excited to announce support for these formats, and more. Last year at Microsoft Ignite, we added support for major Adobe file formats, including Photoshop (PSD) and Illustrator (AI), in addition to our long-standing support for the Acrobat format (PDF). Also last year, we improved our video player to make your experience significantly faster by streaming high-quality videos without requiring them to fully download before playback. Today, we build on that to add support for 3D formats (3MF, FBX, OBJ, PLY, STL), and this lines up very nicely with what we have previewed in the Windows 10 Creators Update, which is coming soon (more information available here: Of course, we are completely cross-platform, so Mac and Linux users get seamless 3D support in OneDrive and SharePoint, all without requiring any browser plug-ins. If you’re in the healthcare field, we’ve also added support for DICOM images, with much more coming later in the year – letting you view x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and more through OneDrive and SharePoint, which is fully HIPAA compliant by the way ( And saving perhaps the best for last, we’ve integrated Visio (VSD, VSDX) viewing as well, making it much easier to share your ideas with the world using OneDrive and Visio together. When you consider all of this, plus the plethora of other files we support viewing, including Office files (where we support editing and coauthoring across web, desktop, and mobile) to even viewing and editing source code, we hope it’s clear that OneDrive is the place for all your files! We aren’t done of course, and we will keep bringing even more file formats to our viewers in the future and will keep you updated as we do. Finally, we’re eager to hear from you on what formats we should tackle next – either in the comments below, or on our UserVoice site, here - Thanks Nicolas Cabeen - OneDrive/SharePoint Program Manager PS – here’s the full list of file types that we now support viewing online in OneDrive for Business and SharePoint. Documents: csv, doc, docm, docx, dotx, eml, msg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, pot, potm, potx, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, rtf, vsd, vsdx, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx Images: ai, arw, bmp, cr2, eps, erf, gif, ico, icon, jpeg, jpg, mrw, nef, orf, pict, png, psd, tif, tiff Video: 3gp, m4v, mov, mp4, wmv 3D: 3mf, fbx, obj, ply, stl Medical: dcm, dcm30, dic, dicm, dicom Text and code: abap, ada, adp, ahk, as, as3, asc, ascx, asm, asp, awk, bash, bash_login, bash_logout, bash_profile, bashrc, bat, bib, bsh, build, builder, c, c++, capfile, cc, cfc, cfm, cfml, cl, clj, cls, cmake, cmd, coffee, cpp, cpt, cpy, cs, cshtml, cson, csproj, css, ctp, cxx, d, ddl, di, dif, diff, disco, dml, dtd, dtml, el, emakefile, erb, erl, f, f90, f95, fs, fsi, fsscript, fsx, gemfile, gemspec, gitconfig, go, groovy, gvy, h, h++, haml, handlebars, hbs, hcp, hh, hpp, hrl, hs, htc, hxx, idl, iim, inc, inf, ini, inl, ipp, irbrc, jade, jav, java, js, jsp, jsx, l, less, lhs, lisp, log, lst, ltx, lua, m, make, markdn, markdown, md, mdown, mkdn, ml, mli, mll, mly, mm, mud, nfo, opml, osascript, out, p, pas, patch, php, php2, php3, php4, php5, phtml, pl, plist, pm, pod, pp, profile, properties, ps1, pt, py, pyw, r, rake, rb, rbx, rc, re, readme, reg, rest, resw, resx, rhtml, rjs, rprofile, rpy, rss, rst, rxml, s, sass, scala, scm, sconscript, sconstruct, script, scss, sgml, sh, shtml, sml, sql, sty, tcl, tex, text, textile, tld, tli, tmpl, tpl, txt, vb, vi, vim, wsdl, xhtml, xml, xoml, xsd, xsl, xslt, yaml, yaws, yml, zsh86KViews19likes61CommentsSharing the same file across different Onedrive Folders
Is it possible to upload a link, and link it so its located on multiple folders on OneDrive? The purpose would be to ensure that while the file exists in multiple folders, editing it in one location would ensure that the changes propagate to wherever the file is.74KViews8likes27Comments